We'll Protect You!

♕ The King and His Queen ♔

“Shinkyu?” Ga-eul scanned the classroom. Her eyes landed on a distraught Shinkyu, who was slumped across her desk. It was a sight to behold; if other queenkas were to see this, Shinkyu would not live another day without humiliation. She went over and placed a hand on her shoulder. The princess was sleeping.

Just then, Kyuhyun entered the class. “Hey are you all… ready?” His voice slowly trailed off when he saw Ga-eul putting her finger over her lips, signaling for him to slow down his volume. Kyuhyun understood right away and slowly moved towards Shinkyu. He gently shook her by her shoulders. After a few seconds, Shinkyu woke up.

“Huh? Oh—hey…” Shinkyu gave them a flat greeting. She yawned widely and looked at Kyuhyun. “What time is it?”

“2.00pm. Another hour to the audition. Where is Jiyong hyung and his gang?” Kyuhyun wanted to know. His question was directed at Shinkyu, of course.

“How would I know? Why don’t you ask Sohee instead?” Shinkyu said angrily. She wasn’t in a very good mood ever since the teacher’s announcement of new girl Sohee, and pairing her up with Jiyong? Was something wrong with the head teacher’s brain? Sohee was HER maid!

“I guess we should just go to the theatre hall now. I don’t want to be late. Madam Geum is one of the judges today!” Ga-eul said, motioning Shinkyu to go. But she wouldn’t bulge. Ga-eul shot Kyuhyun a pitiful look, asking for his help.

“Come on, Shinnie! I thought you said you didn’t like Jiyong hyung? So why does it bother you now that he’s with some other girl?” Kyuhyun pointed out. He got another look from Ga-eul, who mouthed at him: ‘What are you saying?!’

Suddenly without warning, Shinkyu jumped up from her seat. “The same reason why he doesn’t want me to be with other guys…” She whispered, but not loud enough for Kyuhyun or Ga-eul to hear. Then, she turned to her friends and smiled. “Let’s go! If they really want to be in this musical, we shall see them there. But if they aren’t there later, we’ll all know how insincere they are in their promises.”


“Excuse me! May I have your attention please?” Miss Park said, her voice loud and clear. She stood on the stage podium and clapped her hands twice. “Please, settle down and take your seat.”

Shinkyu, Kyuhyun and Ga-eul took the second row seats. They had decided earlier that none of them wanted front row seats to see Madam Geum’s nostrils flare with anger and impatience. Instead, Hanbyul and her own gang of queenkas rushed for the first row. She shot a triumphant smile at Shinkyu. The princess just rolled her eyes.

“The audition will start in a few more minutes. Are you all here?” Miss Park wanted to know.

No one replied her.

“No! Shinkyu’s husband is not here yet!” It was that big-mouthed Hanbyul.

“Who? Jiyong?” the teacher asked. She looked over at Shinkyu, and then at Madam Geum. “It’s okay. We shall wait for a little while more.”

As Miss Park came down from the stage to join Madam Geum at the judges’ table, Ga-eul turned back to Shinkyu. “Hey, where’re the lyrics?”

“What?!” Shinkyu said, shocked. “I don’t have them! I don’t even know what song we’re gonna have to sing!”

“Who has them?” Kyuhyun asked.

Shinkyu heaved a dramatic sigh. “Jiyong…” Where are you Jiyong? Shinkyu’s heart was whispering. This was the second time she actually relied on Jiyong. It proved to be another mistake.

“Did I hear someone calling me?” A voice boomed from behind the three friends. Shinkyu turned around swiftly, and her face was just a few centimeters from Jiyong’s mischievous smiling face. Her cheeks flushed uncontrollably, and Ga-eul was laughing out of relief.

“Okay, great! Now that you are all here, we need to divide the singing parts…” Ga-eul said dutifully.

“Wait, what are we singing, anyhow?” Seunghyun wanted to know.

“Good question!” Kyuhyun said.

“We don’t have much time!!” Shinkyu was already in full panic mode. That was when she heard this annoying buzzing noise. She stared at Jiyong angrily. “What are you doing??”

