
Chasing Winter







“ Hi there, Beautiful”



 The little boy greeted her, the stupid smile on his small face was replaced with a cheesy grin as his eyes twinkled mischievously and Winter felt her skin crawl.  She ignored his unexpected greeting instead she asked with a cold voice:



“ This place is mine, What are you doing here little boy?”



She raised her left hand deliberately and when her fingers shifted, ice began to creep around the boy until the ground was covered again. She made sure to make the snow around him thicker and colder as to intimidate the boy but she was caught by surprise as she saw the complete look of awe dawn on his face as the ice continued to creep around his feet.



“ Wow! You’re really good, noona. I knew I chose the right one!”



He said happily and she felt unsettled as he gave her an adoring look.



“ Did you not hear me, boy? This place is mine and I want you to leave. Now!”



She raised her voice a little and the temperature around them dropped even lower, Winter smiled in satisfaction as she saw the boy shiver a bit.



“Leave” She repeated.



“ But noona, I don’t want to!”  The boy replied his tiny voice shaking a little.



“ Leave now, There is nothing for you in here”  Winter said strongly.



“ No!” The boy bit back stubbornly as he crossed his arms and pouted. Sighing, she let the winds down and the boy smiled immediately as he stopped shivering. Winter glared at him.



“ Why are you here then?” She asked again.



“ I came to see if what the nymphs said were true...They said that noona is the prettiest girl in the whole world- The whole universe and anything beyond!”  He said excitedly throwing his short limbs up as his eyes lit up.



“ And they were right! Noona is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and mind you noona, I have seen ALOT of pretty girls!” He finished with a giggle and Winter’s frown deepened even more at how she managed to land in this strange conversation with an equally strange looking little boy.



The way the boy talked so lively and his excited movements despite the freezing temperature around them astounded her and as he gazed up at her again with those twinkling eyes and dimpled smile, Winter could not help but feel that the boy was quite familiar.



“ Noona? Hellloooooo????” She was so deep into her thoughts that she did not notice the boy had stood up and was now waving frantically in front of her instinctively she took a step back but the boy did not seem to be bothered by her withdrawal instead he tilted his head to the side in an attempt to act cute and smiled at her again.



“ So what do you say noona?” He asked while he batted his eyelashes.



“What?” Winter asked genuinely confused.



“ Tsk. You weren’t listening to me noona? “ He shook his head in disappointment but then continued:



“That’s okay, I guess...I still love you anyway, but in order for this relationship to work, we have to listen to each other always. Noona” he finished with a scolding tone as he nodded his head a few times.



“WHAT?” for the first time in as long as she could remember, Winter heard herself shriek.



The boy seemed taken aback by her tone as his eyes widened a little and he looked up at her immediately.



“What do you mean by what, Noona? I asked you if I could stay here with you seeing that I am your boyfriend and all...Only makes sense, right?” He waved his hands expressively pointing at the barren land around them and Winter’s thoughts was running a million miles at his words, She had never felt so annoyed throughout her entire existence.










 It's seems like this little boy has attached himself to you...what to do next?=)




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Chapter 7: what a great story author-nim!!! jjang! ♡
jesyra #2
Wow! This is so cute! It had my heart racing.I love how it was written and how it teased my imagination. :)
alienjello-dy #3
Chapter 7: yakkk this is so cute and full of namgrease :P
Chapter 7: Sweet story with light romance and fantasy! Woohyun is perfect for this story! Good job and good writing! Way to keep it short and concise! XD
Chapter 7: what an amazing story.. hehe thanks authornim:)
Jesus Christ. I literally read the description and I was just like, "You don't know your seasons. LOL." until I realized why you put something like Spring chasing Winter.