be my girlfriend

Pretending Again and Again

Krystal POV


Thank god, amber came out of nowhere and drag me out from this mess. We reach the garden and sat on the bench.
“thanks, you saved me back there”
“no problem.. so you just agree to play as the juliet?”
“I can’t refuse. Remember I’m still junior.” I rolled my eyes after she said that.

“hmm so what will you do?” she began to put the thinking mode on her face. Who’s problem is it belongs to? Him or mine? Haha

“if you care, then help me”
“what makes you so sure that I care and gonna help you?”

“well you’re my friend after all”
“so we are friends now?” she let out big grin at his face.

“if you help me, then we can be friends”

“what if I want more? More than just friend?” she have those smirk on her face. Leaning her face closer to mine. What is this feeling? I feel nervous, my heart pounding hearing those words. My stomach feel kinda tingly.
I immediately push her face away from mine and hit her head to wake her from her stupidity.

“aisshh what was that for? Its hurts” she rub her head with her hand and suffering from the pain.

“punishment.... for beeing such an idiot, stupid and brainless person.”
“allright I’m sorry miss violent... so? Do you accept my offer?”

I can’t believe she was serious to what she had been saying.

“what did you want from me?” I glare at him at the scariest mode.
“woahh you look a thousand time scarier”
“its your fault idiot! So what did you want? Me becoming your girlfriend?! That is never gonna happen!”

I was about to leave before he said “allright just let him kiss you then. Don’t be expecting my help again”

Akkh this boyish girl makes me dizzy. She was giving me a hard time. Why did she want me to be her girlfriend? Why don’t suzy? She seemed close to her and suzy like her that bad. Did she like me? Or just playing at me?

“why did you want me to be your girlfriend?”


Amber POV

This thought came out of nowhere. I just say it. Without even think of it. I don’t wanna played her feelings. I just........ well maybe I do like her....... I just wanna to break the invisible wall she put between me and her. Beside, everybody allready think that she is with me after the ‘locker’ accident.

“no need to give me some question. Just answer me, do you agree or not?”
she was thinking really hard. I can see it in her face.

“allright fine !!!”

I give her a smirk. “well from now on, you can call me oppa hehehe”

“eewww no way, I prefer to call you stupid or idiot or llama since your face looks like a llama”

“well its up to you, at least you are my girlfriend now... come on, I’m hungry lets buy some food”

I circle my hand on her shoulder. Walking with her towards the cafetaria. Some of the student eyes were glued at me and krystal. they showing a confused face. I smile all the way to the cafetaria. I pulled a chair for krystal.

“what did you wanna eat, beautiful” I smile seductively at her

“I’m not hungry” she gave me that cold look.
“you sure? I bet you haven’t got your lunch, so I’ll order for you anyway”


Krystal POV


What a stubborn. She force me to do whatever she want. I can’t refuse. Beside, she is the only one who can help me out of this mess. I wonder what will my father think that her daughter dating a female in this hostel. After a while, she brought me some sushi. And place in on the table.

“here princess, don’t worry I’ll treat you this time” she is smiling to me. I never see that kind of smile. She looks kinda happy beeing with me. I don’t think that she’ll be that nice to me.

“I don’t like it” I lied to her, well its not my favorite but I do like it sometimes.
“and I am not hungry” and then my stomach began to growl. Really , my stomach was not in my side. She was gigling because of me.

“you really funny hahaha, just eat it. Don’t make me feed you like a baby”

I started to eat. Neither I like it or not. I feel so embarassing that time. Some student eyes were glued at my and amber. She was eating her taco full of concentration while sitting across mine. I just stay quiet. Preventing her from saying some stupid thing.

“heeey krystal !”
“hey luna” I smile at her, she was taking a seat beside me.

“okay, see ya around babe” that idiot plant a kiss on my cheek before finally gone.

I looked to my left side. I saw luna’s jaw dropped.

“surprised huh?”
“what the was that?? Am I halucinating?!”
“of course not.”
“whats going on here???”
“relax okay? I made a deal with her. She’ll help me get away from jonghyun if I agree to become her girlfriend.”

“what? Since when you attracted to a female??”
“oh god, she force me to do so! Don’t spread out any rumour would you? I’m sick with that. Come on lets go to our dorm, I wanna take a rest”

“but krys you look great with jonghyun. Well with her you do look great too, but y...”

I drag her away to our dorm without even let her continue what was her babling about. I close our room’s door.

“I wanna take a shower first okay” I get into the bathroom without even listen to what she said. I relaxed a bit after taking a long shower. When I open the bathroom’s door, suddenly they approach me, making me shocked

“krystal jung soojung!!!! Why didn’t you tell me that you were in a date with amber josephine liu??? Our senior. why did you keeping it a secret?? What was in your mind?? Didn’t you realize that suzy will kill you if she finds out??” vic starting to bombard me with her annoying questions while shaking my shoulder.

“unnie I don’t want you to die young” sulli was grabbing my hand with her sad tone.

“whoaaa, relax would you?”

