
Chasing Winter




“ Why are you doing this? Why are you saying these things to me Woohyun? Just leave me alone! You have never bothered with me before, What changed now?”  She her voice high and her grey eyes cold. But Woohyun shook his head and she caught a glimpse of foreign emotion in his eyes.




Was it melancholy?




“ That’s where your wrong again” he said with a sad smile.













Woohyun stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of him, her eyes sad and confused and he could feel his heart shatter at her expression. Try as hard as she might to keep her emotions inside, he could see everything behind her eyes.


Slowly, he lifted his palm as it began to glow. A small bud appeared and he took a small breath and blew on the bud until six brilliant yellow petals unruffled the only vibrant color around the barren landscape.


He looked at Winter again as he stepped towards her.



“ Here, take this...”



He gestured as he held the fragile yellow flower in his palm, the snow around his feet immediately turning into small puddles into the ground as he walked closer.



“ It’s a gift...”



“ I don’t want it... I don’t want your gifts”



She bit back bitterly.



He seemed unaffected by her cold rejection and instead he gave her his usual bright smile, laugh lines drawing on his handsome face as his eyes twinkled like diamonds


For the second time, He walked closer until they were face to face, Again, she immediately backed away from him but he was always swift in grasping her hand so she couldn’t move away.



“ Are you crazy? You know perfectly well what happens when you touch me!”



Her frown deepened when he ignored her words and gently placed the small flower in her palm. She didn’t dare look at it in fear of seeing the delicate petals be eaten by her coldness, freezing the life out of its beauty.



But instead, she was amazed at how the soft yellow petals began to almost glow in her palm. Woohyun smiled as she watched her reaction, her delicate features in awe at what she was witnessing.



 She watched astonished as the flower brightened even more the satin-like petals turned into a more vibrant yellow as they spread wider apart forming an almost star-like appearance. It surprised her to see that, to see something that was able withstand her harsh coldness and to her utter surprise even made it thrive...It is as if her coldness made it even more alive.



“It’s one of the first flowers of spring...But you know what makes it special? It loves to bloom in winter. It flourishes under the cold condition. It’s blooms are the prettiest when it’s the coldest...” He said and then his words made her heart skip a beat.



“ Why are you giving this to me then? “ She asked through her thudding chest she hope he wouldn’t hear her voice tremble.



“It’s almost time for you to go...and I can’t go with you so...Think of it as my heart...” he finished with a beautiful smile as he gazed at her lovingly she looked up into his eyes, unable to believe what he just said yet her heart rejoiced at his words.



“ What are you-“ He interrupted her as he pulled her to him again. Enveloping her into his arms in a tight embrace the only difference this time was that his lips lay softly on top of hers.



Their kiss only lasted as long as a heartbeat but it was enough to leave them both trembling. Winter was about to ask what he was doing but Woohyun kept her words at bay by speaking first.


He confidently looked straight into her eyes as he held her cheek softly in his right hand while his left one intertwined with hers where he could feel her shiver.



“ You are wrong again...You were never alone. I am always behind you, chasing you...Following you. So promise that whenever you start feeling alone and lonely just remember that I am always following after you.” Woohyun cupped her face and gave her a soft kiss as he felt her eyes closed.


“ Woohyun...I-“  He interrupted her by kissing her eyelids then the tip of her nose and back to her lips again  all the while his heart aching unbearably knowing that their time was ending, the numbness in his hand was proof of that... If they stay together a little longer, they would both weaken.



“ Promise me, Love” he whispered in her ear and she leaned her head into his chest as she brought the hand that was holding the bloom close to her chest, at the top of her heart.


After a moment she spoke:



“ You really love me, don’t you?” she and Woohyun’s deep laugh echoed around them.



“ Of course, why do you think spring always follow winter?” he teased back his eyes twinkling.



His words made her smile as she answered:



“ I love you too...and I promise...”




With a last kiss, they let go of each other as Woohyun ushered her gently. She stepped away from him.


“ Go...I’m right behind you.” Winter walked away from Woohyun’s warmth and as her footprints disappeared and she turned her back on him she felt like that little child again, happy and full of dreams of a brighter hopes.

Yes, she realized that she may not be able to see the spring paradise that she had longed for as a child but now, she was able to feel it.



And the warmth that she had always yearned for now rests safely in her palm.



She had not been very far yet when she heard Woohyun call her again. She turned around and giggled as she saw him jumping about, his arms arched atop his head in the shape of a heart as he threw it at her.


She giggled as his greasiness  and he bounced even more when he heard her laugh.



“ Aigooooooo...My girlfriend is even more beautiful when she smiles! I am so lucky!” he shouted and Winter laughed at how cheesy he was. Deciding to entertain his greasiness, she threw her own hand heart at him and he jumped excitedly as he pretended to catch it.


Woohyun watched lovingly as she brought the flower closer to her face and kissed one petal before smiling at him and then slowly, she turned her back and began walking away.













I wish you all to die of Namgrease overdose.

it's a good way to go.






Back when I wrote this, the weather in my country was HOTTER than hell, and now it's raining everyday. I guess that just proves how slow I am to update. I hope you forgive me for that.


And so, Enjoy the ending! I have a lot of great readers for this story and to them I am very thankful.

As all of my other stories, I only want to ask for your final comments as a way of letting me know what you think of my story! any words you say would be greatly appreciated so please leave them below!


Thanks =)




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Chapter 7: what a great story author-nim!!! jjang! ♡
jesyra #2
Wow! This is so cute! It had my heart racing.I love how it was written and how it teased my imagination. :)
alienjello-dy #3
Chapter 7: yakkk this is so cute and full of namgrease :P
Chapter 7: Sweet story with light romance and fantasy! Woohyun is perfect for this story! Good job and good writing! Way to keep it short and concise! XD
Chapter 7: what an amazing story.. hehe thanks authornim:)
Jesus Christ. I literally read the description and I was just like, "You don't know your seasons. LOL." until I realized why you put something like Spring chasing Winter.