Goodbye plan

Life: Regret and Forgivness

Victoria's p.o.v


The bell rang and everyone took their seats. Miss Oh walked in and Sulli stood up.

" Attention" she said and we all bowed.

" Morning class"

" I'm glad to announce that our school is over and we are done with our parenting project" she announced and everyone stayed quiet.

" Whats wrong? Aren't you guys glad that school's over?" she questioned.

" I'm sad that I can't spend anymore time with Jungwoo" Luna said and L nodded.

" Me too" he said.

" Liar" she said under her breath.

" What?" L questioned.

" Why are you lying saying you miss him when you never cared in the first place?" Luna questioned.

" What did you say?" he asked.

" Why do you care he's gone if you never like him in the firsr place?" she questiioned.

" Who says I don't care?" he retorted.

" What?"

" I did care" he said and she scoffed.

" Yeah then why didn't you want to hold him?" she asked and he stayed quiet. He sat down.

" Thought so" she said siting down.

" Hey Luna! Don't talk to him like that!" I yelled and the class got quiet since I never raised my voice at anyone.

" Victoria it's ok" L said trying to calm me down.

" No it's not. She's being a b***h when she doen't know anything" I yelled and everyones mouth fell out.

" Victoria?" she said shocked.

" You wanna know why oppa doesn't hold kids?" I questioned and she nodded.

" Victoria please" L pleaded  and I shook my head.

" You can't keep it to yourself forever" I said.

" The reason is because the first baby he held was our neighbors. She use to be our bestfriend. She was a good girl who got caught in a bad life when she dated  a mafia's son and got pregnant. She wanted to raise the baby and so did he but,  his father didn't so he treatened to kill it. She called L and asked for help. He went over to her house and held him for her while she went out. She didn' come back and he went looking for her at the fathers house. When he got there she was lying unconsious on the street with blood dripping out. . He tried to help her and ended up getting shot by the son's dad. L was in a coma for three months and two weeks in the hospital after he woke up. When he came home he found out that she and the guy ran away after the baby died. He never held another baby eversince because to this day he still blames himself" I confessed and everyones face fell. Some of the girls had already started crying.

" L" Luna said with a tear in her eyes.

" Forget it. Can e go back to class" he said sitting dow.

" Oh right. Sorry" Miss Oh said  wiping her tears.

" Oh I'm gonna miss being married to Silli" Baekhyun said trying to lift the spirit. Everyone laughed. I looked over and saw Sulli blushing. Baekhyun chuckled and wrapped his arm around shoulder. He gave her a quick peck making her blush more. I smiled at how caring he was too Sulli.

" Well I miss it all but there's a time when everyone has to move on , right?" she questioned and everyone nodded.

" Alright since you all are graduating. It's finallt time for your senior prom" she announce and everyone except Nickhun, Luna , L and me cheered.

" It's formal so you can wear anything appropiate. The theme will be a fun suprise" she said and everyone nodded.

"  Class is dimissed. Have fun finding dates" Miss Oh said as the bell rang. I sighed knowing I wasn't gonna have a date for prom and have to stay home alone my final year.


Poor Myungsoo . He has such a bad past

Comment please. What you think?

So sad that there is only one more chapter left.

Thank you readers and suscribers =)



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Justkimberly_3 #1
Chapter 15: Sequel!!! Did she get hit by a car or something ?:(
Lionleaf #2
Chapter 15: That is soo sad! Make a sequel please!
Chapter 14: Poor myungsoo....but victoria can't blame it on Luna to say those words to him, because just like she said; she didn't know. Now she does and I do hope L won't be so cold to her anymore and I hope Luna will help him stop blaming himself
vicqian #4
Chapter 11: Hm .. Hm .. Update soon •⌣•
vicqian #5
Chapter 10: I like this fic, update soon. I think, sometimes they're relationship just like playing around. •⌣•
Chapter 5: While Nichkhuns a for Kissing Krystal! >:C
Aww Poor Vic
Update soon!! :)
It's unavailable:(
me too i wanna read it
I wanna read your fic.........