5 - 선생님 !

Lost and Found


This fashion show really did do the trick. That "kicked puppy" look on JiHwae's face earlier did a complete 360 once we hit the different clothing stores and tried on random outfits the other picked out. I know I just met her and everything, but I couldn't help and feel so comfortable with her...so familiar with her. The way she played with her hair when she was deep in thought, nervous, or embarrassed, or the way her smile was almost accompanied by a soft laugh: it was like a vague memory resurfacing, but unable to make it all the way through.

Maybe I was over-thinking things though. Or over-analyzing...

"Oppa? Annyeong~" She called me back to reality, her hand waving in front of my eyes. I blinked and looked back at her, noticing she was wearing the dress I picked out for her to wear. "Does it not look ok?" She asked, standing back to look down at herself.
I wondered if this girl ever saw herself in a mirror before. She was a beautiful girl physically (in my eyes, at least), but what made her even more beautiful was that she didn't try to be whatever she wasn't. I felt it was a waste that she was cooped away in her house all day, but didn't press on her reasons why anymore.

I didn't want to ruin the good (and very charming/attractive) mood I had gotten her into. Aish, if she's the "kicked puppy" I must be the "love-sick puppy"...

"What are you saying, JiHwae? You look so cute~" I smirked a bit as she blushed and told me to stop teasing her. She hurried to go back and change, but as she turned, a man behind her was standing a little too close and knocked her over.

My eyes widened and my automatic reaction was to stand and grab her before she hit the floor. It wasn't necessary, though, because right when I stood, the man's hand shot out to grab her and keep her steady.

"JiHwae?" The man said, looking at her with a shocked expression.

JiHwae quickly stood, flattening her dress around her before bowing a bit at the man. I stood by, confused. When she came back up, smiling and laughing a little, I was even more puzzled.

"Sorry, Onew Oppa. I didn't see you." She said light-heartedly, her voice suddenly much more...careful and girly. And Oppa? Who was this guy!?

"No, it's okay, JiHwae~ I didn't expect to see you here at all." He said truthfully, but still had this ever-present, gentle smile on his face. He brought his gaze towards me, making JiHwae remember, too.

She turned and reached for my hand, pulling me along to introduce me. "This is Taemin, Oppa. Taemin, this is my home-school sonsaengnim, Lee JinKi."

"I like being called Onew, though. Nice to meet you Taemin." The man said and we bowed our heads a bit before saying anything else. He looked rather young to be a teacher, but maybe that was just me.

"Nice to meet you, too, hyung." I lied. I didn't like him, they were too friendly. Then again, they were teacher and student. Still, I glanced at JiHwae every so often as her and Onew seemed to forget me for a bit and talk amongst themselves. She looked at him with so much interest...I didn't want to say I was envious, but that'd be lying.

I finally snapped back as JiHwae began saying, "N-No, Oppa, he isn't my boyfriend! He's...well, he's a long story..." She tried to explain. Boo, she was so quick to deny I could be her boyfriend...

"Ahah, I see. Well, when Monday rolls around, you can both tell me then. I just thought he might be someone important if you decided to leave your house finally..." He smiled at us. I stood by, not smiling, nor frowning, just blinking my eyes at this male. "I'd love to talk about your miraculous departure from home some more, but I'm sort of in a rush. I'll see you two later~" He said and JiHwae nodded, looking a tad bit too disappointed for my liking as she bowed and thanked him.

He stopped, turning on his heel before pointing at her dress. "By the way, that dress looks very pretty on you, JiHwae." Onew grinned and then walked off. JiHwae, who's cheeks had become tinted with a light shade of pink, began spiraling strands of her hair on her finger.

I don't know why I was feeling so insecure by that guy, but I decided to see just what she thought about him. "You like your teacher don't you?"

She blinked, looking back at me, her cheeks turning a bit darker. "O-Of course, I like him. He helps me with lessons and...teaches me..."

I frowned a bit and said, "Not in that way, I mean you like-like him."

"So what if I do...?" She asked, looking away, one hand rubbing the length of her other arm. "He's the only one other then my family that I can trust..."

Well, that was probably true. I had known her for a day, this guy for a year - it was completely understandable. Again, I don't know what unrealistic feelings were washing over me, but I blurted out, "You can trust me."

Smooth, Taemin....I suddenly felt embarrassed as she looked up at me, her eyebrows brought together as she internally questioned what I just said. After that moment, though, her expression relaxed greatly and she smiled a little at me. "Thank you, Taemin Oppa. I had a feeling I could." Woot! Point for Taemin!

I grinned, enjoying the feeling of gaining recognition in her eyes and found my mouth had a mind of its own today. "Aigoo, you're adorable~" I teased and added, "Onew hyung was right though, you do look pretty in that dress."

She blushed, this time by my words, and swung her hand to thwack my arm playfully. "Aish!" She shouted and we laughed. I didn't know JiHwae as long as Onew and I didn't know everything about her, but my gut was telling me to win her heart. And since my memory was at a blank and my gut was all I had to rely on, I'd follow it.

AUTHOR: I lied xD JiHwae is still a big secret, I guess.
But, look! Onew! Lol! xD Anyway, hope y'all like this chapter.
It was pretty rushed and ugly in my opinion...But I tried <3
Next chapter, you'll get to REALLY know more about JiHwae and stuff. Promise!
Look forward to a minor timeskip, too (:

Anyway! Thanks readers and commentors and subscribers! I love you all *sprinkles with joy and happiness sparkles* XD

And YES, the picture of this chapter is JiHwae and the dress Taemin picked C: Cute, non?

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Chapter 11: Is nice story! Please update !!!
calendaroflove #2
new reader here :DD
aaahh!! so sweet
It may sound weird, but deep inside, im rooting for YoonaXTaeMin and JiHwaeXOnew!! Hehe, i'll continue rooting til its official their not meant to be.
Please update! Your story is just too good to be left unfinished. I can't live without knowing what happens next!;_;
Ajtequilla #5
YAAAAH plz update sooo ion I'm dying to know what happens next
atheovia #7
<3 It's interesting ~~
please update soon!!~ ^.^