Wedding Bells are Ringing

♕ The King and His Queen ♔

 Shinkyu looked at her six reflections in the winged mirrors which showcased her jaw-dropping body in different angles. Today, she was extraordinarily beautiful, regardless of what she or other jealous queenkas would think. The long, flowing dress hugged her body the right way, further enhancing her ‘already perfect’ figure. The dress was beautiful, according to her mother (“Off the shoulders ribbon straps and studded with tiny diamonds—beautiful, isn’t it, dear?”) but not to Shinkyu herself.

“Wow, do brides really wear this??” she grumbled as she studied her reflection in the mirror. “Wonder why they say a woman’s wedding day is her happiest day… Huh, certainly not in this kind of dress!”

Yup, it was finally the day everyone anticipated for, the day queenkas cry in jealousy (for Jiyong)/ the day kingkas cry in jealousy (for Shinkyu) and… the day Shinkyu dreaded the most. This was the day Princess Shinkyu officially and legally becomes Prince Jiyong’s lovable—more like jinxed—wife. Exciting, ain’t it?

“It is all my fault, dear…” Shinkyu turned to the door, where Mrs Ly was standing. Was she finally admitting to forcing her daughter into such hardship with the supposedly-perfect-but-actually-evil Kwon Jiyong? “I should have exposed you to long dresses at an even younger age.”

Shinkyu sighed. Nope, her mother was not apologizing to her. “Mum, is THIS,” she referred to the dress, “really necessary?”

Mrs Ly pretended to be shocked. “Of course, Shinkyu! A woman should be at her prettiest on her wedding day!”

“Not when one is getting married to the ‘prince of rotten hell’,” Shinkyu retorted. That was a nickname she started to call Jiyong, in return for him ruining her life. “And now that my life is crumbling to pieces, I was thinking about dropping out of school and take up a job grilling chickens at El Pollo Loco, or maybe dance at a strip club.”

“Oh, dear! Don’t be so morbid!! Jiyong will make a good husband!” Mrs Ly said, shushing her daughter down. “The make-up artist is almost here, and I don’t want you to scare her away with such weird sense of humor like you did to your etiquette teacher when you were eight!” With that, she left the room.

Shinkyu shook her head in dismay. Her mum didn’t understand; she got it all wrong. Jiyong was totally not perfect husband material. And in any case, the etiquette teacher was not scared off by her morbidity, unless playing with frogs is counted as being morbid. What the heck?


 The make-up artist arrived a few minutes later. He looked okay, and was cute actually, but Shinkyu couldn’t avoid from being annoyed by his constant screeching and the way he spoke in high-pitch sing-song voice. It was kind of disappointing, seeing as he was quite hot, which coming from Shinkyu was great compliment.

“Aren’t you just excited? I mean, girls would die to be in your place today!!” he exclaimed. “I’d be the first!”

“Oh, are they all stupid?” Shinkyu remarked, probably not noticing that he admired Jiyong somehow. There was silence as the make-up artist thought about what to say next.

“Well, somebody’s not so eager…”

“I guess, I’m just not ready to get married or anything.” Especially not to that jerk! Shinkyu wanted to say, but she didn’t, on account of him (the make-up artist, NOT Jiyong) being nice to her. And he WAS in charge of her make-up, so she knew better than to get on his bad side.

He’s reply was just a soft “hmm?” Then, for the next 15 minutes or more, he worked on Shinkyu’s make-up. After a while, he clapped his hands with joy. “Great, there you go!” he shifted the chair a little to the right, for Shinkyu to get a better view of her profile.

Although, reluctant at first, she had to admit that she was anxious to see herself after being all made up. When she looked into the mirror, WOW! It was still Shinkyu, alright. But 10 times prettier.

“Gosh, thank you,” she said breathily.

“It IS my job, after all,” the make-up artist smiled as he began to pack his cosmetics into a huge box. He then made way for the door. “Good luck and congratulations!”

Shinkyu just grunted. “Isn’t there anyone who agrees with me that he’s stupid?”

“What’s stupid?”

Jiyong appeared at the doorway. He was wearing a black tuxedo, a white dress shirt beneath with a black bow and a single red rose tucked in his left chest pocket. Needless to say, he looked stunning and handsome, though Shinkyu refused to admit it.

Instead, she chose to insult him. “It’s who, not what. Who else but you, Prince of Rotten Hell?”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say to your husband on your wedding day, is it?” Jiyong said, with a serious expression.

