Ch. 1

The Princess and A Wolf


Darkness breaks, 
Moon awakes, 
Night now brings the stars it makes. 

Moon beams fall, 
Light up all, 
From silvery woods there comes a call. 

Grayish blur, 
Shaggy fur, 
Food is this night creatures lure. 

Brown deer, 
Very near, 
It is brought down full of fear. 

Deadly bite, 
Very tight, 
Every wolf will feast tonight. 

-Yvette Yvonne 1998
Moonree dusted off her dress after successfully climbing out of her window and safely landing on her feet. She looked up to her room and proudly smirked for succeeding without getting hurt this time. She picked up her dress to prevent it from dragging on the floor and become dirty at the bottom.
" 'Do as I say'," Moonree mocked her mothers words and made a face, " like hell if she thinks I'm going to be wedded to someone I haven't met." She ducked her head, dodging a leafless branch as she made her way into the forest.
"I mean, it's my life," she continued talking to herself, "I have a right to chose who I want to marry. Not that I want to get married anytime soon." With furrowed eyebrows, she continued wandering farther into the forest.
"To be honest, I don't think I want to get married," she stepped over a small drying puddle of mud that formed from the rain that had poured the previous night.
Moonree heard as the little creatures of the forest scattered around, making way for her to go by without them getting hurt. She looked around. A small frown formed on her face as she noticed that fall was beginning to take its toll on the forest. Leaves began gliding off of the trees, softly landing on the ground with the light breeze. She looked up and squinted her eyes at the sunlight that shimmered past the trees, scrunching her nose when a leaf landed on her face.
"Here it is," she sighed with a smile after finally reaching her destination. She stood still, admiring the landscape. She was happy and surprised that fall hadn't touched this part of the forest. The meadow was covered with beautiful flowers, varied in color and size. She bent down to pick up a daisy then twirled around before softly falling on the grass. She closed her eyes and smiled as the sun shined on her, warming up her face.
" 'The suitor has accepted to take our lovely daughter's hand in marriage'," she mocked her mother once again. She shielded her eyes from the sun with her arm. She closed her eyes not expecting to doze off. More like falling asleep because the moment she opened her eyes, the sun barely lit the meadow casting various shadows around her. She slightly shivered when a light chilly breeze blew her hair to the side.
"Dammit," she quickly got to her feet and dusted off her dress. She cursed one more time when she noticed that she had some grass smudges on her back side.
"Mother's going to be so angry when I get home," she pouted as she tried to somehow get rid of the grass stains with her hand, "I give up." 
She jerked her head to the side when she heard a sudden rustle coming from behind some bushes.
"Hello!" She called out as she narrowed her eyes trying to get a better look. Again another rustle but this time it was from two directions.
"H-hello?" She called out again more cautiously this time while taking a step back. Another rustle but this time a growl to accompany it. She gasped in fear and quickly ran towards the direction of the palace. She could hear as loud thuds followed behind her, the growling making her skin crawl.
The  leaves crunched underneath her bare feet as she ran dodging trees, branches, bushes. Occasionally slipping and tripping on the muddy covered forest floor with hidden branches that sprawled out of the ground. Her legs begged for rest and her lungs burned for air but she didn't want to stop. She couldn't stop. She knew that if she stopped running for even a slight second, her life would end. 
She held tight onto her dress so it wouldn't get in the way and cause her to trip to her death. She heard as whatever was chasing after her skillfully zig zagged through bushes and trees behind her. Goosebumps formed on her skin from the combination of the freezing cold and fear. Another set of growls roared from every direction behind her. She ran hopelessly, fearing that her legs would give up before she reached the front gates of the palace. 
Her legs brushed against some thorny bushes. She suppressed a whimper as a branch cut her leg. It burned but she didn't dare take the chance to look at it fearing that she would trip. There it is, she thought in relief once she saw the tip of the palace. A smile played on her lips but that was the mistake she made. She kept her eyes on the palace, forgetting to look ahead of her. Suddenly she slammed head first into something hard. A tree maybe? She brought a hand to her head and blinked her eyes trying to fix her spinning vision. She looked up, her vision slowly returning to normality. Her eyes and mouth widened in horror but she was unable to utter a sound. What stood before her was of nothing she had ever seen before. She only believed that they existed only in fairy tales. They were fictional creatures to her so why was one standing right in front of her, sarling at her? She felt dizzy with fear. Another growl, this time she knew it was from the thing in front of her. She looked at its razor sharp teeth and that was that last thing she saw before everything went dark.
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so-lovely #1
Thats actually Himchan from B.A.P.....I didn't realise that after a while lol
Sorry for the confusion: (
hazaexo #2
great story can't wait for update but i also want to ask about zhon baojia i search for him but nothing appear