Watching over you

Lock And Key


He thought Kibum was beautiful. He watched over Kibum every day and night. He knew everything about Kibum but he wanted to really KNOW him; he wanted to meet him though he knew it wasn't possible.

The eyes forever looking longingly down on the pale blond were the eyes of a demon- a demon that broke the biggest rule of his kind. Jonghyun was the demon that fell in love. 

"Jonghyun!" A familiar voice called to the shadow figure who sat looking down on the slim but unbreakable barrier to Earth.

"Yes?" Jonghyun auto answered while zooming his eyes to Kibum, the unknowing human, and simply watching, simply admiring.

"Jonghyun you know you can't go on like this." The voice moved closer and spoke with a soft tone.


"You know why."

"But why do things have to be like this?!" Jonghyun finally turned to face the other demon- Lee Jinki- who stood a few steps away from where Jonghyun sat.

"Questioning won't get you anywhere." Jinki informed.

"Nothing will." Jonghyun sighed and fixed his eyes back on the human he loved.

"You can't love a human." Jinki stated, attempting to figure things out in his head. Emotions weren't his strong point, or the strong point of any demon- Jonghyun had always reacted differently though, his emotions always stronger.

"Well I do!" Jonghyun shouted back.

"It must stop."

"How?! I doesn't work like that!"

Jinki paused; how did it work then?

"There must be a way to stop it."

"I can't just stop loving him!" Jonghyun raged.

Meanwhile Kibum, on Earth, was out shopping with his younger friend Taemin. Kibum loved to shop; he loved fashion. Every time Kibum went to shop with Taemin, Jonghyun would admire how all the different variety of cloths looked on his figure, how his face lit up when he found things he liked plus how he would amusingly act somewhat like a mother to his younger friend.

Jonghyun sighed. "It doesn't feel like something that will leave me."

Jinki was puzzled over the situation and found himself with nothing to say.

"There is one thing you could try." Jinki finally said after a strong debate with himself about if he should tell Jonghyun.

"What?" Jonghyun was intently curious.

"But it would be risky..."

"Just tell me."

"You could make a deal with the King." Jinki said. The King was the one who controlled the demon world and it was hard to get him to reason.

" in the legend " Jonghyun though about the demon love legend  a story where a demon falls in love with a Earth girl and was so obsessed that the King finally lends the sacred power to turn human and join her world. However, there was obviously conditions. He had five days to make her fall in love with him. If he failed this then he would be banished to the worst corners of the demon world and never be able to see her again. Another was that he would turn back into his normal demon form each night so he had to avoid being seen asleep; if he was seen asleep then the power would wear off early. This way he would have to put up with being hated and horrified by her because no human would like a demon. And lastly, if he did survive the five days and earned his place to live the human life, the love would be tested by him having to now reveal that he is a demon. If the love was even slightly lost then she would die in front of him in that exact moment.

"Yes." Jinki confirmed.

"Did that work out for him in the end?" Jonghyun asked cautiously.



"She died-

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Chapter 7: It broke my heart! Please make a separate story for Watching over you! It's amazing! 대박 !!!
Chapter 7: I love the story line of "watching over you" ~ i imagined it to be heartbreaking and romantic at the same time ~~ KEEP IT UP! =)
Chapter 6: So beautiful yet the end was sad.
Your such a great writer keeep it up ^^
Chapter 4: LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE chapters 3 and 4! just curious, are these scenes from a whole story or it's simply just one-shot stories? if it's a longer story, I REALLY want to read them =)
Chapter 3: So sad yet so beautiful and cute ^^
Chapter 2: cutie kibum.
btw, i love both of these
Chapter 2: These 2 chapters been so cute and sweet
Your such a great writer as well keep up the great work ^^
nana_jjong #8
Chapter 2: cuties tootie pies!!!! >,<
Chapter 2: Please continue author-nim! So good! Keep it coming, thank you!
Chapter 2: have been reading many JongKey fictions that are too dramatic lately. your story is something that i need now ~ sweet, cute, and full of love =) I LOVE IT!! Hope this would cheer u up a bit ~ looking forward to read more!!