Chapter Three

Thorns of Love


CL?? I looked at the middle aged woman in front of me – puzzled. Who is that? As far as I know, only my brothers and I are living here and none of us is CL. Either this woman is drunk ; but she seemed sober for me, or she had come to the wrong house.

“Yes, maam. Can I help you?” Shock expression still can be seen on her face – she’s stuttering. “Is that you, CL?” She asked – pointing her index finger at me. I shook my head, quickly denying. “No, I’m not CL, maam. I’m Chaerin. Would you like to come in and have a seat first?” I’m offering her for a drink to ease her mind but she refused.

“It’s okay, I’ll just wait here then. Actually I want to collect the house’s rent. I assumed that it was rented by your father? He hasn’t paid any since three months ago. May I see him, please?” Her question had invited both sadness and worries to my heart.

“I’m sorry, maam. My father had died for three months, unfortunately – and I don’t even have a single penny right now. I still have to send my brothers to school and I’ve just got my works a week ago. Please give me a little more time, maam.” I pleaded ; hoping that she will be sympathetic to us. I’m really hopeless now ; we’re just lose our father and we’re gonna lose the only place for us to shelter ourselves.

“I have no option, Chaerin. Either you pay me the rent now or I have to kick you out together with your brothers.” The woman showed no mercy to me. Tears start to fill in my eyes , because she didn’t seem to understand my position and keep refusing my excuses.

I kneel down and clung to her leg – begging for a bit of pity. “Please, maam. Don’t kick us out from this house. We don’t have any place to go anymore. I know that you’re a kind person. I’m willing to do anything as long as you let us staying here. Please…” The tears that just stop streaming down from my eyes three months ago had broke their barrier again.

A smirk formed at the corner of the woman’s lips. Suddenly an evil idea popped in her mind. She bent down ; holding my arms and helped me to stand up. “I have a great deal for you. Would you like to accept it? It will be profitable for both of us.”

Little did I know, my life would change at the moment I agreed with her suggestion.



Young Bae and Dara had waited Ji Yong to awake for hours now. Anxiety starts to linger in their heart as Mrs.Kwon hadn’t reach home yet. The clock already struck nine ; she already out for two hours now. Young Bae who can’t resist his worries, decided to look for Mrs.Kwon.

“Noona, I think I want to look for auntie. She takes too long for a night walk than she usually does. Please look after Jiyong for a while, I’ll be back immediately”. Young Bae rushed his step – he quickly gets his jacket and preparing himself to go out. “Okay, Young Bae-ah. Be careful on your way too.” Dara replied to Young Bae – reminds him to take care of his own safety too. Young Bae just nodded, and leaves the room. At the moment he opened the door ; to his surprise, Mrs.Kwon already stood in front of him.

“Where did you go, auntie? I’m really worried about you. Thank god you’ve reached home safely.” Young Bae said, relieved drawn on his face. “I’m not going anywhere, Young Bae. I just fetched somebody whom Jiyong will be pleased to see.”

Mrs.Kwon just smiled, it really increases Young Bae’s curiosity. Who is that somebody? Is it someone special for Ji Yong? Just then, a female figure appeared and leaves Young Bae speechless.



I decided to follow the woman who just wanted to be called Mrs. Kwon to her house. I gasped when I see her huge villa standing proud before my sight. If only I could afford this house for my family, I’ll be satisfied enough. If only, Chaerin…. To save your small house, you have to trade yourself to avoid your brothers and you became homeless tonight ; forget about getting a villa. In your dream, Chaerin..just in your dream.

I didn’t notice that we had reached in front of Ji Yong’s room (that is his name if I’m not mistaken) that Mrs. Kwon had told me earlier. A mohawk guy approached us and the small eyes of his became wide when he saw me. Why everybody seems to be shock when they saw me? Am I that scary or did I really resembles CL which is Ji Yong’s dead girlfriend??

*flashback (at Chaerin’s house)*

“I have a great deal for you. Would you like to accept it? It will be profitable for both of us.” Little did I know, my life would change at the moment I agreed with her suggestion. She leads me into my house, take our seats and she explaining every single details of her plan.

