Chapter Twenty

Crossing Paths
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And we're at chapter twenty now. I'm always surprised when I get to twenty chapters. I'm sorry if the story has been slow so far x.x Stuff is coming up soon though!

They worked hard.

“It’s been a while since we met.”

“It has. I’m sorry but I couldn’t get Da Eun to agree to take me to your home,” Jieun said.

“It’s alright. She wouldn’t be any help anyway,” Mrs. Lee scowled.

“What are you working on?” Jieun asked as she nodded her head to the laptop in front of Mrs. Lee.

Jieun, without telling Da Eun, came to her home. But it wasn’t to see Da Eun. She knew very well that Da Eun wouldn’t be home but instead, she would be at the practise room. Jieun went to see Mrs. Lee.

“This is just a new list of things to sell,” Mrs. Lee winked.

Jieun giggled, “Wow, you always have stuff to sell. I’m impressed.”

“Your parents have gotten quite far in their company too,” Mrs. Lee pointed out.

“But we’re miles away from you,” Jieun sighed.

“We could do somewhat of a collaboration,” Mrs. Lee said as she closed her laptop.

Jieun raised both of her eyebrows in surprise. She was surprised to find that Mrs. Lee was completely serious. She was even more surprised when Mrs. Lee reached over her desk and offered her hand for Jieun to shake.

“Tell your parents to give me a call and we’ll see what we can do.”

“Alright, I will,” Jieun said before bowing down multiple times.

She practically skipped out of Mrs. Lee’s office and to her car. She had a big smile on her face as she was very proud of her accomplishment. Jieun couldn’t wait to tell her parents she had finally succeeded.


“It’s Sunday and you still have to work?” Myungsoo groaned as he watched Sunggyu get ready.

“People still order pizza on Saturday, you know,” Sunggyu shrugged.

“Aren’t you tired, Hyung? You should take a break for at least one day,” Myungsoo said.

“You know what happened, Myungsoo. All the money is gone and I need to work hard before school starts,” Sunggyu stopped changing his clothes for a moment. “You know what, I’ll just skip one year.”

“What?” Myungsoo exclaimed.

“Then I’ll have enough money for the rest of University and we could pay for you as well. I can just resume with my studies next year,” Sunggyu said as he nodded at his plan. “This could work out really well.”


“You’re not going back to school?” Da Eun asked.

“Not this year,” Sunggyu said as he carried the pizza boxes to his car.

“But why not?”

“I need to work to get enough money. I’ll just work extra hard this year and then next year I won’t have to work and study at the same time. This makes things much easier.”

Da Eun watched as Sunggyu secured the boxes in his car, “You work so hard.”

“I have to,” Sunggyu shrugged.

Da Eun would always notice the dark bags under his eyes. She never failed to notice the fact that he yawned a lot. She could see how he yearned for a break. But she wondered what it was that didn’t let Sunggyu rest. Why did Kim Sunggyu work so hard?

“You need a break, Sunggyu,” Da Eun frowned.

Sunggyu looked up and stared at Da Eun in the eyes, “I’ll be fine, really.”

They held each other’s gaze for a bit before Sunggyu broke the eye contact and got into his car. He drove off and left

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pupils #1
finally sunggyu learning how to play a violin
Chapter 25: omg i didn't know what to say ;;A;; i teared up and this is just so sad how i wish i can hug both myung and gyu. daeun should do something to cheer gyu ouo fighting authornim!!! u did a good job in this chap
Chapter 25: Aw this chapter was really sad, even got me teared up.
I hope Sunggyu and Myungsoo feel better soon and just cherish the wonderful memories they have of/with their grandmother!
Chapter 25: Oh noooo this chapter make me cry :' *sobsobsob*
Chapter 24: This story is such a beauty. I like how the plot's going up till now. I hope grandma is going to be fine so do sunggyu and daeun. Keep writing author, I'm patiently waiting for this story to be finished. I love ur writing ^^
Chapter 24: i'm glad you're updating, thank you so much :""""")
I'm worrying grandmaa~ hope she'll recover soon ><
this chapter brings so much feels to me though ( '_')
Chapter 24: Nice to know you haven't died or anything dreadful has happened to you :)
Omg Grandma, you have to get better! Myungsoo and Sunggyu need you
Poor Daeun though, she really needs a good friend and Sunggyu is busy with his grandma
Great chapter ^^
(I read it at 4:22 in the morning~!)
Kenzie8590 #8
Chapter 23: This is not all over the place... It is wonderful but if u want to know where this is going make sungyy and her a couple lol.. Like when her parents find out that he is poor they try and do something to fix it so she wont date him... Idk just putting those ideas out there ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 23: finally you're back! :"")
thank yu for not letting me hanging with the story, i know you'll update it no matter when ^^
keep up the good story and writing :)