Chapter Four

Thorns of Love


I see CL...I could see her in my dream. We’re walking at a beach ; hands intertwining to each other – there’s no words could describe my feeling right now. The warm sun rays hitting my face and the sizzling waves at the sea are just perfect for me at the moment. Perfect is not really a suitable words that I can describe my happiness right now – it’s beyond perfect.

“Oppa, catch me. I’m going to run,” She let go of my hand and start to run from me. A wide smile plastered on her face as she managed to escape herself from my grip. I start to play along with her ; I chase her back – the wet sand traces my foot print as I running along to catch CL. She chuckles as she already far ahead from me.

But my excitement didn’t last long. The sunny beach suddenly changes into a dark forest that I could barely see anything. CL also disappeared from my sight. I started to be panicked. “CL! CL! Dear, where are you?” My voice cracked, vision already blurred by the tears. I caught a glimpse of CL and I try to chase her leaving silhouette but there are few pairs of arms stopping me. I struggle to free myself but there’s no use. I’m getting weaker and CL is gone.

“Please don’t leave me, just PLEASE…….” I keep pleading – hoping that CL could save me from this confusion.

“CL…CL, don’t leave me…please..don’t!” A warmth wrapped my body slowly – I could smell the sweet strawberry scent and silky hair touched my neck. It’s really comforting me that I hug the warmth back. My hands traces it slowly, it was a body – a woman’s body.

I open my eyes, and a pair of pleasant eyes met mine. I blink my eyes over and over again, couldn’t believe with what I see. “CL? Is that you? Thank god. I thought you will leave me. Where did you go for all this time? I miss you so much, CL..don’t ever leave me again. Promise me that.”



“CL? Is that you? Thank god. I thought you will leave me. Where did you go for all this time? I miss you so much, CL..don’t ever leave me again. Promise me that.” Ji Yong kissed me at the forehead and cheeks continuously before pulled me for a hug – a long hug. I was taken aback by his action. He thought that I was CL. I take a few seconds to fall back into reality and hugs Ji Yong back.

I feel very…safe in his hug. Even though Ji Yong himself in insecure right now, but I don’t know, I feel protected in his arm. We stayed for the same position at least for a couple minutes before he broke his hug. I never mind at all if he wants to take forever having me in his arms. It’s really calming, I almost forgot every problems that I had right now.

“Omma, may I have the time with just the two of us in this room? I have many things to talk with CL,” Ji Yong asking Mrs. Kwon for her permission and she just nodded her head. I just realize that there are another person in this room – a girl – when she and the mohawk guy following Mrs. Kwon leaving the room. Now, it’s just me and Ji Yong.  I feel nervous being alone with him on a sudden.

“CL…” His hands reached out mine as he calls my name – emm…not really my name, but literally he calls for me. My cold shaky hands became warm when he touches them with the gentle hand of his. Like I had electric flow in me, that how I feel when he kissed my hands. I know, I shouldn’t feel this way towards him as I just being here for a short time. My responsibility is done at the moment he recovered fully from his trauma. This is just an act to save yourself and helping Mrs. Kwon, remember that Lee Chaerin!

My body is jerking when Ji Yong’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. His deep stare makes me a bit uncomfortable. “I..I don’t know how to start this. About that night, I – I…I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t act that way. If I have control my temper more, we will not involved in that accident. I’m so sorry.  Young Bae had told me everything. I’m a fool right, for doubting your love. I already learnt my mistake when you’re not beside me these days, I know I need you – my heart beating for you and I breathe with your name. They keep saying that you’re dead, but deep in my heart, I know that you’re alive. Look, you’re here now. I’m already proved to them that they are totally wrong.”

I can’t help but drop my tears when I heard his regret. I’m really touched by his words. He must have suffered a lot these days. The way he longing for CL, the passionate kisses that he gave to me ; he do not even realized that I’m not CL. CL will forgiving you for sure, Ji Yong – if  she was here. Your love for her is just high than the sky and greater than the sea.

“Why did you cry, CL?” Ji Yong wiped the tears on my cheeks. I grab his hand and I sealed him in a hug. This guy is so sweet that I’ve fallen for him even more. He might hate me when he found out that I’m not CL later, but I can’t stop my feeling to him. So, I’m ready to take the risk as long as I can be with him even just for a short time.

“I shall not make you cry again, CL. I shall not..” He starts apologizing again ; I bring my hand to his mouth – stopping him from blaming himself anymore. “Let’s just forget it. Just let the past being past and we should see the future now. Now, let’s get something for you to eat. You seem thin and not energized – you lips are really pale.” Finally I get the courage to open my mouth. I get the porridge bowl on the table beside his bed and it is cold now.

“Wait a minute, okay. I need to heat it for you, it’s already cold. I assumed that it was made by your mom earlier right?” I was ready to get up when Ji Yong hold my hand and stopped me. “No, it’s okay. I’ll eat anything as long as you feed it to me.” Ji Yong flashed a smile – he smiled to me – it’s really mesmerized me. I was like floating in heaven. Did an angel smiled to me just right now??

