Chapter 3 - What used to be fun

What meets the eye

Lunch proved boring with the group chatting away nonstop about something I could not catch on. I bet if they had to choose between a guy they liked and their best friend, they would choose the guy- Obviously they thought their friend would always be there for them, after all it was their 'best friend' -After all 'Best friends' supported you no matter what...right?  Was I thinking too negatively? I couldn't help it. I rolled my eyes in disbelief and got up, not even bothering to announce that I'd be back. After all, who'd care?

Finding L proved difficult, knowing his character. L was one of the best looking people in the school. As well as having good looks, he had a likeable character which attracted many people, bringing jealousy to others. There was something about him that separated him and the rest- Was it his way of thinking? Or was it something else? He hadn't changed much since I met him which I considered impossible as the majority of the school was under the impression that in order to be popular, you had to do this and that and that and that…

Many people looked down at our friendship, mistaking it of L pitying me. Noone knew how we laughed behind their backs at their ignorance. Hearing the unmistakable slurps of a drink, I followed the sound to where I found him leaning against a wall staring blankly at a girl I had never seen before. She was looking awfully nervous as she saw me approaching and ran away. I was that scary? O_O

I joined him leaning on the wall in silence. After a moment, he said," ...Aw I've finished up my drink". I told you, he had a character you could not dislike. He then said," You're not happy, right?". I smiled ruefully at his question and made no comment.

"Let's go", he declared and grabbed my hand.


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