“Don’t you remember this song?” He continued to hum, louder and clearer, while Shinkyu searched her mind. Suddenly, she gasped and looked at Jiyong.

“Isn’t that… My song?” She asked Jiyong, who just smiled.

“Great! I love ‘Sweetest Dream’!” Youngbae said. The teacher had let the whole class listen to the song the other day.

“So, we all know how to sing the chorus, right?” Daesung asked for confirmation. “That’s great then! We can all sing!”

“Erh, Daesung? I think Sohee doesn’t know the lyrics…” Ga-eul said softly, reminding them that Sohee was new.

Everyone looked at the maid. She looked at Shinkyu with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Miss, if you don’t want me there, I’ll not join the musical!”

What?? Was Sohee using reverse psychology on Shinkyu? Huh! She didn’t care! All of them watched as Madam Geum walked up the stage.

“Listen up! The audition will begin soon. First of all, I need to warn you all. Please be serious about this! Do not waste our time. If you are not ready to give cooperation, please leave now,” she announced. “And now, let the music take our souls!”

The gang sat quietly as they watched other groups singing and acting and dancing on stage. They were quite good. But Madam Geum didn’t think so. After about 5 groups, all she ever said was, “Next, next, next, next and NEXT!”

“The next group?” Miss Park called out to Shinkyu. “Come on, your group’s the last.”

Jiyong stood up proudly and led the gang up the stage.

“Nine of you in one group?” Madam Geum said, lowering her glasses as she counted. “Or is the new girl not counted?”

“I think they already have enough in their group, ma’am,” Sohee said.

“If that’s the case then, show me what you’ve got! All eight of you will be singing?” Madam Geum asked.

Ga-eul smiled proudly and said, “Shinkyu and Jiyong will be the lead vocalists, and the rest are all supporting vocalists. We sing the chorus!” Jiyong grinned at Shinkyu, but she just faintly smiled back. He was still angry at him, even though he couldn’t be blamed for what happened.

“Ah, you are well-coordinated. That’s a good start!” Miss Park complimented as she nodded approvingly at Ga-eul. “But the results depend on your actual performance. So, are you ready now? You may begin.”


Cheers erupted in the theatre hall as the group bowed to the audience. And there you had it; the eight top students of Kyunghee University of Graduate in Music and Arts. It was a great chart to sing—that’s for sure, and their voices were so good together; Jiyong’s warm, slightly raspy tenor blending in with Shinkyu’s sweet alto, like caramel and chocolate. Totally natural combo. And the rest were sprinklings of berries on their ‘patbingsu’.

Even Madam Geum had to admit that they were wonderful. She still didn’t smile, but instead of saying ‘NEXT’, she said ‘well done’. That was a great compliment itself, seeing as it came from Madam Geum.

“That’s great, kids!” Miss Park shouted from her table down the stage. Apart from being one of the youngest teachers in school she also had this annoying habit to call her students ‘kids’. “Alright! That concludes our audition today. Good news is, you were all amazing today. But the bad news; only 15 students will be chosen as the casts. Of course, we might add some more tiny roles…”

Everyone groaned. Madam Geum took this opportunity to stare them out, and they returned back to being quiet again. Miss Park smiled thankfully at her senior before continuing, “We have here, a list of the main casts who are chosen due to their outstanding performance. We have… Shinkyu and Jiyong’s group!!”

Shinkyu couldn’t believe her ears. She blinked hard for a few times but was only brought back into reality when Jiyong wrapped his arms around her. “Good job, darling!” he said as he slowly released her from the embrace. “Gosh, it’s been so long since I hugged you. This feels so good!”

“YAY!!! We made it! And best of all, we deserved it!!” Ga-eul exclaimed happily. “Let’s celebrate!!” The group began to dance wildly. Youngbae pulled Jiyong into the dance, thus leaving Shinkyu alone.

“Congrats, miss.” Shinkyu turned around upon hearing Sohee’s voice. “You were really great up there. Good luck for the real performance. Break a leg…”

Shinkyu wasn’t sure whether Sohee was just saying it as a phrase, or she meant it literally. But she chose not to care. She smiled back to her like she usually did. After all, the two of them had been close friends since forever.

