Chapter 15- The beginning or the end? You choose

What meets the eye

What happens after? I'll let you decide but I guess that would be too harsh...

I finished typing up the last sentence as I heard the persistent ringing of the doorbell.

"Hyunggg where's Annalise?"

"She's probably typing away her fanfic. Come and have a seat"

"You're so lucky to have such a pretty wife"

"She's not just pretty. She's honest and....."

I smiled secretly to myself. I could hear them from upstairs. whether the compliments were meant for me to hear or not, I decided nto to eavesdrop anymore on their conversation and besides I neede to finish this fanfic. The roar of engines confirmed more arricals of people. Peering from ym window, I saw several more cars filling the driveway. Feeling a slightly bit guilty for making my readers wait so long, I decided to end the current story I was writing.

She knew that it wasn't the end but just the beginning.

i clicked save and uploaded the final chapter


"Yes honey. I'm coming, L <3"


Author's Note: Kind of an open ending. It is up to you to decided what really is real or not <3 Rushed the ending as I'm starting on my next fanfic :D

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