Ch. 5

The Princess and A Wolf


“Princess?” the maid knocked on the door trying to balance a tray in her hands, “I’m coming in Princess.”
She turned the knob and opened the door to a sleeping Moonree. She sighed with a smile at the sight of her. Moonree’s leg hung off the bed and the covers were up to her face. The maid set the tray on the nightstand and proceeded on waking up the princess.
“Princess,” she gently shook her, “Princess Moonree, it’s time to wake up.”
“No,” Moonree groaned and turned to the other side, “one more hour.”
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that,” the maid chuckled.
“Please Sumin,” she pleaded.
“Sorry princess but no can do,” Sumin shook her head, “besides, your food will get cold.”
“Food?” Moonree stuck her head out from under the covers, “is it what I think it is?”
“Yes indeed,” Sumin nodded with a chuckle and grabbed the tray, “it’s your favorite.”
“Fine,” she sighed but quickly sat up and took the tray from Sumin. 
“Slow down princess,” Sumin let out a small chuckle.
“You want some?” she offered and Sumin didn’t refuse, “and I told you, call me Moonree. The only time to call me princess is when we’re in front of my parents, okay?”
“Yes,” Sumin smiled.
“Good,” Moonree smiled as well.
“Do you need help getting dressed?” Sumin picked up the tray.
“What am I? 3?” Moonree scoffed, “I am pretty capable of dressing myself.”
They were already finished with breakfast and Moonree was getting ready to tackle on her first day of being grounded.
“By the way Moonree, what happened to the hanbok you were wearing yesterday?” Sumin looked at her with curious eyes.
“Oh the dress,” she smiled sheepishly, “ it kind of….got ruined.”
“It got ruined?” Sumin raised her brows in shock, “but that was suppose to be for……..” She trailed off without finishing her sentence.
“For what?” Moonree raised a curious brow.
“Oh nothing,” Sumin shook her head and went out the door, “I’ll get another for you.”
“But,” Moonree was left with the words in . Why doesn’t she want to tell me? She stared at the closed door. I’ll just ask her again later, she shrugged and searched through her closet for clothes. She settled in a pair of blue jeans and a floral long shirt since she wasn’t planning on going out because she wasn’t allowed to go out.
“Two weeks of being stuck in here,” she pouted after brushing her teeth and hair, “what am I suppose to do for two weeks?”
She sat on her bed with a sigh. She looked towards her computer and phone. Which one? She squinted her eyes in thought and pursed her lips. Computer takes a while to turn on while the phone is instant. Yet again the computer provides a challenge. She tapped her lip trying to chose which source of communication she preferred. What am I doing? She rolled her eyes at herself and got up for her phone. Hope she picks up.
“Pick up,” she mumbled on the third ring, “you better - Hey Arae!”
“Hey Moonree, what’s up?” Arae replied in her joyful self.
“Arae~ guess what,” Moonree pouted.
“What?” Arae didn’t hide the curiousity in her voice.
“I’m grounded, and I can’t go anywhere. Can you come over?” Moonree asked hoping that she would say yes.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Arae didn’t hesitate to be with her friend when she needed her.
“Thank you, Unnie,” Moonree smiled in glee, “you’re the best.”
“I know,” Arae replied with a chuckle before hanging up.
“Now to wait,” Moonree rubbed her knees impatiently. She laid down and began playing a game on her phone. She didn’t notice how long it was until she heard knocking on her door.
“Moonree, you’re friends are here,” Sumin stuck her head inside her room.
“Finally,” Moonree sat up and smiled at the sight of her best friends.
“Thanks Sumin,” Arae bowed with a smile as well as Jaehyun and Chanho.
“You’re welcome miss,” Sumin bowed as well then left the room.
“Why are you dressed like that?” Arae raised a brow, “don’t tell me you’re actually grounded? For how long?!” Moonree held up two fingers with a pout.
“Oh two days?” Arae sighed, “that’s not so bad.”
“Two weeks,” Moonree corrected her still pouting.
“Whut?!” Arae’s jaw dropped.
“My god,” Chanho rolled his eyes, “you guys are so dramatic.”
“Shut up Chanho,” Moonree shot him a look of annoyance, “look not even a minute and you’ve already gotten on my nerves.”
“Whatever, you know you love me,” Chanho gave her a teasing smile.
“Yeah whatever,” she rolled her eyes yet smiled.
“So you can’t go anywhere?” Jaehyun pulled on Arae’s hand to sit next to him on Moonree’s bed.
“No,” she shook her head, “well I can but I’m going to be under surveillance if I do go somewhere.”
“That’s not so bad,” he replied, “we can have Chanho’s brother with us.”
“That’s right,” Moonree clapped her hands but then shook her head with a pout, “oh wait, he’s probably mad at me.”
“Why?” Arae raised a brow.
“Because he was suppose to be looking after her yesterday,” Chanho answered for her.
“Yeah,” Moonree sighed, “ I asked him if he could leave me alone for a few minutes and that’s how I escaped from my room.”
“Aigoo,” Arae flicked her forehead, “why would you do that? You should have never left your room in the first place.”
“I know,” she pouted and rubbed her forehead, “but I felt so suffocated in here. Do you know what my mom told me? She ’informed’ me that I’m suppose to marry the prince of China.”
“What?” Arae almost choked on her spit and Jaehyun raised his eyebrows in shock.
“Marry?” Chanho squeaked.
“Yeah,” Moonree nodded her head with a sad pout.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Arae grabbed her hand to comfort her.
“You guys were on your date and I didn’t want to intrude, that’s why I left because I needed some fresh air,” she slightly shrugged.
“Aish, those parents of yours,” Arae shook her head in disapproval.
“I bet you wouldn’t say that to their face,” Moonree smiled in a challenging way.
“Are you kidding?” Arae scoffed, “I’ll probably be beheaded.”
“Yah,” Chanho suddenly blurted out, “you tell that guy that you’re supposed to marry that you’re already taken.”
“Taken? By who?” Moonree raised a brow confused.
“Me,” he smiled.
“Don’t be weird,” Moonree laughed.
“Yo, instead of messing around go get your brother,” Jaehyun told Chanho.
“Why do I have to go get him?” Chanho whined.
“Because he’s your brother,” Arae rolled her eyes, “just call him instead.”
“Oh good idea,” he smiled and pulled out his phone from his pocket. Moonree listened to the conversation Chanho was having with his brother while Arae and Jaehyun paied no attention and did their own thing. 
“He’s coming,” Chanho slipped his phone back in his pocket and went to sit next to Moonree.
“Is he still mad?” Moonree asked a little worried.
“I think so,” Chanho nodded his head, “but don’t worry, he’ll be nice.”
“Hopefully,” Moonree mumbled. 
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so-lovely #1
Thats actually Himchan from B.A.P.....I didn't realise that after a while lol
Sorry for the confusion: (
hazaexo #2
great story can't wait for update but i also want to ask about zhon baojia i search for him but nothing appear