The JoonHo Fanfiction


I held your hand in mine, I smiled at you as I rememb that weird yet beautiful past.

"Joon-ah, do you remember how curious we were about what JoonHo really is?"


"Do you remember how weird our discovery was?" 


"Do you realize how nervous I was of your reaction?"


"Well, I was. In fact, I was really nervous that you gonna be disgusted. But I didn't think you are, right? I never really know, so please tell me. Just, please, I really wanna see your stupid and goofy smile again. At least once.  Please, please wake up, Joon."




So I typed 'JoonHo'  but the result was an actor. I was really relieved about this. I thought you just gonna let it slide and call it a day.

"Hyung, it's wrong. Try putting MBLAQ in the end." I was surprised, but I did as I was asked to. We were both surprised about the result. I had expected something like this. But I really thought there was a few, but this, there's a bunch of our photos, videos of us playing, the time we hugged in a concert and everything! There's even a fanclub for it! Then there's awebsite that catches both our eyes.

"JoonHo fanfiction, what's that hyung?" You asked innocently. I just answered by mumbling. You immediately clicked on the website. We both stared at the website for quiet a while. 

"Hmm.. It seems like a bunch of story about the two of us." You said after staring at it. I'm so nervous about this. What if you feels weird and starts to keep distance between us? Instead, you smiled. And that's good, right?

"Read one for me, hyung! Pweeeezeeee?" You whined at me. So i chickled and chose one that interest me the most. The story we read was about you being Jack Frost that can frost things, make it snow, and everything! (I used this fanfic cause this is my favorite fanfic! It's called Winter Story! Read it if you haven't XD)

"The only thing he didn't lie about, and was so sure of is that he is in love with the spirit." I read the story to the end. You seems absorbed as your eyes are getting wet.

"The story was so good! It's pretty!" You said as you grab the laptop and put it on your lap.

"Pretty?" I mumbled and chuckled in your response.

"Let's read more! Hmm.. Let's see which one should we read first? Ehhh?!? There's even one about me and Mir! Why am I paired up with him? I would choose you hyung.." you said while winking at me. (Sorry, I love Mir but for the purpose of this story..)

"Eyy, what are you talking about?" I aaid as I ruffled your hair.

"It's true!" I just laughed cause I don't know how to respond to that. I wish I am the seungho people wrote about. Who can be honest and approach you easily. 


I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit.. weird. I've been typing and writing for a long time, and created a chapter, as I want to save it, I clicked wringly. Which cause the chapter to dissapear D"X well, in the end I tried my best to re create the chapter. Gut i don't remember many parts of it!!

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ainto87 #1
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww luckily u didnt kill him ;ppppppppp
seungho sobssss i wish i can kidnap u n force u to marry me sobssss
Chapter 10: I loved this a lot! Thank you for writing it. Even if it was sad at some parts it was cute and I love JoonHo so yeah. X)
satrina7 #3
Chapter 10: this is so cute!! kind of sad but cute :)
The story was so well written.. i enjoy it very much! :)
Joonho_lover #5
Chapter 10: It was great story,Well written^^
congrates on your first successfully finished story kekeke
Yes, it's finished ^^
Chapter 10: It finished already???
Chapter 6: the confession....omfg i can't.
Please, moreeeeeeee
Joonho_lover #9
Chapter 4: Woooow!!!!
I can't be more surprised than this!!
Great,Excellent story about joonho.HooUUU~~
Update soooooooon<3
Chapter 3: Ohh so pretty, Joonho reading fanfics.....kekekekekekeke
more more more... is very short chapters.