
Chasing Winter







                        Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt it. It was small at first, quietly like a heartbeat she felt something pulsate beneath her feet and she turned her body behind and saw a small flicker of light appear from one of the fallen trees.Slowly, a small bright wisp flew up from the broken bark and float towards her. She watched as it came nearer and the pulsations became more evident and she was left unsettled.


Taking a small step back when  the wisp dropped slowly to the ice in front of her and the light surrounding it grew larger and brighter.


Winter began to step back again until she had reached the edge of the lake  and onto the snow covered ground all the while the bright wisp followed her movements.


Then, the wisp began to flicker.


Bright light pulsated covering the tiny wisp with a warm glow, She saw the pulsation turn into erratic beating as the light become brighter and brighter to the point that she had to shield her eyes with her hands.


She closed her eyes and surrounded herself with her mist to as the bright light exploded flooding the surroundings with blinding yellow rays.


The seconds pass and the light slowly started to ebb down around her but Winter kept her mist around in case she needed to protect herself, for the second time she watched as the bright light gently disappear and ever so slowly a small figure began to take shape.


The light vanished completely and Winter was able to get a clear view of the figure, frowning when saw that it was a little boy.


She observed as the snow melted a completely where the little boy was sitting.  His head of short brown hair was down as he seemed a little disoriented and dizzy so she took the time in taking in his appearance.



The little boy was underdressed for the weather that was for sure.


He was wearing a white button up shirt that was covered with a light green cardigan and his short legs was covered with the brightest pants she had ever seen but what made his outfit silly was the patterned bow-tie around his neck.


She was still studying his appearance when the boy looked up at her and gave her a peace sign with his small fingers still looking a little dizzy, her eyebrow quirked up as she saw the ridiculously large round glasses cover almost half of his face.



The boy only gave her a stupid smile and Winter grimaced.







Oh my, A nerd kid appeared! Wonder what's gonna happen next?

You guys left the most adorable commentss! Thanks alot~! <3


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Chapter 7: what a great story author-nim!!! jjang! ♡
jesyra #2
Wow! This is so cute! It had my heart racing.I love how it was written and how it teased my imagination. :)
alienjello-dy #3
Chapter 7: yakkk this is so cute and full of namgrease :P
Chapter 7: Sweet story with light romance and fantasy! Woohyun is perfect for this story! Good job and good writing! Way to keep it short and concise! XD
Chapter 7: what an amazing story.. hehe thanks authornim:)
Jesus Christ. I literally read the description and I was just like, "You don't know your seasons. LOL." until I realized why you put something like Spring chasing Winter.