Chapter Eight

Crossing Paths
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He found great things in that room.

“I can only let you rent this out for six months,” Sunggyu told Da Eun.

“That’s fine.”

“Great,” Sunggyu clamped his hands together. “Can we have the contract please?”

The agent handed the two a contract. Da Eun diligently read through the entire thing as did Sunggyu. Once they approved of everything on it, they signed it and gave it back to the agent.

“You start paying rent from next month since this month is almost done,” Sunggyu told Da Eun as the two walked out of the office.

Da Eun would nod at everything Sunggyu said. She noticed that he was very responsible and didn’t miss out on a single detail. He spoke very kindly and would often smile at Da Eun. She would usually look away when he smiled at her, though.

The two were walking to the practise room since Sunggyu wanted to show her the way there personally. He also wanted to show her around the room to point out a couple of things. Da Eun agreed to the small tour since she was still slightly unsure of how to get there.

“Do you play a musical instrument?” Sunggyu asked her as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

“No,” Da Eun answered straight-forwardly.

“I see,” Sunggyu nodded his head.

For the rest of their walk, Sunggyu and Da Eun didn’t speak. Da Eun thought the silence was slightly awkward whereas Sunggyu thought it was fine since they were practically strangers anyway. The two would sometimes bump arms and Da Eun would quickly move aside. Sunggyu would chuckle when she did that.

“We’re here,” Sunggyu said as they stood in front of the green metal door.

“Do you hide the key somewhere outside?”  Da Eun blurted out.

Sunggyu laughed, “I would but nope.”

“That’s good.”

Sunggyu opened the door and let Da Eun enter first. She was quite surprised to see how big the room actually was. She noted that she was standing on a small flight of wooden stairs.

“Go in,” Sunggyu urged.

Da Eun walked down each step slowly as she looked around at her surroundings. To the left was a couch with a coffee table in front of it. The couch looked quite worn-out but had this comfortable look which intrigued Da Eun. She also noticed that there was a small window on top of the couch that had bars in front of it.

Da Eun walked towards the piano that was kept to the far end of the room. She noticed there was a squeaking sound when she stepped on one of the floorboards. The piano was a black piano that didn’t have a speck of dust on it. It had a small snowman statue on it that wobbled. She used her finger to push it ever so slightly.

“Do you want to try to play?” Sunggyu asked, getting up off the couch.

“I don’t know how to play, there’s no point in trying,” Da Eun said before she walked over to the guitars.

There were two guitars sitting on stands. One had the initials KM on it whereas the other one was empty. Da Eun lightly strummed the strings of the empty one and flinched when an unpleasant sound came out. She had no musical skills, really.

Da Eun saw a couple of smaller instruments like a harmonica but didn’t pay much attention to them. She decided to go to a cupboard that was situated next to the desk with the small instruments.  She opened up one door and found a large variety of books. She decided to open the other door as well, revealing nothing but more books.

“You have a lot of books,” Da Eun mindlessly pointed out.

Sunggyu nodded his head, “My brother likes to read. I’ll leave them there just in

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pupils #1
finally sunggyu learning how to play a violin
Chapter 25: omg i didn't know what to say ;;A;; i teared up and this is just so sad how i wish i can hug both myung and gyu. daeun should do something to cheer gyu ouo fighting authornim!!! u did a good job in this chap
Chapter 25: Aw this chapter was really sad, even got me teared up.
I hope Sunggyu and Myungsoo feel better soon and just cherish the wonderful memories they have of/with their grandmother!
Chapter 25: Oh noooo this chapter make me cry :' *sobsobsob*
Chapter 24: This story is such a beauty. I like how the plot's going up till now. I hope grandma is going to be fine so do sunggyu and daeun. Keep writing author, I'm patiently waiting for this story to be finished. I love ur writing ^^
Chapter 24: i'm glad you're updating, thank you so much :""""")
I'm worrying grandmaa~ hope she'll recover soon ><
this chapter brings so much feels to me though ( '_')
Chapter 24: Nice to know you haven't died or anything dreadful has happened to you :)
Omg Grandma, you have to get better! Myungsoo and Sunggyu need you
Poor Daeun though, she really needs a good friend and Sunggyu is busy with his grandma
Great chapter ^^
(I read it at 4:22 in the morning~!)
Kenzie8590 #8
Chapter 23: This is not all over the place... It is wonderful but if u want to know where this is going make sungyy and her a couple lol.. Like when her parents find out that he is poor they try and do something to fix it so she wont date him... Idk just putting those ideas out there ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 23: finally you're back! :"")
thank yu for not letting me hanging with the story, i know you'll update it no matter when ^^
keep up the good story and writing :)