Lock The Pain Away Part 2

Please Look After Me

Hyunsik's POV:

I got a cold rag and put it on Ilhoon's forehead. He was worked up about something and I think I know what it is but I don't want to guess and then it not be what I thought. The more I think about how he looks at Kikwang at the cafe lately and how he is acting at school and the way Ilhoon is in the morning, I can't help but think that Kikwang told Ilhoon about my past. It's not that hard to figure out what Ilhoon is thinking about espically if he does the same thing everday.

I sit here calmly and wait for him to wake up. 

"This is really eating him alive." I say as I notice marks on his arms that are from his own hands.

"Ilhoon your grip on your arms is so visible. You can calm down. You don't have to worry about everything."

I pull out my phone and dial Kikwang's number.

(ring, ring)


"Kikwang, we need to talk." I said in a serious tone.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"It's Ilhoon, he's been freaking out for the past month about something and won't tell me what it is."


"So did you tell him something that would cause him any mental stress....like something about me?"


"Really now." I had more of an anger sounding tone now.

"Kikwang please be honest. Ilhoon is passed out right now because of it." I continued.

"OMG! Okay fine. I told Ilhoon about your childhood and pretty much everything that happend until this point. And I told him not to tell you because if he does then you won't be the same person."


"I know, and I am truely sorry. But since you know already, please don't go to being the other side of Hyunsik." 

"Da fuq are you talking about?" Seriously Kikwang. What the hell.

"Don't become the sad depressed Hyunsik that worries about his past all the time. i only told Ilhoon so he can understand why you need him so much in your life. Don't change because of one silly Kikwang mistake."

"I would never bring upon my sadness around Ilhoon. He needs to always be happy. It's what's best for him."

"Just be careful Hyunsik. Anyways I have someone's cafe to run. Bye!"



I can't believe Kikwang thought I would become depressed again. Psh. As if.

My attention goes to me semi- unconcious boyfriend. His eyes are starting to re-open.


"Hyunsik.....I'm sorry."

"Ilhoon stop.please. Kikwang told me everything, they way your acting,and the reason your mind is all over the place. I know everything."

".....but..he told me that.."

"That I wouldn't be the same Hyunsik that I am now? That I would become some how different?"


"Ilhoon, the reason why I am always happy everyday is because you are by my side everyday. I could live my whole life as the happiest person ever next to you. When will you ever understand how much you really mean to me. I know my past is something that I don't discuss, but that's because I didn't want you to worry the way you have been for the past month. I care about you too much to allow you to worry yourself to death...or in this case until you pass out."

"Hyunsik...I don't know what to say...I mean, I'm just a childhood friend. How could I mean so much to you?"

"Because you were not just a childhood friend, Ilhoon. You were my only friend and you cared about me so much and I knew ever since I met you that I could never let someone like you go."

Ilhoon began to cry but I knew it wasn't because he was sad. Even though he won't say anything back to me I knew what he was thinking and that's good enough for me.

"Friendship is just the beginning of a relationship and love is not the end. There will be times where there are differences and misunderstandings but if the relationship is important then putting those differences and misunderstandings aside will make a relationship grow stronger."

"Hyunsik what does that even mean?" Ilhoon wondered.

"I actually don't know. I just made that up." I say to Ilhoon with a smile.

"....Hyunsik you are the best." Ilhoon laughs.

"No, Ilhoon. You are better."


No ones POV:

The rest of the day was like the happy ending of a disney movie. Ilhoon wasn't sad anymore and Hyunsik couldn't be any happier than he already is. They spent the whole day together and it felt like one of those times where you feel like it could be the best day in your entire life. Until..

Hyunsik's cell phone started to ring. He wasn't there to answer it so Ilhoon did.

"Hello?" Ilhoon said.

"Umm who is this?" A woman's voice asked.

"I-Ilhoon? Who is this?" Ilhoon almost sounded frightened.

"This is Tiffany, is Hyunsik there?"

