That's It.

Falling in Love with a Narcissist


- Your POV -
I admit that I was shocked to see Gi Kwang defend me. 
" Even you! What kind of magic spell do you have?! " Jessica yelled at Gi Kwang, then at me.
And with that, she stormed off.
" Woah. I never knew you liked ~~~~~~~~ " Kevin said with a pat on Gi Kwang's back.
" Me? Like her? Impossible " Gi Kwang replied  with a smirk.
" Then, what was that for? " Sungmin asked.
" I just don't like girls fighting over me " he answered.
" WHAT?! WE WEREN'T FIGHTING OVER YOU! " I yelled at him.
" Oh, is that what you do to guys who defend you? " Gi Kwang argued.
" You weren't really defending me! You were just showing off! " I replied.
" I was not! "
" Yes you were! "
We argued like that until the other guys from my group pulled me away before I kill Gi Kwang and his stupid attitude. When I finally calmed down, they let me go. But I still shot Gi Kwang dagger looks. He just kept on smirking.
" Are you okay now? " Siwon asked me.
" Yeah. Thanks for pulling me away. I might have killed him " I replied as I glared at Gi Kwang.
" Come on! We all know you're pretty! " Jinki said.
" I'm not pretty " I answered with a small smile.
" Yes you are " Dong Woon joined.
" If she doesn't want to be called pretty, let her be " the narcisstic jerk said.
" By the way, I forgot to tell you that you're not attractive " I told Gi Kwang.
" That's okay, girls like you don't really know how to judge guys if they're handsome or not " he replied.
" Whatever " I answered as I rolled my eyes.
" Miss ~~~~~~~~, will you please come here in front? " the school director suddenly announced.
I was stunned. But I reluctantly went to the stage. Everyone was looking at me. Why did he want me onstage anyway? 
" You have excellent skills in the hunting! " the director praised me.
I just smiled at him and bowed. The guys from my team cheered. Again, except for the stupid narcissist. 
" Where did you get that skills? " he asked me.
" I have been trained for that when I was young " I replied.
" So, you know self-defense? "
" Not really, usually they're just my instincts working fast. When I was young, I had bodyguards, so I don't really have to defend myself " I answered.
" What about now? I heard you're living alone " 
" I live in a condominium here with the highest security " 
" Okay, so beware of the guys lurking around! That's all! " he said then I went back to my group.
" You live alone? " Kevin and Dong Woon asked.
I nodded.
" How about your financial needs? " Ryeowook and Jonghyun asked.
" I have enough money to cover my lifetime because of my parents " I answered.
" Then why did they leave you? " Gi Kwang asked.
" None of your business " I hissed at him.
" So scary! " Gi Kwang sarcastically said.
" On top of that, you don't know how to defend yourself " Siwon said.
" I should be just fine, with my instincts " I replied.
" But you still need to be careful! " Kevin warned.
I nodded with a smile. I could feel Gi Kwang's eyes on me.
" What? " I asked him.
" Huh? " he asked.
" Why are you staring at me? " 
" I wasn't staring at you " he said defensively.
" Awww! Lover's quarrel! " the others teased.
" Were not lovers! " I squealed.
"Who said that he can't fall in love with you? " Jonghyun told us.
" That's impossible. She's not even hot " Gi Kwang replied.
" And I wouldn't fall for that kind of guy! He's a jerk " I said with a smile.
" What did you say? " Gi Kwang hissed at me.
" I said that you're a jerk " I said to him.
" You can't be like that during the real hunting " Jinki told us and the others nodded.
" Don't worry about me. But I don't know about him " I said.
" No problem! " Gi Kwang defensively said.
" Lee Gi Kwang! Will you please come here? " the director announced again.
He stood up walked up front.
- Lee Gi Kwang's POV -
I walked up to the stage. When I looked at the students, the girls were swooning again. Others were cheering.
" I have something to ask of you " the director whispered to me.
" What is it? " I whispered back.
" Can you please stay with Miss ~~~~~~~~ in her condominium unit? " 
" WHAT?! " I exclaimed.
The students suddenly looked at me in confusion. The director excused ourselves from the stage and went to the backstage.
" Well, she lives alone. And you too. " he said.
" She can handle herself " I told him.
" But she's still a girl. And I heard she's receiving threats " the director insisted.
After a few moments, I nodded hesitantly.
" Thank you very much! For that, you receive plus points in your Biology exam " the director said and I brightened up.
Then I went back to the group.
- Your POV -
" What did he say? " Kevin asked Gi Kwang.
Gi Kwang looked at me.
" What? " I asked him.
" Is it true that you're receiving threats from anonymous persons? " he asked me.
" That's none of your business " I rolled my eyes.
" Just answer " I was shocked at his serious tone.
I looked at him. After a few staring moments, I nodded.
" Really? " the other guys asked.
" Yeah. " I replied as I lowered my head.
" Why did you ask? " I asked Gi Kwang.
" Because the director told me to live with you " Gi Kwang answered.
" HUH?! Are you kidding me? " I yelled at him.
" No, I'm not " he replied sternly.
" And now they'll be living together " Jonghyun teased again.
" Yah, don't do anything to our princess, Gi Kwang " Siwon and the others glared at him.
" And now she's a princess " Gi Kwang muttered.
" Of course she is! She's the only girl in our group. " Jinki defended.
" I really won't do anything to her! I don't even find her interesting " Gi Kwang replied.
" Oppa! I thought you find her interesting? Were you lying? " a girl with ponytails suddenly butted in.
" Ah, I wasn't lying! I was just teasing her! " Gi Kwang nervously stuttered as he pulled my arm and I ended up sitting in his lap.
" YAH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? " I yelled at him.
When the girl left with a glare at me, Gi Kwang suddenly pushed me off his lap and I ended up landing on the floor.
" Don't do that! " Kevin told him.
" He's lying to other girls so that they'll be making my life miserable. " I told the others.
" Really? Don't worry, we'll protect you from them " Jinki said as the other nodded. Gi Kwang remained impassive as ever.
" Now I understand why you're parents left you " Gi Kwang muttered that made me look at him.
" It's because you're very annoying " he continued.
That's it. I stood up and slapped him hard in the face. Then I walked away with my tears falling from my eyes.
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Wehh i used to love this story because it is soo funny! too bad you didnt finish it
jerhyl #2
please update your story. I want to know what happens next! haha<br />
update more:">
Omg! Hehe thanks for the update. I gotta say yoseob's face is hilarious in the pic.
WOA~~~~<br />
They so cute ~!<br />
Will be a good couple !<br />
Update soon ^^
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. jknhdwjfnwjf. kikiwang that sneaky boy. x))<br />
can't wait for the next update~! :D
Naws :) waiting for the next ep :L such a cliff hanger XD can't wait :) get well soon! Dw u could always audition nexr semester or next year XD
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <3<br />
cant wait for the next update~ :)<br />
yeah i hate being sick. T_T