Chapter 13- Comeback!

What meets the eye

Glancing into the mirror every second had me worried that my dress was too short, my makeup was too casual, my hair wasn't neat anough. Wait...why was I getting worried again? It's not like I was an idol going onto stage to perform and I was certainly not out there to impress anyone. i was there to support INFINITE, not start a b****fight with their fans. And plus L probably would be with Candice.

I remembered how i had gotten mad at him over the phone and cringed. I wanted to apologise but didn't know how. Plus if he was really upset, he could get Candice to comfort him.

It's not like I liked him right?


I raced outside as fast I could in highheels and found the whole of INFINITE waiting. For some weird reason, they all stared gobsmacked at me. Was there something wrong with my dress? I tugged at the hem unconsciously.

"You look amazayn," whispered Woohyun," How come you get to show that much skin and I don't?." He lifted his shirt and the rest of INFINITE set upon him, berating him for being so dirty."Gotta be careful or her boyfriend will punch the living daylights out of you kekek," said Sunggyu with a wink.

"Hey, he's not my boyf---," I said as they all turned around to stare at me and protest "What?!" in sync.

"Guys, can you please quieten down?," asked the manager as he chuckled to himself ," OFFT INFINITE, still the same as when they first debuted."

The roar of the busy traffic filled the awkward silence.


So much for the silence.

INFINITE looked at me with amused expressions. Surely, they had gotten the wrong idea?

I looked at the screen. PFFFT it was Candice who was calling. I glared at he screen, waiting for moy ringtone to stop.

It didn't.

Annoyed of L's voice echoeing in the empty void in me, I stuffed my phone in my envelope clutch as the manager annouced that we had arrived.

"Here, wear these," said Hoya as he handed me a pair of sunglasses. I felt so silly! I had forgotten about the press and how manipulative they could be. I didn't want to be the latest subject of Netizen gossip.


"Hey, it's INFINITE< KYAA ~~~"



As we passed the wave of chatter, we were led backstage where I helped with any final adjustments. I sighed at the mess of fabrics, pins and needles lying on the table, not noticing Sung Jong coming up to me.

"There's something wrong"

"What's wrong? Did something fray? Did a thread snap?"

"It's my heart." I stared at him, not qui8te comprehending what he meant by that phrase.

AHA! He meant the heart on his sleeve right?

"You mean the heart on your sleeve?" I located the heart on his sleeve but it looked just fine.

He leant forward and kissed me.

I stood there, stunned as he chuckled to himself and ran off after INFINITE.

Following the manager, I found my seat. When it was Sung Jong's turn, it seemed as if he could see me in the crowd becuase he kept looking this way. I didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed since the fans near me wouldn't stop screaming.

Feeling slightly claustrophobic, I scanned the crowd which was half hidden in the drakness. It was impossible to find L at this rate. He might've not even come. I knew I was clinging onto that thread of hope that he would be here. Fangirls bustled aboutme, squashing me to the point where I had to fight off the urge to kick them with my heels.

'You're so ugly I don't even know why L likes you," sneered a girl who had already caked her face in not highschool, but primary school. I stood there, unperturbed by the threats and comments which she was firing at me. In this case, I must've been wearing a bulletproof vest becuase all her comments fell on deaf ears whcih was not what she was expecting.

"He should be taking ME to the Year 6 farewell since I'm so pretty. Even the flowers die everytime I walk past them," she continued to flatter herself.

I resisted the urge to laugh at this girl's antics. If she wanted to be that pretty, she might as well eat her makeup becuase that was supposed to make you pretty, inside and out right? SHe must've seen teh smile creep on my face becuase she rushed at me then, salmming into the wall behind me as I stepped aside.

"You see that guys? She hit me first," I declared to anyone who was listening.

"So? That's becuase I'm better than you," She protested haughtily.

"You slammed into the wall," I pointed out which earned me an attempt of a punch to me face.

I smirked. This was getting fun.

Blocking the next punch that came in, I twisted her arm as she cried in agony. i wasn't sure if this was an act so I twisted it further, just to make sure. I released her from my grasp, to which she yelled at her minions to come forward and start 'bashing that b****'. I'm not sure where she had learned those words. Maybe these words were once said to her.

I gulped in fear.

I couldn't possibly fight off these many girls who bored fingernails which resembled talons. In an instant, they rushed forward, a sea of hair, a mass of raised fingernails ready to strike and I crouched down and swung my leg outwards in a circular motion tripping them all over each other where they resumed fighting... each other.

I felt a presence over my shoulder but relaxed when I found out it was L. He surveyed the scene in front of him with silent acceptance.

Somehow, he knew when I'd be alright. It was strange really, it was as if we had a connection.

I came back to my senses and applauded along with everyone else. INFINITE had finished their performance. There were a few more performances from other bands I vaguely knew but I continued to watch anyways since there wouldn't be anything much to do before the afterparty.

Settling into my assigned seat, I submit myself to the cumulative roll of the drumbeats.


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