"uhh...yeah." Ilhoon has no clue who this "Tiffany' girl is but it made him very uneasy. 

"Who is it?" Hyunsik came in the room.

"Some girl named Tiffany?" He said.

Immediately Hyunsik's eyes were wide open, almost as if he was shocked.

"Ilhoon hang up."


"Just do it."

Ilhoon hung up the phone. Everything seemed quiet. The tv in the background seemed almost non-existant.

"Who is Tiffany?"

Hyunsik knew if he didn't tell Ilhoon then he would worry about it for days on end.

"She is....my older sister."

Ilhoon didn't seem all that surprised that Hyunsik had a sister. In fact, he was more relieved that it was just his older sister.

"How come I've never seen her before?"

"Because she hated me when we were little. She lived at her friend's house all her life knowing how my parents where when I was little. She hated me so much she wanted me to suffer through all of these problems and at one time she-" Hyunsik stopped his sentence.

"She what?"

"She tried to kill me."

If the house could get anymore silent than it already was, it would be at this time.

Ilhoon was speechless and Hyunsik just looked down at the counter infront of them.

"D-does she still hate you?" 

"She says she has changed but I am not convinced. She called me a few months ago too while I was at work which is why I changed my phone number a while back. But somehow she got my new number.."

"I'm sorry, if I knew that she was calling I wouldn't have answered."

"It's not your fault Ilhoon. We are just dealing with one crazy ." Hyunsik put his arm around Ilhoon, hugging him tightly.

"What are you going to do?" Ilhoon asked.

"I'm not sure, but, I'll think of something."

Hyunsik lets go of Ihoon and checks his phone for the time. 12:32am.

"I think it's time to get some rest don't ya think?" 

Ilhoon just nodded and followed Hyunsik. Since a month ago they've been sleeping in Hyunsik's room together.

They both lay down on the bed facing eachother; "Everything will be okay Hyunsik." Ilhoon reassured him. "I've got your back."

Hyunsik smiled at the younger facing him.

"I know." Hyunsik leaned closer and kissed Ilhoon on the forehead.

"I just want everything to be normal for us." Hyunsik continued.

Ilhoon giggles at Hyunsik's words. "The closest thing to normal in our lives is Kikwang-hyung and even then he can be pretty out there."

"That is true Ilhoon. Very true."

And just like that, another day has been spent with an almost worry free attitude. 


Does anyone even read my author's notes?

Anyways.... A CHAPTER!!!! (woohoo)

I totaly had no clue what to do for this chapter. I didn't plan out anything...I kinda just let my mind go in the directions it wanted to.......... For those who don't understand this story right now: Hyunsik had a older sister that didn't live with him when he was little, but lived at a friends house. She was aware of their parent's issues and wanted Hyunsik to suffer..because she hates him. Now she is always trying to get a hold of him for some reason and Hyunsik refuses to meet with her.

Now for those who actually reads this.. what do YOU think should happen to Tiffany? 


Also I love Henry's solo comeback. I am literally in love with Trap so much that I listen to it all day everyday.





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DaeMinJae #1
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa... End?.. why?
Ilhoon and hyunsik merried? :o i'm really excited.. kkk..
Chapter 11: Great story :) I really liked the story line of them being best friends thats cute♥
Chapter 11: I don't even remember writing this chapter...
LaFey77 #4
Chapter 9: Wow tiffany . Daebak . I like ur story :)
Chapter 9: omo soo nice but Tiffany in real life is very nice.....
Chapter 9: ha ha bij you deserve to get that shot. i have to admit that ilhoon's kinda bad shooter hufff but it was good enough to made her bleeding at the side of her belly xD
Chapter 9: Awwwww I loved it~~ such a great update~ can't wait for the next one~~
Chapter 8: Omggggg! Nooo Ilhoonie D:
Tiffany is such a bad sister!!
Hyunsik please save Ilhoonie ♥
Chapter 8: Ouh no Tiffany just NOOOO!!!!