The Game.

Falling in Love with a Narcissist


- Your POV -
I don't want to go to school today. But I really had to. I did my usual routine and headed to school. Putting on my headphones, I maximized the volume to block the other noises around me. When I arrived at the gate, Doo Joon was waiting for me. 
I quickly ran up to him and whispered, " Please stay away from me this week "
" Why? " he asked.
I took off my headphones and replied, " My life would be a living hell. And I don't want you to get mixed up with it "
" But it's really fine with me " Doo Joon insisted.
" Please? " I pleaded with my eyes.
With a sigh, he nodded.
" See you then! " I said then walked alone, putting back my headphones.
I chose a rock song. Joint by Mami Kawada. (A/N: It's a JRock song)
And as I entered the main doors, many girls did glare at me like I was an outcast. The power of that damned narcissist. Then I remembered that today was the day that we choose our club. I went to the bulletin board and looked at the club choices.
Martial Arts....Glee...Performing Arts...Cheerleading...Kendo... Drama...Cooking and many more.
' Kendo Club!!!! ' I thought as I skipped to my classroom, ignoring the glares of the girls I passed by.
- Classroom -
When I entered the door, all the girls were crowding around Gi Kwang's chair. I walked towards my seat, plumped my bag on the floor then sat down. Then I noticed something written on my desk.
' ! '
' Stupid girl! '
Something along those lines. I looked over at Gi Kwang. He was smirking like he was happy someone did it. Then the teacher entered. Me, still erasing the words written with chalk on my desk.
" Class, go back to your seats! " he said and they all scurried.
" Okay, now will be the first day that you'll have your own clubs. As you know, the list is posted on the bulletin board. The rooms where your clubs will be held are also posted there. Go now! " he announced and all of us stood up.
As I remembered, Kendo Club is in room 115. I passed by several club rooms. 113...114...115!
I entered the room and inside were all guys....good-looking guys.
" Please enter! " the teacher, who seems very young, told me.
I bowed then sat down on the mat. After a few moments, the door opened again. Revealing Lee Gi Kwang. He saw me sitting on the floor then smirked at me. He sat down beside me.
" Welcome to the Kendo Club everyone! " the teacher said.
" I see... so there are 23 members. Only one girl! " he continued as he clapped.
All the guys looked at me. Yeah, that's it. Being the only girl.
" What brings you to the Kendo Club, miss? " he asked me as he offered a hand for me to stand up.
" Umm, I.. I... I've always studied Kendo since I was 7 years old. Before my parents left me to live alone, they taught me how to do it since I'm the only girl in the family " I explained, my voice shaking.
" Oh, so it doesn't bother you that you'll be the only girl here? " he asked.
" No. Not at all " I said as I shook my head.
Then everyone introduced themselves. The teacher's name was Mr. Kim. Then Lee Gi Kwang stood up.
" My name is Lee Gi Kwang! I chose Kendo Club because like ~~~~~~~~, I've been studying it for a while " he said as he bowed.
" Okay then! Since the school festival would be held in two weeks, it has been said that each club would have 9 participants for the hunting " Mr. Kim explained.
" Hunting? " a guy asked.
" Yeah, now about the mechanics, the participants would be one girl and eight guys. It has been said that the said group, along with the groups of the other clubs would be looking for something that will be hidden within the school grounds. Surprise attacks will be made by other groups. There will be attacks that you and the other groups are supposed to fight. And the only girl in the group should be protected. If the girl you are supposed to protect was managed to get ' hurt ' by the other groups, you will be eliminated from the game " Mr. Kim explained further.
" And so, automatically, Miss ~~~~~~~~ is included " he added.
I sighed and looked down. 
"Now, I will be randomly choosing the eight participants, knowing that all of you are skilled in combats " he announced as he shuffled the papers and closed his eyes.
He picked eight papers and laid it down on the table. One by one he opened it.
" Kevin Woo! " 
" Son Dong Woon! "
" Lee Sungmin! "
" Kim Jonghyun! "
" Lee Jinki! "
" Kim Ryeowook! "
" Choi Siwon! "
" And lastly.... Lee Gi Kwang! " he finally annoucned.
Great. The group is completed by the stupid narcissist. 
" Will all of the participants stand up? " Mr. Kim asked and we all stood up.
The others all clapped. Even Mr. Kim.
" One more thing. It is part of the game that you will be hurting the others. Although not very deep, sometimes the others don't notice that they really overdid it. So do your best! " he told us.
" Any questions? " he asked.