“Thank you, Sohee. Good luck with your studies here as well…”



Shinkyu barged her way into the classroom, not bothering what kind of weird looks she was getting from her classmates. Ga-eul stared at her attentively. Finally, when she settled down, Kyuhyun walked to her desk.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked.

“No! I’m not! I hate Kwon Jiyong, I hate Ahn Sohee, and I hate everyone around here!!” Shinkyu shouted angrily. But Kyuhyun could sense hurt and sadness in her voice. “Erh, except you two, of course…”

“Nah, no worries about it… We’re kind of accustomed to your tantrums,” Ga-eul said with a smile. “But, that was really inappropriate for a princess, Shinkyu! What happened?”

Shinkyu didn’t even know why Ga-eul bothered to ask. It was not like she didn’t know what—who—always agitates the princess. And didn’t she mention the names just now?

Sohee and Jiyong were getting closer nowadays. But that was not the real cause to Shinkyu’s anger. These days, the maid was always invited for Kwon-Ly dinners. And even Shinkyu’s own parents treated Sohee extra good. In fact, Shinkyu now wondered whether she was still the princess or not. Just now in the morning, Sohee actually asked her to carry her books for her.

Shinkyu didn’t know who was crazier; Sohee (for asking Shinkyu to carry books) or Shinkyu herself (for doing what Sohee asked her to).

“That maid is getting on my nerves! I--”

As if right on cue, Sohee and Jiyong walked into the class, laughing aloud with no absolute reason. If it wasn’t for the head teacher coming in with them, Shinkyu would have gladly thrown her desk at the two.

“Good morning, students!”

“Good morning, sir!”

“Psst..!” Seungri whispered loudly to the leader sitting in front of him.

Jiyong turned back to shoot an irritated look at the maknae. “What?!”

“Look at jesu! She’s fuming hot. I think you’d better not get too close with Sohee, hyung,” Seungri warned.

“Do you think…? Shinkyu’s jealous?” Jiyong asked mischievously.

“Yes, hyung, VERY!” Seungri replied.

The prince smiled in satisfaction. “Good then…”

“Very well, I see the new girl’s settling in. Jiyong’s a great help isn’t he, Sohee?” the head said.

Sohee opened to say something, but was abruptly cut off by Shinkyu. “Sir, I have something to tell you.”


“Sohee is my maid, and I expect her to serve by me even if she’s at school. My father pays her full-time salary, and she only works part-time after school. I don’t think that’s very fair, do you?” Shinkyu pointed out aggressively. For the first time ever, she was finally using her killer I’m-the-princess-and-my-parents-will-sue-you-for-all-you’re-worth look.

“But Shinkyu, this is school, after all. And Sohee can choose whether to oblige to this or not,” said the head teacher.

“What do you think, Sohee?” Shinkyu challenged. The whole class was extremely quiet as they watched on. Some were actually praying for catfight.

Sohee turned to the back of the class and looked at Jiyong. He appeared calm, no signs of objection. Sighing, she said, “Of course, whatever you said, miss.”

As the bell rang, Shinkyu smirked. “And now, YOU will carry MY books…”


“See, hyung?” Seungri exclaimed. “I told you something WILL happen! Jesu is not the kind of girl who will just sit back and watch her power taken away from her.”

“Actually, what were you really thinking, Jiyongie?” Youngbae asked.

“You know what? I think Cho Kyuhyun is our biggest obstacle here.”

“Why him? He posed no threat so far…” Daesung wanted to know. “And taking to consideration, your closeness to Sohee clearly has proven you to not be interested in Shinkyu jesu, right?”

Jiyong said nothing, and just gave a small chuckle. “You guys all sensed it, right? Shinkyu was jealous! Do you know what that means?”

“Erh, she’s going to hate you more?” Seunghyun said, indirectly bursting Jiyong’s bubble.

“No! Besides that!” Jiyong said. “The plan is going well…”


“Kwon Jiyong, you scumbag!!”

