
Chasing Winter









She gazed around her surroundings, her vision trained towards the middle of a frozen lake thinking that was a good place to start, with her goal she moved forward taking lithe- almost gliding steps on top of the thin ice as she moved her petite figure.


 Once she reached the center, she gazed around her surroundings again and with a tight smile she


observed how all around her as far as her sharp vision could reach was all blanketed with white.

From the soaring mountains faraway to the tops of the trees and the ground she stood before snow enveloped everything.

Even the lake she was standing on -albeit the thin ice .She observed as life around her seemingly stopped because of the cold. As if the snow around is a burden to the trees weighing frozen on the top of their delicate leaves, a hindrance to the surge of water underneath her feet.


She looked around her with distaste, everything was not as frozen over as she would like.


A frown and a flick of her fingers and the air around her grew stronger turning into a cold harsh torrent making the surroundings thick and unforgiving, the trees swayed and shook as their roots fought her harsh punishment. But she remained merciless as the blizzard strengthened even more until she felt the once gentle flow of water under her feet halt as the lake froze over completely.

Despite the chaos she has caused, she stood very still. Only the incessant swaying of her dark ebony hair and azure robe was the indication of the torrent she was causing.

Her deep grey eyes witnessed as the trees finally relented to her power as they drop one by one to the ground, her ice too heavy for their branches to bear.

The once gentle white landscape was now covered with thick inches of snow, many trees have fallen and detached from their roots and the ones that remained standing was covered with sharp icicles threatening to fall anytime.

The ground was invisible with the thick snow and the plants that peeked before was gone. She smiled bitterly at the emptiness around her.




Any form of life in this condition was impossible.





Everywhere it was empty.




Cold and Lonely.



She etched those words into her entire being for that is what she brought whenever she arrived.




As a small child of the seasons many years ago, she used to dream of the warmth of the sunlight, she had constructed her own little paradise of green  grasses and trees rejoicing to the gifts of the sun as they face their branches heavenwards.


 She imagined small creatures frolicking about a vast land full of vibrant gardens colouring everything she could see, flowers blooming and their scent filling her senses with a sweet aroma that could attract the most beautiful birds and butterflies.


She had dreamt of a place that was full of  movement and melodies.


A place that was full of life.


But reality all but destroyed her childhood fantasies as she was slapped with the mockery of what she would become.


The arrival of her coming of age drew closer than she had wished and the next thing she knew, she had been personified as the Winter.





...She was the bearer of the cold.




Everywhere she went life was brought to a standstill. Her winds would blow harshly and would not stop until everything succumbs into her power and freeze.


Now, as she observed the aftermath of her snowstorm, she knew that her dreams as a child to feel the warmth was something that she could never reach.




She would never see her small paradise.











First chapter~! Thank you so much to all of those who have subscribed and especially to the awesome friends that left their messages below!

This is kind of a Prologue more than anything else, but since I plan on making this a short story I just put it ap as a real chapter.


A background information of what will be happening throughout the story:


So, this story is a fantasy one ( as you can guess) I am sorry that it took so long since the orginal story idea was VERY far from what this story will be (Hint: The original plot in my head involved a frustrated and desperate devil king named Nam Woohyun! hahaha) but this story would me more light hearted and will probably be the greasiest one yet.

It's theme involved the seasons as from the title,  It's spring in Korea right now...right? hahaha... I don't know, from where I live everyday is as hot as hell so I don't really know what spring is supposed to feel~!

Another thing that inspired me to write this was Woohyun's Man in Love wardrobe...hahah...they are just so bright these days!

hmmm...what else? I think that's about as far as I could spoil you with~! Just keep reading and I promise that I'll keep tume worthwhile, Okay?


Thank you guys so much~!








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Chapter 7: what a great story author-nim!!! jjang! ♡
jesyra #2
Wow! This is so cute! It had my heart racing.I love how it was written and how it teased my imagination. :)
alienjello-dy #3
Chapter 7: yakkk this is so cute and full of namgrease :P
Chapter 7: Sweet story with light romance and fantasy! Woohyun is perfect for this story! Good job and good writing! Way to keep it short and concise! XD
Chapter 7: what an amazing story.. hehe thanks authornim:)
Jesus Christ. I literally read the description and I was just like, "You don't know your seasons. LOL." until I realized why you put something like Spring chasing Winter.