We're the perfect combination

Lock And Key

A/N: Sorry it's late



The wind light blew through him as he stood at the top of the church building. He was pale and unseen to the human eye. His own eyes were fixed on the graveyard where a short but muscular singer walked with a bunch of fresh pink roses. Wiping away the forming tears in his lonely eyes, he crouched by a grave, the same grave he had come to visit every day since it was put there. He slowly placed down the flowers before standing and walking back with his head down in attempt to hide the tears streaming down his cheeks.

Kim Kibum

The pale blond had now drifted down to beside the other, who was unaware of his presence. Key hadn't tried to talk or touch the other yet in fear of getting no notice but he couldn't stand just watching.

"Jonghyun" His whisper was carried in the breeze.

Jonghyun halted and looked around in shock and confusion.

"Jonghyun." Key repeated.


"Jonghyun! You can hear me?!"

There was a pause before Jonghyun answered with a simple nod.

"I..." Key slowly held out his hand towards Jonghyun, but to his disappointment it passed right through him. However, Jonghyun did tense up suddenly.


"Sorry." Key put down his outstretched arm once again.



"Key, that is you right?"


"Key..." Jonghyun's voice was reduced to a croak as he raised his hand out.

Key placed his own hand up next to Jonghyun's but hesitated before attempting to make them touch like before...

"I'm here." Was all he could think to say.

"I can't feel you." Jonghyun shook his head as the tears continued to pour from his eyes.

Key slowly, with his hand starting to shake, placed his hand up against Jonghyun's and their fingers intertwined together perfectly.

Jonghyun immediately gasped at the touch and Key's eyes widened as his body started to feel less floaty, as if it were just part of the air, and more human.

"Key!" Jonghyun exclaimed as the faint body of Key formed in front of him.

"Jong-" Key was cut short by Jonghyun's embrace.

"I can't even describe how much I missed you. I felt dead myself without you."

"...I love you Jonghyun."

"I love you Key, and I don't ever want to let you go. All I want is to have you back." Jonghyun sobbed and held tightly onto the ghostly figure of the one he'd always loved. 

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Guys...I really do need you to send requests for this otherwise it's not going to be updated...


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Chapter 7: It broke my heart! Please make a separate story for Watching over you! It's amazing! 대박 !!!
Chapter 7: I love the story line of "watching over you" ~ i imagined it to be heartbreaking and romantic at the same time ~~ KEEP IT UP! =)
Chapter 6: So beautiful yet the end was sad.
Your such a great writer keeep it up ^^
Chapter 4: LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE chapters 3 and 4! just curious, are these scenes from a whole story or it's simply just one-shot stories? if it's a longer story, I REALLY want to read them =)
Chapter 3: So sad yet so beautiful and cute ^^
Chapter 2: cutie kibum.
btw, i love both of these
Chapter 2: These 2 chapters been so cute and sweet
Your such a great writer as well keep up the great work ^^
nana_jjong #8
Chapter 2: cuties tootie pies!!!! >,<
Chapter 2: Please continue author-nim! So good! Keep it coming, thank you!
Chapter 2: have been reading many JongKey fictions that are too dramatic lately. your story is something that i need now ~ sweet, cute, and full of love =) I LOVE IT!! Hope this would cheer u up a bit ~ looking forward to read more!!