Chapter 12- Invitation

What meets the eye

My phone pinged and the new message symbol popped up. I tapped the icon, opening the message. It read:


You are invited to INFINITE's comeback stage for Man In Love

Dress Code: semi formal- formal, there is a FREE afterparty to anyone who wants to attend.

Provided are 2 tickets for you and another person (These are not to be sold or used in any way that will profit yourself)

For more information and details, scroll down


I gaped at the screen.

I hadn't gotten the chance to go shopping for new clothes as I was too preoccupied with making stage outfits for INFINITE. It would be rude not to go. I had to support them, right?

I was about to ask L about what to do in this situation when---


I sighed and pressed ACCEPT

" Did you get that message about INFINITE's comeback?

"Yeaa I did LOl, that's why I was gonna call you but you beat me to it"

"That's coz I'm cool like that"

"Aren't you gonna invite Candice?"

"That's what I was gonna ask you lol why?"

"Oh... nothing... I think you two would be a couple, you know"

There was an awkward pause as heavy silence filled the air, full of tension and unspoken questions.

"Hey... are you made about something and would like to talk?"

"Haven't you teo been hiding things long enough," Bitterness seeped through my voice as I bit back tears.

"What are you on about?," His voice, full of concern, which would have provided me with comfort at times, now infuriated me.

"Why did you have to--- Don't worry...," I muttered as I ended the call.

Running downstairs, I saw my parents praising my brother again for some useless achievement. They took no notice of me as I ran past, slamming the door behind me.

I ran for what seemed like ages, to no particular place or in any direction. Stopping at Ben and Jerry's, I ordered the largest size of icecream and tried to eat all my frustration away.

It didn't work.

The slight breeze announced the arrival of rain, gradualling growing stronger. The Ben and Jerry staff all looked at me strangely, somewhat curious as they probably did with all their customers.


Resisting the urge to throw my phone far far away into the chaos of the traffic, I declined the call as a shadow loomed over me.


I looked up to see SungJong there, transparent clouds forming as he breathed. In that instant, all my anger bubbled away partly due to the fact it was getting colder.

He sat down beside me and said nothing as I began to cry, being the emotional person I was.

"Let's go shopping. You haven't gotten the time to purchase anything becuase you were too busy making our outfits right?"

I opened my mouth to protest that it was nothing but he put a finger to my lips, startling me.

"This is why you're out and about, isn't it?," he mused even though I could tell he somehow knew something was wrong. He grabbed my hand as we raced through the rain, dopdging from puddles and laughing for no good reason.

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