Chapter 7 - Disaster

What meets the eye

I walked into a brightly lit room to see that everyone was already here. Well… I assumed everybody because I didn't know who would be there.

Six well dressed guys I assumed were INFINITE were sprawled like models in a photoshoot over a large sofa. Facing them were one other girl about my age but there was something I didn't quite like about her. Maybe it was because when she saw me, her face crinkled as though I was garbage or maybe I was interrupting her intense staring session at INFINITE.

"Sit," one of them said and I hesitated, knowing of what a mess I was in.

"Oh, It doesn't matter, someone will clean it," mumbled another one.

I sat down and arranged my clothes hastily, trying to appear neat and tidy despite my rain-soaked clothes.

Being preoccupied with my fixing my appearance I didn't hear the door close with a click. I turned and saw a guy with a feminine vibe walking from the door. He returned to the sofa but made a last second decision to sit on a nearby swivel chair instead.

"Hi, you two have been both selected as finalists for the DESIGN FOR INFINITE competition,' he announced in a cheery tone ," Please get out your final designs."

The other girl looked at him in obvious distaste and sneered," Who are you to judge our drawings? It is way obvious that I should win. Look at her *she pointed at me* She can't even take care of the condition of her own clothes so how can you guarantee she will take good care of your stage outfits let alone design them?".

"HI, in case you didn't know, I am SungJong from INFINITE, also known as the previous stage outfit designer," he smiled ," How can I let someone who doesn't even know who the previous stage designer is design our stage outfits let alone someone who can't even handle her attitude? Your fellow finalist at least has some manners no matter what condition her clothes are in. Look at you, wearing white- Are you somehow trying to fool us into thinking you're innocent and pure?".

Her jaw dropped as he smirked and said, "Get out"

He swivelled his chair around and faced me with a smile which betrayed no hint of his previous behaviour. "Sorry about that girl just then. I really don't know who she thinks she is," he beamed ,"So.. You will be working for us tomorrow. Terms and conditions are outlined in this contract below. Please return this paperwork by tomorrow morning."

I looked at him with confusion-would this be it? Would I not be required to show my final designs?

"Um…", I spoke up," I don't think it's fair how we both didn't get to showcase our final designs so the winner could be fairly chosen." SungJong stared at me with curiosity and declared " Okay, guys go bring that girl back in." Within moments, the girl that once had been well groomed was carried by security guards kicking and screaming. It was observed that she was carrying a spray paint can.

"This fair lady here thinks that you should been given another chance no mater how repulsive your attitude is," he declared," But there is a rule. Each of you will be provided with materials and equipment and you will have to create part of an outfit using these within 2 hours. You will be given 30 minutes planning time beforehand. "

" Is it alright if I let someone know I'll be late?," I asked.

SungJong nodded. " Yea sure go ahead. In fact, why don’t you invite them in? The more the merrier!."

I got out my phone and called L.

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