Chapter 2

♕ The King and His Queen ♔

"What was THAT, Shinkyu?" Miraculously, Ga-eul managed to content her anger for a whole period before she started having her "talk" with Shinkyu.

As always, Shinkyu just rolled her eyes and shrugged. "I didn't do anything!"

"Really?" Ga-eul was staring her out now.

"Okay, fine! But I didn't start it! HE did, the arrogant self-conceited jerk!" said Shinkyu, loudly. So loud that Jiyong, who was sitting at the back, could make out what she was saying.

"Self-conceited jerk? She's talking about you, hyung!" Seungri said. Jiyong rolled up a piece of paper and promptly wacked him on the head. "Ow!"

"Serves you!" Daesung whispered, earning a glare from the maknae.

"You can't continue like this, the both of you. You've been on each other's tail since forever! Why can't you two get along, seeing as your parents manage the same company?" Ga-eul said in a matter-of-fact tone. But what does Ga-eul know? She was only with Shinkyu and Jiyong during middle school, while the two had already known each other for as long as they lived.

Shinkyu shook her head at the thought of them getting along. "You don't know him, Ga-eul. He's too arrogant. This whole world is a game to him. He doesn't take anything seriously. I figured some one had to stop him..."

"Yeah well, but it shouldn't be you!" Ga-eul protested. "What about your mother's constant 'Shinkyu-I-want-you-to-behave-like-a-lady' ramble?"

"I AM a lady," Shinkyu muttered under her breath. "Just not when I'm facing HIM."


The second bell rang and Shinkyu immediately closed her locker door as she made her way towards her piano class.

"Dang, I'm late!" She remembered Madam Geum's grim face glaring at her when Shinkyu was late once. Woh! Never was she hoping to see it again! "I'm soooo in trouble..."

Her voice trailed off as she fell flat-faced onto the cold, hard floor. Prince Jiyong had intentionally stuck out his right foot, he knew he would succeed because Shinkyu was probably the most careless girl in the world, especially when she was in a rush.

"Oops!" Jiyong smirked, while pretending to be as apologetic as possible. The other four laughed to themselves. "Sorry, did my long leg get into your way?"

Swiftly, Shinkyu got up and stared angrily into his sparkling eyes which at that time, was glowing with victory. "Do you really think it's that long? I have longer legs, and we both know it, 'your highness'..." It was quite true, Shinkyu was tall for her age, standing at a height of 170cm.

Upon her rude remark, gasps and sound of man-made thunder could be heard in the hallway. Jiyong was a top Kingka in the university, having extremely good looks, high IQ and an even higher status. "Oh?" he replied coldly, crossing his arms. "I don't see why you should be jealous of me, since you're a pretty Queenka yourself."

Since when did she mention anything about being jealous? When was the last time this prince actually cleaned his ears? "I am NOT jealous! My parents are equally rich as yours, so quit it."

Jiyong just smiled, thinking that the princess had fallen into his trap, again. Didn't she noticed he was going to again, and make her late for class again? "You're cute when you're in denial," he said as he pinched her cheek playfully. "That's why I keep teasing you!"

Shinkyu shook his hands away. "Don't touch me!"

"Aww! Don't do this to me, you know you love me!"

"Really? Why didn't I know that?"

Jiyong flashed his signature smile at the boiling mad Shinkyu, with both hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. "Don't deny it, Shinkyu. The whole school already knows that you have a giant crush on me ever since we were babies." He made the last line especially loud so that the whole school could hear the teasing remark.

"What the-- I--" But the princess's mouth was just opening and close with no words coming out- great, she was turning into a guppy,

Shinkyu blushed furiously as a teacher walked past and raised his eyebrows at the two. Jiyong paid no attention to him. "See? There's nothing you could say because of the fact that you're too deeply in love with me." He was obviously enjoying Shinkyu's shyness and confusion. "I just wish to tell you that you don't have to be so shy about it! Just be nicer to me and chances are, I'll probably accept your confession."

Almost immediately, Shinkyu snapped out of "guppy-mode" and leaped out of her fishbowl as she pushed Jiyong's hand away from her shoulders. "Don't disturb me!!!"

"Yeah, well... Of course, seeing as you're--" Jiyong paused as he glanced at TOP's expensive Rolex watch. "--5 minutes late for class."

"WHAT??!" Shinkyu shrieked in complete panic. Just then did she realize the guy's trap to 'delay' her. "I hate you, Kwon Jiyong!!!" She shouted as she ran towards the music studio, and a very furious Madam Geum, while Jiyong and his right-hand men laughed at her silliness. Once again, she had reacted to his daily jokes. What do the other girls see in him?? Besides having inherited good-looks and the whole business empire from his father, Jiyong was a jerk!

Upon reaching the studio, Shinkyu combed her fringe in place with her delicate fingers as she opened the door. She braced herself for a lecture from her teacher, but was surprised to see Madam Geum nodding off at her seat. Shinkyu tiptoed towards the piano, not wanting to wake the teacher up, but Madam Geum had ears that could pick up the slightest noise from a mile away; they didn't choose her as a music teacher for nothing, you know.

"Finally here, Miss Ly?" She said in a cold, flat tone which sent shivers down Shinkyu's spine.

"But, how did you--" Wasn't she asleep??

"If you actually pay attention to the time you'll know that I had fallen asleep while waiting for YOU!!" the teacher continued as she walked over to her student. "I hope you enjoy you own sweet time alone, Miss Ly. Because you'll get that later! Detention class for you today!"

Suddenly, Shinkyu hated Jiyong even more.


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great fic, thank you!
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 18: awww....i never thought this story will make me melt!! Authornim!! im begging you to update this fic as soon as possible okay?^^ anyway,Hwaiting!! I'll always support you♥♥♥
exomania #3
cute!! i like it
pandawriter #4
nice fic! i luv it!
Iheartlife #5
this is great :D
when are u gonna update again?<br />
im dying over cliffhanger-ness ~ XD
I just read it.. Nice story.. I hate sohee!!
Misyel #8
It's been four days since the last chapter.<br />
Whew, I was quite busy so I just slacked off LOL<br />
I hope you enjoy the newest chapter :D
kyuhyunlover #9
i'm starting to think that kyuhyun is a little creepy in this watching them through the window? stalker!