

I looked at you look so peaceful as if you're sleeping. That reminds me..

"Do you remember the time we fallen asleep as we read those fanfics?"


" It was fun, huh?"


"Do you remember the time ws have that race?" 


"Do you remember our ice cream promise? I haven't fulfill that promise. As a guy, I have to fulfill it,through. So please, I really wanna see your stupid and goofy smile least once.please, please wake up, Joon." 




When I wokeup, I realized that you had fallen asleep next to me, you were hugging me.

"Argh!" I let out asmall yell in surprise. And quickly closed my mouth, I didn't wanna wake you up. I tried ti calm myself doen cause when I lifted my head, I saw the whole team, everyone was there. Watching us.

"Hyung, I'mstill tired. Wakeme up later." You mumbled. The four of us just looked at each other. I gave them the 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing-in-my-freaking-room' look. 

"Well, Joon hyung is not in our room, we thought he might finally woke up first and do something good for us or something. So we searched for them. Well, we couldn't be more wrong." Mir explained.

"Yeah, and when we saw you two here, we just couldn't leave. You two look so cute, like two kids that fel, asleep playing video games." Thunder said, countined Mir's explanation.

"And I burned the breakfast, so we have nothing to.." G.O stopped in the middle of his setence, as a pillow hit him right in the face. We all loked at where the pillow came from.

"YA! JOON!" He yelled at you. 

"Shut up.. I'm sleepy." You said as you bury yourfwce to the pillow. We decided not to argue with you any longer and stepped ou of the room so you can sleep.


I was preparing to go jogging when you suddenly called me.

"Hyung! G.O said that we were out of stuff to eat."

"What does he wanted me to buy?"

"Here, he wrote a list for you." You said as you hand me a long piece of paper.

"How am I supposwd to bring all of this from the market to ohr dorm alone?" I protested enthustiastically.

"I dunno, ask G.O hyung." You answered lightly. I immediwtely grabbed your wrist.

"Not so fast,Joon. You're coming with me."

"But i'm playing video games with Mir and Doongie!" You said pleading, but it's not that easy to escape me. Andyou knew it too. So you finally gave in and ended up coming with me. When we arrived at the store, we started to shop for a long time. Not because we really wanted to, but the list is just so long.

Just when we finished buying everything in the list, and about to go home,we realize it was raining, quiet heavily.

"Ah,What are we supposed to do now?" I asked looking at you . You were putting on your hood and zipping your jacket. When you heard my question,  you just looked at me with a huge grin.

"Isn't it's obvious,Hyung?" You smirked qnd yelled "last one to reach the dorm pays for ice cream later!" And run off, I quickly ran up to you.

"YA! It's not fair!" I yelled at you. You turn your head slightly and stick your tongue  out. 

"Ah! The raindrops got to my tongue!" I just laughed and tried my best to catch up to you. But I was never the best runner.

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ainto87 #1
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww luckily u didnt kill him ;ppppppppp
seungho sobssss i wish i can kidnap u n force u to marry me sobssss
Chapter 10: I loved this a lot! Thank you for writing it. Even if it was sad at some parts it was cute and I love JoonHo so yeah. X)
satrina7 #3
Chapter 10: this is so cute!! kind of sad but cute :)
The story was so well written.. i enjoy it very much! :)
Joonho_lover #5
Chapter 10: It was great story,Well written^^
congrates on your first successfully finished story kekeke
Yes, it's finished ^^
Chapter 10: It finished already???
Chapter 6: the confession....omfg i can't.
Please, moreeeeeeee
Joonho_lover #9
Chapter 4: Woooow!!!!
I can't be more surprised than this!!
Great,Excellent story about joonho.HooUUU~~
Update soooooooon<3
Chapter 3: Ohh so pretty, Joonho reading fanfics.....kekekekekekeke
more more more... is very short chapters.