I sat myself on my bed. Luna was sitting on her bed hugging her teddy bear tightly while vic and ssul sat on the soffa near our bed.

“I made a deal with her. She will help me get away from jonghyun if I become her girlfriend”

“what?? Why? You know that any other girl would die to get your position as the juliet. Many girl facying jonghyun sunbae. Well not as many as minho sunbae but still there is many girls admiring him” vic said with annoying tone of voice.

“I really don’t want him to stole away my kiss, unnie”

Vic’s face turn sad after I said that. “but you’ll dead if you are messing with suzy, krys” Luna worried about my sake.

“I’m not scared of her”

“allright, we will protect you from her. Just let we know if you need our help okay?” vic unnie try to comfort me and then hug me. Luna and ssul was also hugging me. I felt like I was having a second family here, they care about me so much. I love them just like my real family.



A week had just pass. The rumour that I was on a date with amber liu spread really fast. Every single eyes was glued at me. This is really annoying. I was on my way to have some lunch at the cafetaria and then she bumped me on my shoulder really hard. I think she did that on purpose. Her eyes was glaring at me. She looked really pissed off. I was just ignoring suzy and going straight to where minho sunbae, key, taemin, ssul, luna and vic are.

“hey krys take a seat” Minho sunbae offering me a seat

“thanks” I flash him my smile.
“where are your your boyfriend krys or should I called girlfriend? hehehe” key sunbae trying to open up a conversation.
“maybe vanish along with her stupidity”

“hey I can hear that” suddenly she popped out of nowhere with her pouting.

“don’t  just popped out of nowhere like that !!” I smacked her head.
“ouch, okay okay sorry, you really are a violent girl babe”

“well now that you two here, you should treat us some cake hehehe” key let out a big grin

“what for?” minho sunbae seemed confused of what’s going on between me and this stupid amber.

“we were together now , minho” suddenly amber kissed my cheek, I hit her head really hard.

“ouch this time its really hurt princess” she kept rubbing her head.
“its a punishment everytime you do something stupid.”

Everybody just laughed at me and amber. My face turning red. I glance at minho sunbae. He seemed sad for some reason. Then our eyes met. He gave me a caring look. We were glancing to each other for a while.



Amber POV

This is the first time I hangout with krystal’s friends. They were really fun to hangout with. Taemin really have a good sense of humor, I was burst out from laughter, but when I saw krystal, my laughter suddenly gone when I caught her eyes and minho’s staring at each other. Minho’s eyes were really caring for krystal.

she didn’t answering my call.

“krystal jung!!” I was a half screaming to wake her from her glancing at minho. Everybody stop what they were talking and suddenly quiet for a while.

“oh what is it??” she hurried to look at my face. I was pissed of, so I stand up from my chair and grabbed her hand dragging her away from him. I wrap her waist with my hand while walking. she just give me a puzzled look. I look backward when we walked away and shot my glare to minho, telling her that this girl was mine.

when we reach the hall way, I pushed krystal to the wall and locked her with my arms. Nobody was there anyway.

“don’t ever stare at him that way again! You are mine!!” then I pressed my lips towards hers. The kiss change to the passionate one. We were parting when we need the oxygen.



Krystal POV

I was confused when amber was suddenly looking really angry at me. It scares me when she suddenly drag me out from the cafetaria leaving everybody behind. She wrap her arm around my waist when we were walking until we reach the hall. She pushed me to the wall, I was about to get mad at her but she locked my body with her arms.

“don’t ever stare at him that way again! You are mine!!” my heart skip a beat when suddenly her soft lips pressed mine. This feelings keep flowing at my chest. I feel a strange feeling at my stomach. Then I decided to keep this feeling flow at me. I respond her kiss and our kiss turned to the passionate one. We parted when we run out of oxygen.



“amber oppa?”
I turn my head to the left and saw suzy covering with her hand and drop her tears on her cheek then she run away.

Amber was trying to call her “suzy !!!” she was still in front of me frozen thinking whether should stay here or chase her.

“go on chase her stupid” I look away when she turn her eyes to mine.

“okay” she answered me and then run away chasing after her.


Before she finally gone, she turn around and saying

“I love you krystal jung soojung” and then she continue running until I can’t see her anymore.



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niconico12 #1
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
niconico12 #2
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
hugo1476 #3
update please
nanny00 #4
Chapter 23: Update plss
Anakyl #5
Chapter 23: I hope that ert's name is Yiyun. Sooyoung...never failed to make me laugh xD
GEoRuth #6
Can't wait for the next one... I'm curious about what happen... Is it Amber?? Who knows? A miracle can happen...
Bo-Remi #7
Chapter 22: I know if Jessica see who with Krystal, she doesn't mind it. And I think everyone wih support her too. BTW what is her name?
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 21: Oooooooooo yeeeeeeeey, I know it Tiffany's friend is gonna resemble Amber. The same face and hope she has everything as Amber.

What's her name? Yiyun? Eunyoung?
axel0048 #9
Chapter 21: IS THAT AMBER???!!!!:D