Krystal's child

Life: Regret and Forgivness

Victoria's p.o.v
















It's been four weeks and our project was a day away from ending. I was very upset. I loved spendng time with Sora and getting closer to Nickhun. The awkward tension dissapeared and we went back to being friends, but I still had alittle feelings for him. I was trying to get better but Luhan and I started drifting apart. I looked around the class and saw everyone playing with their kids. I saw miss. Oh holding Howon. I walked over to her and bowed.

" Where are Luhan and Krystal?" I asked.

" They steped out for a bit" she said and I nodded walking out.  I walked down the hall and saw the gym door opened. I peaked in and saw Luhan and Krystal talking. Krystal had tears in her eyes which  was shocked to see.


" You think I'm gonna forgive you?" he questioned.

" I didn't want to hurt you" she said.

" But you did. You did and that's what I hate the most"he said.

" It was a long time ago, why can't you forget?" she questioned.

" How can I forget? It was our child. Do you not care!" he yelled and she broke down.

" I know. I know it was our child but did you think I wanted to give him up. I had to. Luhan I wasn't prepared and neither were you so why can't you forget. Please stop it hurts so much just forget please" she confessed.

" I know. I just miss him" he said and she nodded.

" I miss him too"

" It's my fault thou. I lost our child" she said shedding tears. Luhan hugged her.

" It's not your fault and I bet he's in a better place now" he said reassuring her.

" I hope he lives well. I don't want him to grow up alone" she said and he kissed her forehead.

" Me too"

My heart ached. I ruined everyhing for them but why was Luhan still with me? I walked back and bumped into someone. I looked up and froze. He wiped my tears and pulled me into a embrace. I missed his warmth so much. I cried in his arms as he carresed my hair.  He held my hand and walked back to class. We heard commotion and ran into the classroom.  I saw a lady and two men in suits.

" What's going on?" Nickhun asked.

" These guys are here to talk to Krystal and Luhan" Miss. Oh said.

" Why?" I questioned.

" They're taking Howon away" she admitted and my eyes widened.

" What? Why?"

Krystal and Luhan came into the room. Everyone turned their attention towards them.

" Sorry we're late" Luhan apologized and everyone looked at Krystal.

" Did something happen?" she asked and I nodded.

" What is it?" she questioned and everyone stayed quiet.

" What is it? Tell me!" she yelled.

" Krystal, Howon is your son but since you're a minor and have no parents they have to take him away" Miss. Oh confessed and she fainted. Luhan caught her.

" Krystal, Krystal, Krystal!" he yelled but she didn't move.

" Call an ambulance!" Nickhun yelled and one of the guys in suits pulled their cellphone out. Please hang in there Krystal. You can't abandon Luhan or Howon.

What do you think? I know it's been awhile. I've been busy and had writers block.

Comment please.


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Justkimberly_3 #1
Chapter 15: Sequel!!! Did she get hit by a car or something ?:(
Lionleaf #2
Chapter 15: That is soo sad! Make a sequel please!
Chapter 14: Poor myungsoo....but victoria can't blame it on Luna to say those words to him, because just like she said; she didn't know. Now she does and I do hope L won't be so cold to her anymore and I hope Luna will help him stop blaming himself
vicqian #4
Chapter 11: Hm .. Hm .. Update soon •⌣•
vicqian #5
Chapter 10: I like this fic, update soon. I think, sometimes they're relationship just like playing around. •⌣•
Chapter 5: While Nichkhuns a for Kissing Krystal! >:C
Aww Poor Vic
Update soon!! :)
It's unavailable:(
me too i wanna read it
I wanna read your fic.........