“First of all, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Kwon Hye Young. You can just call me Mrs. Kwon.” She reached her hand to me – we’re shaking hands means that we officially an acquaintance now.  “Okay, now look Chaerin..I have a sick, traumatized son that I’ve to look after at my house. His name is Ji Yong.” She told me about her ill son – makes me wonder on what she’s up to. “I want you to cure him.”

Mrs. Kwon’s last sentence makes me confused. Treating her son? Why me? Couldn’t she just bring her son to some nearest hospitals? “I think you’ve mistaken me. I’m not a doctor and I don’t even working in a hospital, maam. I don’t know how I should cure him.”

“Just call me Mrs. Kwon, Chaerin. About that, I’m not talking about physical injuries. I’m talking about mental illness – he can’t accept that his girlfriend had died in an accident. He’s blaming himself for that girl’s death. I’m really worried about his condition.”

My mind became more confused with her story. “And what can I do with that? I can’t bring back his past.” Mrs.Kwon stared me deeply in the eyes before she continues her words. “You know why I’m mistaken you as CL before?” I shook my head – I really don’t know the answer to her question. “You’re really looks alike CL, and do you know who is she?” I shook my head again. “She is my son’s late girlfriend..” My heart skipped a beat when I understand the whole situation now.

“I want you to heal my son’s broken heart and if you’re succeeded, you can live here as long as you wish. Do you agree?”

And the rest is history….

*end of flashback*

That’s how I ended being here, at Mrs. Kwon’s house. She’s offering something that I can’t refuse. I’m in a deep trouble and couldn’t let my brothers sleep at a bus station or some insecure places to live. I must grab this precious chance that may occur just once in a lifetime.

Mrs. Kwon gestured to me, gives an order to enter her son’s room. My heart’s thumping harder ; at this time, I started to doubt my action helping Mrs. Kwon. Did I make the right decision? Should I go forward or should I run away? We still have our house this time but I may regret this agreement later.

My shaky legs are refusing to take another step but there’s a feeling that pushed me towards the sleeping man. For the first time, I stunned to see such a beautiful creature in front of me. I sat behind him on the bed, appreciating all of his features – his angelic face, his perfect jaw line, his lips though it’s really pale now and I could see pain behind the calm face.

He had the aura that attracted me to him, like there’s a secret connection between us. Oh, God…what is this weird feeling? Is it called love?? Yes, I’ve fallen for him ; a guy who I’ve just met. I’m never in love before, but I’m sure I do now – just in the blink of an eye.

I’m not CL, Ji Yong..I’m Chaerin. Would you accept me in your life when you know the truth later??


Chapter Three updated..thank you for your patience..(^_^)

So, it's Chaerin who was Mrs. Kwon mistaken as CL..yup, they are look alike but they're not a twin and their life are completely differ from each other.

Chaerin have fallen for Ji Yong immediately, but will he accept her when the truth is revealed later??

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Chapter 6: :D please update soon! I love it
Chapter 6: this story is daebak! XD
i love the plot <3 XD
Chapter 6: Why I never find out about this story?! Damn, it's good and awesome one! I'll hope you always update it author-nim! :D
cipluk #4
Chapter 6: want a longer .. Miss this story so much
Chapter 3: will jiyong accept chaerin if he knows the truth about her mother and chaerin's agreement later ?? hmm.. interesting story authornim...
Chapter 2: owwhhh.. now i know why mama kwon hates CL.. hmm..
Chapter 1: aigoo jiyongie.. u jealous over nothing !! stupid boy.. btw, why is mama kwon hates CL ?? hmmm..
sophiee #8
Chapter 5: waiting for next chapter...
i hope next will be skydragon moment...

update soon pleaseee...
sophiee #9
Chapter 4: finally... u update this story....
i miss this story so muchhh
i love it... chae loves ji....

i hope u update next chapter very soon....
Ravaaaa #10
Chapter 4: Updateeee soonnn