Sapphire Suites

Falling in Love with a Narcissist


- Your POV -
I ran fast. Where I was going? I do not know. Maybe go home? Yeah, that's a good one. But I'll be cutting classes. Fine, I'll just go to the rooftop.
- Rooftop -
I sat down on the floor and cried. Who was he to say that anyway? He doesn't even know anything about me, and then he blabbers something.
After a few minutes, the door opened. Revealing Gi Kwang and the others. 
" GO AWAY FROM ME! " I yelled at him.
" Look, I was just kidding- " Gi Kwang started but I cut him off.
" I'm sorry! " he yelled back.
" That's what they always say. Apologizing then the next day doing it again " I sarcastically told him while rubbing my eyes.
Gi Kwang looked at me. I glared back at him. Who knew I could be scary?
" I'm serious " Gi Kwang said.
" I am too " I told him.
The others were just standing by the door, probably afraid to get caught up. They should be.
" I know that I'm cheerful everyday, but I didn't think that you would consider me as someone weak " I said.
Gi Kwang lowered his head.
" I AM SO MAD AT YOU " I hissed at him.
" That's why I'm apologizing " Gi Kwang said as he took a step closer to me.
" I HATE YOU! " I yelled.
He grabbed my hand and I yanked it away from him immediately.
" Do not touch me " I warned him.
" How can you be so stubborn? " he asked with a sigh.
" How can you be such a jerk? " I asked him back.
I was still crying hard. I was really mad at him for saying that.  I was also breathing hard. He walked towards me again, and I stepped back.
" Stop crying, you'll ruin your pretty face " Gi Kwang said.
" Don't use your charms on me 'cause it's not working " I shrugged.
I rubbed my eyes and wiped my tears. But more came. 
" Well then , what do I do for you to forgive me? " he asked.
" You think I'll forgive you if you do something nice? It's no use " I smirked at him with my tear-streaked face.
I sank down on my knees and continued sobbing. The words that Gi Kwang told me a while ago kept on replaying in my head.
" I am so mad at you " I muttered.
He touched my face and I slapped him again. 
" How could you say that? Many were listening too. I was so humiliated " I said in between sobs.
" I was just teasing you " Gi Kwang reasoned.
" You went WAY overboard. " I glared at him with my red eyes.
" We agree. " the other suddenly spoke up.
Then they surrounded me and comforted me.
" How much do you intend on making her life miserable? " Jinki asked Gi Kwang.
" I thought it was fun " Gi Kwang replied coolly.
" Talk about selfish " I muttered.
" Well, you've had your fun. She's crying. And you were to live with her too " Sungmin told him.
Then suddenly, Gi Kwang held my hand, pulled me up, carried me bridal style then ran down the stairs, ignoring the protests of the other guys.
" Where are you taking me?! " I yelled as I shoved him, but his grip was tight on me.
" My car " he replied.
" WHAT?! Let me go! " I yelled as I struggled, but to no avail.
" No way " he replied.
As soon as we arrived in the parking lot, he ran to his car, opened the passenger seat then placed me inside. He activated the lock on the door on my side so that it can't be opened from the inside. Then he sat down on the driver's seat and revved the engine then sped off.
" Where are we going? " I asked him.
" My place, I'll go get my things then we'll go to your condo unit " he replied.
" Who said that you're living with me? " I protested as I looked at him.
" I said so " he replied.
After a few minutes, we arrived at his place. He left me alone but I couldn't unbuckle my seatbelt. What kind of car does he have?! 20 minutes later, he had many bags then he placed it inside his car. 
" Where do you live? " he asked me.
" I won't tell you " I said.
" You're making this hard on me "
" I don't care "
" Tell me! " Gi Kwang shouted.
" Don't tell me that you don't know the most expensive condominium? " I asked him mockingly.
" Of course! The Sapphire Suits! " he exclaimed then headed to the tall luxurious building. 
- The Sapphire Suits -
As soon as we entered, the guard acknowledged me and bowed.
" Who is he? " the guard asked me.
" He'll be living with me " I said with disgust.
" Are you sure he's not forcing you? " 
" I had no choice. He had to live with me " I replied.
The guard bowed to us and opened the locked sliding doors leading to the elevators. But of course, he inspected Gi Kwang's things first.
- My Condominium Unit -
" It's big for a unit. " Gi Kwang muttered as he placed down his bags.
" This unit has 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and my weapons room " I informed him.
" You have a weapons room? " he asked me.
" You got a problem with that? " I glared at him.
" You're still mad at me? " he asked.
" OF COURSE I AM! " I yelled at him.
Then suddenly he started walking towards me while I started backing up. Then I hit the wall. Dead end.
" What do you want? " I hissed at him.
He just stared at me.
" I hate you- " he cut me off.
He suddenly cornered me using his arms, then trapping my body with his. Then he kissed me.
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Wehh i used to love this story because it is soo funny! too bad you didnt finish it
jerhyl #2
please update your story. I want to know what happens next! haha<br />
update more:">
Omg! Hehe thanks for the update. I gotta say yoseob's face is hilarious in the pic.
WOA~~~~<br />
They so cute ~!<br />
Will be a good couple !<br />
Update soon ^^
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. jknhdwjfnwjf. kikiwang that sneaky boy. x))<br />
can't wait for the next update~! :D
Naws :) waiting for the next ep :L such a cliff hanger XD can't wait :) get well soon! Dw u could always audition nexr semester or next year XD
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <3<br />
cant wait for the next update~ :)<br />
yeah i hate being sick. T_T