Show me the stars

Lock And Key


"Jonghyun?" Kibum whispered as to not wake up the other if he was sleeping.

"Hmm?" Came the reply as Jonghyun turned round in the bed to face his lover.

"I'm scared, will it be alright?" Kibum wrapped his arms tighter around Jonghyun.

Jonghyun sighed; tomorrow, Kibum would finally get the operation to bring back his sight. Jonghyun had managed to finally save all the money needed to pay for it. Kibum had always been there for him so he wanted to help him out all he could when he lost his ability to see three years ago, in happened in a tragic terrorist attack where there was an explosion as they were simply going out to dinner. Something had gotten into his eyes from the explosion that it hurt for him to open his eyes at the time, and they found out hours too late that it had taken his vision. Obviously, the doctors did what they could but it failed. However, a few mounts after the attack, there was a new scientific break through of an eye operation that had the potential to fully bring back Kibum's sight. The only problem was it was much too expensive so it took until until now for Jonghyun to get the money for it. The operation has worked for both of the people to have it so far but the risks were massive is anything only slightly went wrong.

"I bet it will. And don't worry, because if anything does go wrong I will still never leave your side." Jonghyun replied honestly but with more confidence than he felt. Both of them had been over the moon with excitement when it was confirmed Kibum could get the operation, though as the day approached the reality of the easily possible dangers dawned over them. Despite this, whatever happened, Jonghyun promised himself he would say strong for Kibum.

"I know you will." Kibum smiled and burred his head up to Jonghyun's chest.

"I'll love you, no matter what. I love you Kibum." Jonghyun caressed the others bleached blond hair.

"I love you too."

"Goodnight honey, sweet dreams. Sleep well." Jonghyun kissed Kibum's forehead and closed his own eyes to sleep. 
Tick tock.
Tick tock.

Jonghyun tapped his foot to the ticking clock, impatient for the results. It was now only minutes until the operation would be over.

A short, young lady exited the operation room, entering the waiting room. Jonghyun stood immediately asking if everything went okay.

The lady smiled brightly and nodded. "Everything went perfectly."

Jonghyun let out a sigh of relief and grinned.

Kibum, delighted about everything, thanked everyone who operated on him. Kibum wore bandages around his eyes for the time being and the doctors informed Jonghyun that he can take them off in five hours, which was perfect for him as he had thought of something special for his honey.
Once the hour had arrived, Jonghyun had brought Kibum to a beautiful sight without any street lamps to distract from the beauty of the night sky and to make it even better there was a waterfall and the grass was it's spring green.

"Jonghyun hyung, where are we? Is that a waterfall?" Kibum questioned, listening to his surrounding. Kibum had of course learned to assessing his surroundings just using his other scenes so they had become better over the three years.

"Somewhere special and yes it is." The other replied as he sat Kibum down next to himself on the edge of the grass covered land, their legs dangling over the flowing waterfall.

"Can I take them off yet??" Kibum whined, indicating to his bandages.

"Patience." Jonghyun teased and placed Kibum's hands back on his lap.

"Yahh!" Kibum sounded in annoyance.

"Shh." Jonghyun placed a soft kiss on Kibum's lips which Kibum instantly responded too, kissing back passionately.

"Okay. Now." Jonghyun said after the kiss they shared as he untied the bandages and let them fall.

Kibum's eyes fluttered open like a butterfly's wings, adjusting to his surroundings. A gasp of amazement escaped him when the world around him was clear. The stars twinkled in the deep night sky and the water gracefully and beautifully streamed into the river.

"Wow...It''s so beautiful, more than anything."

"Not as beautiful as you." Jonghyun said, making Kibum giggle.

Kibum jumped at Jonghyun and hugged him.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything!". He exclaimed excitedly as the two rolled on the grass, laughing.

"You look even hotter than I remember." Kibum said after letting his eyes wonder around his lovers body, as they sat up together, for the first time in three years.

"Well of course I do." The elder cockily joked, earning a playful shove back down.


The two of them kissed, played around and laughed under the glistening stars until daylight peeped through and they began to feel sleepy. 

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Chapter 7: It broke my heart! Please make a separate story for Watching over you! It's amazing! 대박 !!!
Chapter 7: I love the story line of "watching over you" ~ i imagined it to be heartbreaking and romantic at the same time ~~ KEEP IT UP! =)
Chapter 6: So beautiful yet the end was sad.
Your such a great writer keeep it up ^^
Chapter 4: LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE chapters 3 and 4! just curious, are these scenes from a whole story or it's simply just one-shot stories? if it's a longer story, I REALLY want to read them =)
Chapter 3: So sad yet so beautiful and cute ^^
Chapter 2: cutie kibum.
btw, i love both of these
Chapter 2: These 2 chapters been so cute and sweet
Your such a great writer as well keep up the great work ^^
nana_jjong #8
Chapter 2: cuties tootie pies!!!! >,<
Chapter 2: Please continue author-nim! So good! Keep it coming, thank you!
Chapter 2: have been reading many JongKey fictions that are too dramatic lately. your story is something that i need now ~ sweet, cute, and full of love =) I LOVE IT!! Hope this would cheer u up a bit ~ looking forward to read more!!