Jiyong turned to Shinkyu. “Are you here to see me, baby?” he asked playfully.

“Baby, your head!” Shinkyu shot back. “Where is Ahn Sohee?”

“Sohee? Why are you asking me, miss? I returned her to you!”

“Didn’t she look for you or anything?” Shinkyu’s voice trailed away as nervousness took over. “Where else could she have gone then?”

“You lost her?!” Jiyong said accusingly, as if Sohee was an item.

“No, I didn’t! The last time I saw her, we were in the locker room and I left earlier. But when I go back to look for her, the room was locked and she was no where to be found! She missed two classes! The head teacher will not be pleased!” Shinkyu explained.

Jiyong scratched his head for an answer. “Okay, maybe she went to look for you. And you were looking for her… So, you know…”

“Attention to all students: you are required to assemble in the Grand Parade Square outside the school building now. I repeat: you are required to assemble in the Grand Parade Square outside the school building now!” The announcement boomed through the PA system. “This is the principal speaking.”

“Oh great, what is this now??” Shinkyu said, more of a depressing statement rather than a questioning one.

“You heard the announcement, hyung?” Daesung said as he and the other three of Jiyong’s gang members appeared at the doorway. “Let’s go now.”

“What about Sohee?” Shinkyu asked.

“She’s lost, not deaf. She can hear it as well, and then we shall see her at the square,” Jiyong said.

As the six of them reached the square, Shinkyu wandered off to join Ga-eul and Kyuhyun. “Shinnie!” Ga-eul called out from the crowd. “Over here!”

“What’s up with this?” Shinkyu wanted to know.

“We heard the announcement and rushed here immediately,” Kyuhyun said. “I think one of the teachers said something about stolen money…”

“Wow! In a university? That’s something new!” Shinkyu remarked. “Seen Sohee yet?”

Just as Ga-eul was about to give her reply, the principal, along with the head teacher, stood on the huge podium in front of the square. The two of them had stern looks on their faces.

“Students, please line up according to your homeroom number. Teachers, please check the attendance of your homeroom students,” the principal instructed. “The spot check will be conducted now!”

As the discipline teachers began the spot check operation on the students, the principal proceeded to say, “Stealing is a heavy offence, and I don’t think I need to tell you that. You’re already adults, for goodness’s sake! Show some maturity! I am not accusing you without proof! A search had already been conducted on the teachers and staff members. When no proof is found, it is a must to conduct a spot check on the student body.”

“Stealing? So it’s true!” Shinkyu whispered, giving Kyuhyun a nudge with her elbow.

“The school’s association fund is not just Kyunghee University’s, but also the students’. As long as you’re in the school, you have your share in the money. You should be ashamed of yourselves!”

Madam Geum tapped the head teacher’s shoulders and whispered into his ears, probably to tell him about the search’s results. Upon hearing so, the head teacher took the principal’s place on the podium.

“Very well, since none of you will admit it… We have no choice but to call out our alibi,” said the head teacher. A few seconds later, gasps filled the atmosphere as a female student stood up onto the podium. Shinkyu’s gasp was definitely the loudest.

It was Sohee.

“Sohee? What is she doing up there??” Shinkyu said.

“Don’t be afraid, Sohee. Tell us what you found,” the principal said reassuringly.

Sohee took a glance around and her eyes landed on her employer, Shinkyu. She quickly looked away upon meeting the princess’s intense gaze.

“I was in the locker room, alone,” Sohee said into the microphone. “Miss Shinkyu was with me for a while before she left in a hurry. She dropped her locker keys so I went out to look for her. I got lost because I’m new and didn’t know the way around, so I went back into the locker room and sat there waiting for her. I also spotted her books lying around, so I opened her locker to put them in it.” She paused halfway, as if to ponder on whether she should continue or not.

“Why would my books be in the locker room when I have classes?!” Shinkyu couldn’t help but shouted out.

“Miss Ly! I expect better behaviour from you as you come from a rich and influential family!” the principal said.

“I had two classes after I left the locker room. Why would my books be left in there if I need to go for my classes?”

