Chapter Two

Crossing Paths
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They both knew that life was full of disappointments.


She stared in the mirror as she ran the brush through her hair. She took clumps of her thick hair and attempted to get rid of the tangles that formed throughout the night. One she was pleased, Da Eun put the brush down and took her foundation to apply a light layer. She proceeded to take out a light shade of eye shadow and used a brush to apply it to her lids.

She walked into her closet and took out a grey coat to wear for the day. She picked up a pair of black boots and was set to go to work. She hopped into her car and drove out of her driveway.

Da Eun had recently started working at a makeup store. People had always told her she had nice skin and that she always applied makeup well. So when she saw the hiring sign up in the window, she couldn’t help but want to go in.

She would stand around and help people find the perfect products for their face. She would be complimented on her skin a lot. She sometimes felt like people would only stare at her face and not pay attention to watch she was saying. But it was what she was used to, so she thought she was perfect for the job.

When Da Eun got to the small shop on a busy road, she tied the apron around her waist and went to the front of the shop, ready to work. Her manager greeted her good morning followed by a couple of the other workers.

“I wonder if anything interesting will happen today,” She sighed as she tapped her fingers against the glass door.

“Happy belated Birthday, Da Eun!” One of the employees exclaimed.

Da Eun turned around and smiled at her fellow employee, “Thank you.”

“As a birthday present, I’ll take your shifts today. I don’t work until three, so go enjoy yourself!” She said as she began untying Da Eun’s apron.

“No, no, it’s okay!” Da Eun exclaimed as she tried to stop her from taking off the apron. “You don’t need to give me a present.”

“I want to give you something for always being so nice!” The girl handed Da Eun a jacket. “Here’s your jacket, now leave!”

Next thing she knew, Da Eun was shoved out of the store. Feeling cold, she quickly put her coat on and slung her bag over her shoulder. Then, she walked forward, unsure of what to do with all this extra time she was given.

She found herself walking back to the restaurant her friends took her to the night before. She wondered if the same man would be singing again and whether she would be able to see his face this time. Feeling a bit excited, she hurried through the streets full of people. She had memorized the location as she had always been good with direction.

When she finally got there, she took a deep breath before opening the door and entering the restaurant. She walked down the small flight of stairs into the mildly filled dining area. The stage was set up just like last time but nobody was on it.

“Maybe he’ll come afterwards,” She told herself.

She took a seat near the stage again and looked through the menu for a small meal. Once she was satisfied with her choice, she waved a waiter over and placed her order. When he came back with her food, the stage was still empty.

She contemplated whether or not to ask the waiter of her mystery singer would come or not, but decided against it. She was too scared. So, Da Eun just stuck a fork into her salad and waited patiently.

Her phone ran when she was halfway done the food. It was Jieun.

“What are you up to?” Jieun asked.

“Eating,” Da Eun said as she took another bite of the salad.

“I see,” Jieun said. “I need you to do me a little favour. It’s small, really!”

Da Eun sighed, “What is it this time, Jieun?”

“Well, I have to work overtime today so I won’t be able to pick up my dress from the drycleaners. Can you please go pick it up for me?” She pleaded.

Da Eun sighed, “Why do you need it today?”

“Because I want to wear it to work tomorrow, duh!” Jieun said as if it were the most

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pupils #1
finally sunggyu learning how to play a violin
Chapter 25: omg i didn't know what to say ;;A;; i teared up and this is just so sad how i wish i can hug both myung and gyu. daeun should do something to cheer gyu ouo fighting authornim!!! u did a good job in this chap
Chapter 25: Aw this chapter was really sad, even got me teared up.
I hope Sunggyu and Myungsoo feel better soon and just cherish the wonderful memories they have of/with their grandmother!
Chapter 25: Oh noooo this chapter make me cry :' *sobsobsob*
Chapter 24: This story is such a beauty. I like how the plot's going up till now. I hope grandma is going to be fine so do sunggyu and daeun. Keep writing author, I'm patiently waiting for this story to be finished. I love ur writing ^^
Chapter 24: i'm glad you're updating, thank you so much :""""")
I'm worrying grandmaa~ hope she'll recover soon ><
this chapter brings so much feels to me though ( '_')
Chapter 24: Nice to know you haven't died or anything dreadful has happened to you :)
Omg Grandma, you have to get better! Myungsoo and Sunggyu need you
Poor Daeun though, she really needs a good friend and Sunggyu is busy with his grandma
Great chapter ^^
(I read it at 4:22 in the morning~!)
Kenzie8590 #8
Chapter 23: This is not all over the place... It is wonderful but if u want to know where this is going make sungyy and her a couple lol.. Like when her parents find out that he is poor they try and do something to fix it so she wont date him... Idk just putting those ideas out there ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 23: finally you're back! :"")
thank yu for not letting me hanging with the story, i know you'll update it no matter when ^^
keep up the good story and writing :)