Chapter 8 - The real competition begins

What meets the eye

With L sitting next to me, I felt more at ease and began to sketch. I felt his gaze travel curiously across my page as it began to darken from my pacer and occasional smudging. I had decided upon a pair of jeans which would incorporate many styles of the previous INFINITE style stage outfits. Smiling to myself at the unlimited possibilities of what I could make, I didn't feel L nudging me and whispering," Earth to ________. You've only gotten 5 minutes left till you have to start cutting and sewing," He then added ," Why the hell is that girl over there staring in this direction? Just coz you look like you have a good design doesn’t mean she has to stare over here."

I had forgotten how slow L could be. He simply did not realise he was attractive and handsome and that he was a 'chick-magnet'. If he did know, he certainly didn't show it. Well, not in front of me.

"Your planning time is UP!," yelled SungJong as L and I raced to the supplies area.

"Hey, how come that girl gets to have some guy with her?," the other girl shrilled not-so-innocently," I can't even carry these things back by myself." Several rolls of fabric tumbled out of their racks, creating a sea of colour.

L and I rolled out eyes at each other. We both knew what she was asking for.

"Then why don't you go and call your boyfriend up as well?," A member of INFINITE with a throaty voice asked," A girl with a face like yours should have all of the boys falling for you." Oh the greasiness of that line~ He continued," But with that personality of yours---ICK." I supressed a laugh.

The other girl turned away, red with embarrassment. L shrugged at me and whispered," She asked for it. Now we'll have peace and quiet."

But it turned out he was wrong.

The next 2 hours comprised of her sashaying over here in her attempts to seduce L, I think. I supressed the urge to go and strangle her with what fabric I had left.

This was going to be another long day.

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