“Please, Shinkyu, not now!”

Shinkyu opened to protest, but Kyuhyun held her hand and softly caressed it. “Relax, Shinnie. Now’s not the time for this. Let’s hear what Sohee has to say…”

“Please continue, Sohee,” said the head teacher.

“I saw a huge brown bag in the locker. There was money in it! A lot of money!” Sohee said.

“What?!” Shinkyu’s croaked dryly. “Is this some kind of joke?!”

“No, I assure you the school BOD is very serious about this. How did the money end up in your hands, Shinkyu? No, wait, how did you steal it?” the principal demanded.

“I didn’t! It wasn’t me!” Shinkyu shrieked as she felt a pair of hands grasping her shoulders and holding her hands back. “Let me go! I had never, and will never, steal in my whole life!!”

The head teacher shook his head in dismay. “Shinkyu, I have always looked at you as a top student and music prodigy in Kyunghee. But I never expect you to do this! And to deny it is an even bigger offence!”

“We have proof, sir,” a teacher said as he held up a brown bag. When he opened the bag, stacks and stacks of money fell onto the floor. “We counted the amount, and it’s the exact amount missing from the association fund!”

“Sir, Shinkyu wouldn’t steal!” Kyuhyun said.

“Yeah, sir! Shinkyu’s parents own the Kwon-Ly Share Holdings with Jiyong’s parents. The Kwons and Lys are the richest families in Korea. Certainly she wouldn’t have to steal the school funds?” Seunghyun said defensively.

“So who stole it?”

“It was me, sir!”

Everyone turned to look at Sohee. Her lips were quivering each time she spoke, “Miss Shinkyu wouldn’t steal! I was the one who had her locker keys. So, it was me!”

“What are you saying, Sohee? You were the one who found it! So how can it be you who stole the money?” asked the principal.

“I don’t care! What I know is that Miss Shinkyu will never steal!”

“This is not the way to defend anyone, Sohee!” said the head teacher.

“I admit that I didn’t steal it, and that I don’t know who the real thief is, or how the bag ended up in Miss Shinkyu’s locker. All I know is that Miss Shinkyu will not steal!” Sohee retorted. “Don’t worry, miss!” she said to Shinkyu. “Don’t be afraid! Just don’t admit it!”

“It is also against the school rules if you defend for Shinkyu and prevent the case investigation from going on,” the principal said. “I know you are just trying to help you employer, but this is not the right way. And I have to remind you that you’re under a scholarship and you might have it taken away you break the rules.”

Sohee turned to Shinkyu and fixed her gaze on her. “Miss, why did you do it? Maybe you should just admit it, and then we can think of a way to help you…” she added with a smirk.


“Shinkyu, please just tell us why is it that you need to steal the money. Are you in need of cash? Is the company doing alright?” the principal asked. “If you just tell us, maybe we can negotiate on the punishment…”

Shinkyu remained silent and stared at the floor. After several tries and still no answer from her, the principal had no choice but to let her go.

“We shall talk about it again,” he said as Shinkyu turned the door knob.

The princess turned swiftly and glared at the principal. “We will, sir; when you received a letter from my lawyer.” With that, she darted out the room and slammed the door shut. There in the hallway, Sohee was jeering at her hatefully.

“How was the negotiation going, ‘miss’?” she asked sarcastically.

“You treacherous cow!!” Shinkyu barked at her maid angrily. “What did I ever do to make you ruin my life like this?!”

“I don’t want to serve you, Shinkyu. Especially not at school, where everyone can see!” Sohee said. “I want to be treated like a normal school girl, not a maid who works for a princess!”

“That’s who you really are, Ahn Sohee! A lowly maid!” Shinkyu insulted her.

Sohee felt hurt in her heart but she just buried it deep within her. “Don’t be so sure yet, Shinkyu! Right now, you’re a thief, and no one likes to be friends with a thief. Jiyong and Kyuhyun will rather be my friends!”