“Okay, as you wish. Now, open your mouth,” I said to Ji Yong, instructing him to open his mouth so I can feed him the chicken porridge. He just followed what I say, finishing his food then we’re chatting through the whole night – unaware of the time passing by.  



I sneak out from the room carefully so I will not wake the asleep Ji Yong. Finally, I can back home after I assured him like hundred times that I’ll visit him again tomorrow. He’s scared that I – emm..CL will leave him once again. Pheww..! What are hard day. A traumatized person is really hard to deal. They became paranoid with everything.

I slowly make my step downstairs to meet Mrs. Kwon and excuse myself for tonight but I just found the mohawk guy and the petite girl that I met before – sitting on the couch like they are waiting for me. “Chaerin..” I turned my head towards them. Are they calling me? The Mohawk guy is approaching me, followed by the petite girl. “Chaerin, right? Mrs. Kwon said that is your name if I’m not mistaken.”

“Y-Yes. I’m Chaerin,” I reached my hands out for a handshake. “Young Bae.” We’re shaking hands as we introduced each other. “You can call me unnie. Dara unnie.” The girl is also introducing herself to me. They are so nice, I bet they are CL and Ji Yong’s friend.

“Are you heading home now? It’s kinda late and we would like to accompany you. Auntie already went to sleep, so we’re waiting for you,” Dara unnie offers themselves to accompany me. “It’s okay unnie. My house is not that far. I don’t want to burden the two of you.”

“She’s right, CL. I’m sorry..Chaerin. I think we should accompany you home. It’s already late at night. You already help our friend, let us help you now, okay?” Young Bae said with a friendly smile on his face. They are really kind. I never know that such people could exist in this world. I just think that all human are mean like some always be to us.

“Thank you, Young Bae, Dara unnie. I really appreciate it.” I thanked them as we make our way to my house. We’re chatting along the walks and I found out that they also thought that I’m CL. They just knew that I’m not her when Mrs. Kwon told everything to them. We finally reached in front of my home after walking for about twenty minutes. “This is my house, unnie. Do you want to come in first?”

“It’s okay, Chaerin-ah. Young Bae had to send me also, I don’t want him to be at home too late. Maybe next time, I will drop by for sure.”

I just nod my head. “Okay, I guess we’ll meet again later. I’ve got to go.” I excused myself – I’m really tired as hell right now.

“Chaerin, can I ask you a favor?” I turned my back when I heard Dara unnie called me out. “Yes, what is it, unnie?”

“May I hug you?”



“May I hug you?” Dara who was still sad by her best friend death needs something to mend her wounded heart. Getting a hug from Chaerin will helps a lot for this time. “Okay, as you wish.” Dara runs into Chaerin’s hug and she wrapped her arms around Chaerin tightly. Dara takes some time before she eventually broke their hug.

“Thank you, Chaerin. You don’t how that hug had lifted the heavy burden in my heart.” Dara’s voice sounds stiff, like she’s holding her tears. Chaerin noticed that her eyes become glassy but Dara is trying hard to control her emotion.

‘CL’s death sure gave a big impact to everyone that loves her. PAIN – that’s what I see in Ji Yong and Dara unnie’s eyes just right now.’ That’s what Chaerin thought when they both said goodbye to each other.

Dara and Young Bae walk away with Dara leaning on Young Bae’s shoulder and he caressed her back – comforting her. The quiet night seemed that it feels the same with Dara ; there are no stars or moon – just the cold wind blowing weakly like they’re also mourning for CL’s death.


Finally, chapter four is here. Sorry for the late update. I just can published it now because my connection isn't worked for the past few weeks. Luckily it's fixed now and I'm sorry for the all inconvenience. Thank you for stay tuned and please keep supporting me. Kamsahamnida.. (^_^)


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Chapter 6: :D please update soon! I love it
Chapter 6: this story is daebak! XD
i love the plot <3 XD
Chapter 6: Why I never find out about this story?! Damn, it's good and awesome one! I'll hope you always update it author-nim! :D
cipluk #4
Chapter 6: want a longer .. Miss this story so much
Chapter 3: will jiyong accept chaerin if he knows the truth about her mother and chaerin's agreement later ?? hmm.. interesting story authornim...
Chapter 2: owwhhh.. now i know why mama kwon hates CL.. hmm..
Chapter 1: aigoo jiyongie.. u jealous over nothing !! stupid boy.. btw, why is mama kwon hates CL ?? hmmm..
sophiee #8
Chapter 5: waiting for next chapter...
i hope next will be skydragon moment...

update soon pleaseee...
sophiee #9
Chapter 4: finally... u update this story....
i miss this story so muchhh
i love it... chae loves ji....

i hope u update next chapter very soon....
Ravaaaa #10
Chapter 4: Updateeee soonnn