“Then what should I address you as, your highness?” Shinkyu couldn’t stop herself from adding a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Jiyong smiled as he looked up at the ceiling, thinking. Then, without warning, he jumped to Shinkyu’s side, freaking her out. “How about, ‘honey’?”

“‘Honey’…” she muttered unwillingly, “as if!”

“Shinkyu-ah,” Jiyong cooed softly.

“What is it?” she mumbled impatiently.

Jiyong chuckled. “Nothing, I just wanted to call your name for fun, seeing as I would have to address you as ‘darling’ from now on!” Shinkyu rolled her eyes in vexation to his childish behaviour.


“Come on, you should call my name too! Say: Jiyong… I love you!”

Shinkyu faked a smile as she looked him in the eyes. “Jiyong-ah, I love you!” Relax, Shinkyu, it’s all for the sake of the company!

“Now, how about a kiss?”

Shinkyu glared at him angrily. “Don’t push your luck!”

“Yah, you’re so mean! No wonder you haven’t got a boyfriend before!” Jiyong pouted as he hanged his head low, pretending to be sad and dejected.

“I don’t need one!” Shinkyu retorted.

“True,” Jiyong grinned happily as he moved his face closer to hers, “since you have me now…” he said teasingly as he walked out of the room. “See you in an hour! I’ve got to attend to the guests!”

Shinkyu felt like smashing his head. She took another glance at her reflection. No matter how good the make-up artist was at making her look cheerful and bright, there was no way he could hide the real fact that Shinkyu was gloomy. She just hoped everyone else would be stupid enough not to see through the layers of paint smudged onto her face.


 Soon, it was time.

All the guests were already seated and everything was ready. There were flowers, balloons and petals strewn everywhere. Jiyong stood on the stand, waiting patiently for his bride—Shinkyu—to enter. Mr and Mrs Kwon were sitting at the front row along with Mrs Ly. Jiyong’s gang; TOP, Seungri and Daesung were seated on the second row.

Meanwhile, where Shinkyu was…

“Shinnie, are you ready?” Ga-eul called out as she entered the room. “It’s almost time!”

“Yeah, sure…” Shinkyu replied half-heartedly.

“Come on now,” Ga-eul leaned forward to her best friend and patted her gently on the shoulders. “It’s taboo for the bride to be sad on her wedding day!” She was wearing a cream strapless dress. Before this, she had jokingly told Shinkyu that she would make sure she doesn’t dress as beautifully as Shinkyu herself, seeing as she was “only the bridesmaid”. Ga-eul didn’t know that Shinkyu would gladly switch place with her.

The bride-to-be nodded knowingly, just as Taeyang darted into the room. He was dressed smartly as well for he was appointed as ‘Best Man’. “Are you ready, Shinkyu jesu?”

Jesu? They were not even married yet! What was Jiyong telling his right hand men? Still wearing that same empty expression, Shinkyu stood up and smiled faintly. “Of course.”

Back at the main hall, guests were getting impatient. Jiyong rolled his eyes when he spotted Kyuhyun and his gang. Then, he smirked and shot him an “I-told-you-you-can’t-win-all-the-time” look. Kyuhyun shot back an ugly look.

“Psst!” Mr Ly whispered from the doorway. The priest nodded and signaled at the band. Within seconds, violins and pipe organs could be heard and later on, the whole orchestral band contributed to ‘Mendelssohn’s Wedding March’.

Everyone turned to the doorway, watching the bride enter the hall, led by a very proud Mr Ly, followed by the bridesmaid—Ga-eul—and the best man—Taeyang. People started clapping, cheering, crying, shouting, cursing and waving wildly. Cheering for they had waited so long for this day to happen. Crying for Jiyong and Shinkyu had officially been taken by one another. Shouting for they were too excited for the moment where the groom would be asked to kiss the bride. Cursing for the queenkas had never too fond with Shinkyu before. Lastly, waving for the kingkas were supporting Siwon as he was trying to destroy Shinkyu’s life as planned.

Despite all the noise, Jiyong was stunned. Shinkyu was as beautiful as ever. Suddenly, he forgot about everything and admired her for once. He figured that even if he would be destroying her life later, it wouldn’t hurt to have his breath taken away by her beauty now. They were getting married after all.