Shinkyu lifted her hand up to slap Sohee, but was stopped by the maid. “Do you really think the gangster/boyish personalities will get you very far here? Your actions just now at the assembly already proved to everyone how barbaric you are as a ‘lady’. I, on the other hand, will be a more preferred choice as a princess because unlike you, I am gentler. I think you know what I meant, right? Why else would I defend you, Ly Shinkyu?”

“That’s enough from you!” Shinkyu shouted as she launched forward at Sohee.

“Shinkyu, stop it!!” Jiyong commanded. “Don’t fight!!” He stood in between in front of Shinkyu with his back facing Sohee. “You’ve already been detained for the stealing offence. Fighting will only bring you further down!! You better apologize to Sohee now!”

Behind him, Sohee smirked a little, and then pools of tears formed behind her eyelids. She began to sob silently.

“Everything’s not as bad as it seems, Sohee! Trust me, this is all a misunderstanding!” Jiyong said, grabbing Sohee’s arm to prevent her from going. Shinkyu watched in horror and hurt.

“No, you won’t understand…” Sohee sobbed.

“I will, Sohee,” Jiyong reassured her. “Shinkyu will apologize to you!”

Sohee turned around, revealing her tear-streaked cheeks. “No, I know all of you hate me for coming to the school so abruptly, and because of me coming in between you and Shinkyu! This is all my fault, and to the point where I’m humiliated, scolded or despised, you will never understand!” As she took on her heels, she said, “I’m sorry!”

“Sohee, wait!” Jiyong called out to her.

“Jiyong, I--” Shinkyu began, but was immediately brought to a halt when Jiyong shot her an angry glare. Without a word, he ran after Sohee.

“Don’t cry anymore,” he consoled her.

“No, oppa, it’s my fault! I started it. I shouldn’t have hurled those words at Shinkyu!” Sohee said. “But I really didn’t mean it!” she said as she held Jiyong’s hands. “Can you please tell Shinkyu that I didn’t mean to make her angry? She must have hated me now, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship!”

Jiyong nodded and made his way back to the hallway to find Shinkyu. En route, he saw her already sitting on the bench in the school musical garden. Just as he was about to walk to her, something else stopped him in his tracks.

Shinkyu was not alone. Kyuhyun was with her.

He had his arm around Shinkyu and the other gently wiping her tears away. Jiyong clenched his fists in anger and stormed off instantly.

“It’s okay, Shinnie,” Kyuhyun whispered softly. “We know you have nothing to do with all this!”

“I really hate that stupid Kwon Jiyong!”

“Trust me, I know that too well,” Kyuhyun said, giving the princess a kiss on her forehead.


The two looked up at Seungri who was running towards them at an amazing speed, with Seunghyun, Youngbae and Daesung trailing behind him

“Great, what now??” Shinkyu asked as she shot up from the bench.

“Time to go back home, jesu!” Daesung said.

“Can’t you see Kyuhyun’s with me now?” Shinkyu said impatiently.

“It’s okay, Shinnie, go with them,” Kyuhyun said, smiling. “See you tomorrow!”

As he left her sight, Shinkyu’s hear felt heavy. Kyuhyun was the only one who would listen to her woes, unlike her stupid husband.

“Should we go now, Shinkyu?” Youngbae asked.

“What are you doing here, anyhow?” Shinkyu snapped.

“Jiyong hyung sent us here, jesu,” Seungri said. “We’ll protect you!”

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great fic, thank you!
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 18: awww....i never thought this story will make me melt!! Authornim!! im begging you to update this fic as soon as possible okay?^^ anyway,Hwaiting!! I'll always support you♥♥♥
exomania #3
cute!! i like it
pandawriter #4
nice fic! i luv it!
Iheartlife #5
this is great :D
when are u gonna update again?<br />
im dying over cliffhanger-ness ~ XD
I just read it.. Nice story.. I hate sohee!!
Misyel #8
It's been four days since the last chapter.<br />
Whew, I was quite busy so I just slacked off LOL<br />
I hope you enjoy the newest chapter :D
kyuhyunlover #9
i'm starting to think that kyuhyun is a little creepy in this fanfic...lol watching them through the window? stalker!