Kevin Woo raised his hand.
" What are we supposed to wear? " 
" Your Kendo uniforms. Well, except the mask. And you will be using all of the equiptments used in our club. So beware of the Sword Club! " Mr. Kim added.
" And also, Miss ~~~~~~~~ is not allowed to carry any equiptment of defense. " he continued.
" What?! That's not fair! Why can't I defend myself?! " I protested.
" It's part of rules. The guys should be the one to protect you. " he replied.
" But I can't just be a burden to them! " I exclaimed.
" That's what the game is about. Everyone should have weaknesses. And your group's weakness is you " Mr. Kim answered.
He excused us participants saying that he wanted to talk to us privately.
- Inside his office -
" Beware of the Glee Club " he told us.
" Why? " Choi Siwon asked.
" Microphones can be powerful. Last year, they used the cord of the microphones to whip the others. And they won " he informed.
Woah. I never knew microphones can do that.
" Miss ~~~~~~~~, don't do anything stupid, okay? " he said.
I nodded meekly. I wasn't sure about that.
" And also the Archery Club. They are allowed to shoot their targets from above. They are also permitted to stand on top of buildings. They won't be using a pointed arrow, but their arrows will still hurt you. On the last games, they hit the female participant of the Martial Arts Club in the shoulder, and it bleeded a lot " he said with a chuckle.
" It's so brutal " I said.
The others nodded.
" They would cause you injuries, but not permanent ones. If you injure the others deeply, the person who caused that will be expelled. " 
And we were all dismissed, which means, were back to our classrooms...for a while.
- Classroom -
" Everyone was informed about the ' Hunting ' right? " the teacher asked.
" Right! " we all answered.
" This two weeks will be used for your trainings. The other who aren't chosen are supposed to do the decorations and other things like the floats and the stalls. May I see the female participants from this class? " he asked.
6 girls stood up, including me.
" Jessica, Glee Club. Taeyon, Martial Arts Club. Dara, Cooking Club. CL, Cheerleading Club. Yuri, Archery Club. ~~~~~~~~, Kendo Club " he looked at us then nodded.
" This is the first time in 5 years that the Kendo Club had a female student " he added.
All of my classmates looked at me.
" Then, how did they compete last year? " Jessica asked him.
" They chose a random girl from a class. It's permitted if a club doesn't have a female student " he explained.
" Now, go to your clubrooms and start practicing. Those who are not participants, you may stay here or in the library and start planning " he said then all of us stood up.
- Room 115 -
All 9 of us sat down on the floor as Mr. Kim gave us our uniforms. But the one he gave me wasn't a Kendo uniform.
" What is this? " I asked him.
The others looked at me.
" I forgot to tell you that the female participants won't be wearing uniforms. You'll be wearing that, Miss ~~~~~~~~. Yours is colored black. Every club has a different color. Glee Club is red. Archery Club is green. Like that, we have different colors. " he explained.
It looks like a spysuit. You know, like the one female spies wore. Long sleeves and very tight. I went to the bathroom and changed into my attire. It hugged my curves perfectly. But strechable. I was able to kick in this attire. It's kind of comfortable to wear.
When I opened the door back to the clubroom, everyone stared at me. Even the narcisstic Gi Kwang.
" I look stupid " I muttered with a chuckle.
" It fits perfectly! " Mr. Kim said as he clapped.
" Yeah, it emphasized your pale skin and jet black hair " Kim Ryeowook said and the other nodded.
" Miss ~~~~~~~~, I'll be telling you a female participant's technique in this game " Mr. Kim said.
" What is it? " I asked him.
" You should look at the guys from other teams seductively " he announced.
The others gasped. My jaw almost dropped.
" WHAT?! " 
[ Author's Note ]
Hehe :)))) I made it this exciting! Please comment and subscribe!!!!!
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Wehh i used to love this story because it is soo funny! too bad you didnt finish it
jerhyl #2
please update your story. I want to know what happens next! haha<br />
update more:">
Omg! Hehe thanks for the update. I gotta say yoseob's face is hilarious in the pic.
WOA~~~~<br />
They so cute ~!<br />
Will be a good couple !<br />
Update soon ^^
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. jknhdwjfnwjf. kikiwang that sneaky boy. x))<br />
can't wait for the next update~! :D
Naws :) waiting for the next ep :L such a cliff hanger XD can't wait :) get well soon! Dw u could always audition nexr semester or next year XD
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <3<br />
cant wait for the next update~ :)<br />
yeah i hate being sick. T_T