Ch. 7

The Princess and A Wolf
A whole week has gone by after Moonree received her punishment. During that time she’d have her friends come over to keep her company as well as have Chanyeol and other guards watch over her when she wanted to go outdoors. She even found herself being able to go to her favorite spot in the forest. Her beautiful meadow that was beginning to get affected by fall.
“Can you just leave me for a couple of minutes,” Moonree pleaded, “ I’d like to mourn alone.”
“What are you taking about?” Chanyeol tried to keep in his laughter.
“My meadow is descending into the afterlife. I’d like to say farewell,” she sniffed dramatically.
“And the award for the worst actress goes to, drum rolls please~,” Chanyeol teased.
“Yah! Go away,” Moonree shot him a glare with her arms crossed.
“Alright but if you go anywhere else,” Chanyeol hit the palm of his hand with his fist, “I won’t let you off the hook this time.”
“I won’t go anywhere,” she rolled her eyes.
“I’m just saying,” Chanyeol shrugged before leaving. 
“Finally,” she mumbled as soon as she saw the last of Chanyeol disappear behind trees.
She bent down and ran a hand through the stale grass, feeling it break under her touch. She slowly sat on the ground, a cool fall breeze playing with her hair.
“I said go away,” Moonree closed her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh.
“Princess?” She heard a slightly familiar voice call out from her right.
“What?” She turned towards the voice with a puzzled look.
“What are you doing here in the middle of the forest all alone?” Lay questioned with a brow raised.
“Oh just bored,” Moonree stood up and dusted off her pants, “Lay, is it? Why are you in the middle of the forest all alone and only wearing a tank top with shorts?”
“Exploring,” he smiled showing a dimple on his right cheek.
“Aren’t you cold wearing that?”
“No, I’m used to the cold,” he shrugged.
“Oh,” she slipped her hands into the back pockets of her jeans.
“You know princess, it’s dangerous to be in the woods all by yourself,” he crossed his arms with a playful smile.
“It’s not that dangerous,” she faked a chuckle. She did know being alone in the woods was dangerous. The images of that day in which haunted her everyday didn’t let her forget, “and I’m not alone.”
“You’re not?” he raised a brow and looked around even though he knew she wasn't alone and had someone watching over her.
“No,” she shifted her weight to the right and slightly nodded to the direction Chanyeol disappeared to, “my body guard's are over there. I told him to give me some privacy.”
“That’s good, Princess because if you were indeed by yourself, you would have been in trouble,” Lay smirked. She stepped back, a little shocked by his remark.
“W-why do you say that?”
“I’m just messing around,” Lay let out a half-hearted laugh. He wasn’t fully joking. He knew that it was dangerous for Moonree to have even been left alone by her guard and it was quite stupid for him as well as herself. Something could happen to her even if her guard was a few feet away. It only took a couple of minutes, maybe even seconds for something to snatch her up. He knew it well himself.
“Oh,” she let out a sigh and laughed herself, “ you worried me for a minute there.”
“Did I? I’m sorry,” he smiled, liking the sound of her laugh. It was like soft, velvety music to him and he had the urge to make her laugh more, even if he made himself look stupid.
“How about you? Isn’t it dangerous for you to be alone by yourself as well?” she crossed her arms, “your town must be a few miles away.”
“Not really. I know how to defend myself pretty well,” he stood up straight as if demonstrating how tough he was.
“Is that right,” she giggled.
“Princess I thi-” Chanyeol reappeared from behind the trees but stopped when he saw that Monree had company, “You again?”
“Hello,” Lay greeted with a bow.
“Hello,” Chanyeol greeted him the same way.
“Well, what happened Yeol?” Moonree squinted her eyes at him as if  scorning him, “weren’t you suppose to be a few feet away?”
“Yeah well I sort of lost my way……” he rubbed the back of his neck apologetically. 
“You would,” Moonree chuckled, “I have to get back to the palace. It was nice seeing you again, Lay. Maybe we can meet again someday?”
“That would be nice,” Lay smiled, “you choose the day.”
“How about…tomorrow?” she smiled in hope.
“Tomorrow it is,” he replied with a nod and his smile turning into a grin.
“Alright then, see you tomorrow,” Moonree bowed.
“See you tomorrow, Princess,” he replied with a bow.
“Alright, let’s get you back home,” Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he glanced at Lay then at Moonree.
“Bye,” Chanyeol bowed towards Lay.
“Bye, get home safe,” Lay replied the same way before disappearing behind the trees with a huge grin.
“What was that all about?” Chanyeol half whispered as they descended back to the palace.
“What was what all about?” Moonree replied with a smile.
“The smile exchanges and the dreamy eyes?”
“What are you talking about,” she smacked his arm lightly and giggled.
“You like him ,” he shook his head and sighed.
“What? No I don’t,” she denied, “and whatever you do, don’t tell my parents about this.”
“I see you want to keep seeing your future boyfriend?” he raised a brow.
“He’s not my boyfriend and yes. I’m meeting him tomorrow as you heard,” she lightly shoved him.
“I didn't say he was and it’s so boring,” he whined.
“You have your phone,” she rolled her eyes.
“But I don’t get signal here,” 
“Then bring Sumin~” she teased.
“Shut up,” he tried not to smile at the name but failed.
“I’ll ask her to come tomorrow then,” she shrugged with a smile and walked in front of him.
“What? No,” he quickened his pace to catch up even though it didn’t take to much steps because of his long legs.
“You’re such a giant,” she looked at him from head to toe.
“Yes I am,” he smiled proudly.
“Dork,” she chuckled.
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so-lovely #1
Thats actually Himchan from B.A.P.....I didn't realise that after a while lol
Sorry for the confusion: (
hazaexo #2
great story can't wait for update but i also want to ask about zhon baojia i search for him but nothing appear