Some time later, Mr Ly held Shinkyu’s hand as well as Jiyong’s, and then joined them together. The youngsters looked into each other’s eyes, as if they had just met. Although she really was beautiful, Jiyong told himself to snap out of it. His main plan was to destroy her, and he’s going to leave it at that.

Out of the corners of her eyes, Shinkyu could see Kyuhyun, as well as Sungmin, Siwon, Ryeowook and Donghae. She smiled faintly, and they smiled back. Kyuhyun’s smile was the fakest, Shinkyu could easily tell. She wasn’t sure if he was doing in on purpose in order for her to notice or he was just plain sad. After their meeting at the school corridors, Kyuhyun never contacted Shinkyu. She knew her parents had something to do with it.

“I don’t care; you are marrying Jiyong in 5 days!” Mr Ly had said. Shinkyu was angry; at her parents (for making decisions for her when they knew she wouldn’t like it) and at herself (for not being brave enough to stand up to her own rights).

Now, it was too late. She turned away from Kyuhyun and faced Jiyong, who was grinning widely.

“Kwon Jiyong, I ask you in the name of Lord; do you take Ly Shinkyu as your lawfully wedded wife, and promise to take care of her, protect her, and give her all your love?” the bald priest asked monotonously, with his eyes fixed onto the thick black bible in front of him.

“Hmm, I do~!!” Jiyong announced cheerfully, glancing over at Shinkyu.

“Ly Shinkyu, I ask you in the name of Lord; do you take Kwon Jiyong as your lawfully wedded husband, promise to take care of him, and give him all your love?”

Shinkyu didn’t reply. “I--” The guests were whispering among each other. “I--”

“Just say it!” Jiyong mouthed at her.

Still, Shinkyu remained silent. She peeked at Kyuhyun’s worried expression, as well as her parents’ and practically everyone else’s.

Her fate depended on two words, either ‘I do’ or the contradictory ‘I don’t’. She thought about the company, how it would soon be closed down if she and Jiyong couldn’t take over. How their parents’ hard work would all soon go down the drain. That was if she said ‘I don’t’. What if she said ‘I do’?

“Say it! Unless you want to disappoint your parents?” Jiyong whispered so softly that only she could hear him. Even through his soft voice she could sense his anger. The priest looked at her from behind his glasses, obviously waiting for an answer.

“I do!” There, she did it!

“Very well, you may now exchange rings,” the priest continued immediately, not wanting to waste any more time.

Taeyang walked forward, bringing two rings on a red pillow. Jiyong picked one up. The diamond glistened in the lights, just like Shinkyu’s dress. “I do, psst!” she imitated Jiyong’s deep voice, but the prince ignored her. Very slowly, he slid the ring up Shinkyu’s right ring finger, a sugar-coated smile blossoming at the corner of his lips.

“Your turn, darling,” he cued.

With little effort, Shinkyu picked up the other ring. In return for Jiyong’s arrogant and self-indulged smile, she shoved the ring up his finger, harshly! Shinkyu watched as the smile on Jiyong’s face disappeared at once, and instantly forged into yet another fake smile as he swallowed the pain. Shinkyu smiled at him innocently, as the guests began whispering again.

“I now announce you husband and wife! Congratulations!” the priest then turned to Jiyong. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Shinkyu’s eyes widened in protest, but before she could say anything, Jiyong pressed his soft lips above hers locking her in a passionate kiss, pissing Kyuhyun off. Cheers erupted from the crowd as more petals were sprinkled. Being a “hygiene freak”, Ga-eul felt sorry for the cleaners later on.

When Jiyong finally pulled away, Shinkyu’s own red glow was overwhelming the effect of the pale pink blush the make-up artist applied for her.

Congratulations, future king and queen of KLSH!!

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great fic, thank you!
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 18: awww....i never thought this story will make me melt!! Authornim!! im begging you to update this fic as soon as possible okay?^^ anyway,Hwaiting!! I'll always support you♥♥♥
exomania #3
cute!! i like it
pandawriter #4
nice fic! i luv it!
Iheartlife #5
this is great :D
when are u gonna update again?<br />
im dying over cliffhanger-ness ~ XD
I just read it.. Nice story.. I hate sohee!!
Misyel #8
It's been four days since the last chapter.<br />
Whew, I was quite busy so I just slacked off LOL<br />
I hope you enjoy the newest chapter :D
kyuhyunlover #9
i'm starting to think that kyuhyun is a little creepy in this watching them through the window? stalker!