Ditching again



~In school~
It's only my 4th day in school, well 3rd if you're counting the school days I attended, but somehow I already feel like I fit in. It's weird, it usually takes me a week to fit in in a new school, because I moved 4 times and it took me a while to make friends. I'm not very, outgoing I guess you could say. But thanks to Jaeni and BEAST, I made friends real fast. So school's really something to look forward to for once. Although, when I got to 1st period people were staring at me.
"Look it's the that ditched with BEAST." 
"I bet BEAST only likes her because she's
Keno's twin."
"Yeah they'd never talk to her if she didn't look like Keno."
"What a , stealing BEAST from Keno." 
I heard everything they said about me, and I felt really sick. I wanted to cry because I hate people gossiping about me in a bad way, and I was getting all of this undeserved attention. I didn't do anything. Why are they talking about me like that?
"Ms. Yang where were you yesterday?" The teacher asked me.
I was too flustered to say anything. Those words people were saying about me kept replaying in my head. I know I should ignore it but I'm too self conscious, and the last time that happened to me, I almost killed myself. 
"Ms. Yang are you listening to me?"
"Y-y-yeah. I'm sorry miss but I-i didn't f-feel good yesterday." I stuttered. 
"Wow what a lying a ."
"ing lying ." I heard more people say.
That's it, I wanted to cry then and there but something stopped me.
"Hey! All of you SHUT THE UP! Don't you dare talk about Kena that way again or else ima ing hurt all of you!!" I heard someone shout from the back. Someone was standing up for me, but my eyes were too watery to see. His voice was extremely familiar though. Junhyung?
I wiped my tears real fast so people wouldn't see and then I saw Junhyung standing up with a serious and angry look on his face. Why did he just stand up for me? 
"Mr. Yong! Please get out of this classroom right now! How dare you disrespect your peers and use such vile language in my class. OUT!" The teacher said pointing to the door. 
Huh, it's weird how I don't know her name yet. Why am I even thinking of her name right now? Ahh my mind hurts.
The class was dead silent. They were all staring at me. Stop it! I hate people staring at me!
"Ms. Yang, please go to your seat." She said.
I hesitated. I didn't want to go to my seat. Not while people stare at me while I get there. And I'm worried about Junhyung. I want to go talk to him. 
"I'm sorry miss, but I need to talk to Junhyung." I said and then headed for the door. 
She didnt bother to stop me. Don't teachers usually do that? That's weird. Or did I not hear it? My mind was too clouded. 
I saw Junhyung leaning against the wall. I walked towards him and he looked at me.
"Hey." I said, staring at him.
He looked at me, his face looks very straight and emotionless.
"Hey." He said back, but his voice didnt sound too happy. Well duh Kena of course it wouldn't sound happy, what am I thinking?
"Why'd you do that?" I asked him, and he turned his gaze to the floor. I looked at the floor too. Oh hey a snickers wrapper. Ugh seriously? Seriously stop doing this brain! Get it together! Wait he's talking right now. I'm missing everything he's saying! why does my brain have to pay attention to something else. I'm still talking to myself. Stop it!
"What?" He said.
Ugh did i just subconsciously talk out loud again? 
"What?" I said, feeling very very stupid right now.
"You told me to stop it. Hello did you even hear what I said?" He asked creasing his eyebrows.
"Umm not really. I just have a lot on my mind. Can you say that again?" I asked feeling kind of embarrassed.
"I said did you even hear what I said?" He said, looking kinda pissed. Yeah, it's my fault anyways, I could see why he's mad.
"No before that. When you were telling me why you stood up for me." I said nervously.
"Oh I don't know." He shrugged.
"Really? You sure? I mean you don't just stand up for someone and not know why. Did you feel sorry for me?" I said looking at his face. 
Man his eyes are gorgeous. The way they look so serious and fierce. And his hair, kind of ruffled looks really hot. And he his lips before answering. Oh man that was hot. OH MY GOD SERIOUSLY BRAIN JUST STOP! I listened to what he said. I didn't miss it this time.
"Look be happy that i stood up for you ok? I did feel bad for you. They were saying so much about you, and it was getting annoying, so I had to say something. And you're my friend. And i don't like it when people talk about my friends like that." 
"Awwww so we are friends?" I asked. I had to make sure because I wasn't sure if he was my friend or not, because he's always mean to me, and it seemed too soon to decide yet if he can be called my friend. Yeah I'm too self conscious on that too.
"Well, yeah. You are my friend right? I mean, am I your friend?" He asked.
"Of course. I wasn't too sure though, because, I don't know. Well, thanks. For.....for standing up for me. That was....really sweet." I stammered and then hugged him.
He hugged me back and said, "Well don't get used to it." And then we broke off.
"Should we go back inside?" I asked him.
He hesitated for a while. 
"Nah, let's just ditch again." He grabbed my hand and was pulling me outside but I stopped.
"No wait! I can't ditch again. Ima get in more trouble." I said.
"Who cares. Do you really wanna go and face the class right now? I saw you almost cry." He said looking agitated.
"Well.......I don't know." 
"Fine then. Ima leave." And then he started walking outside.
"Wa-wait!" I yelled. 
He stopped walking and turned around. 
"Well?" He asked.
I hesitated. "Fine I'll go with you." I ended up saying. I didn't wanna be left alone in that class. And for some weird reason, I feel safe around him. Maybe because he stood up for me but I don't wanna leave his side for now.
"So where we going?" I asked. 
"I wanna get out of here." He said.
"Out of.........." I didn't know what he meant by that.
"School?" He finished for me.
"You mean ditch campus?" I asked. I never ditched school before. Sometimes I'd ditch periods but not school.
"Yeah. I know a cafe nearby. We can hangout there." He suggested.
"Umm, I don't know....I was kinda hoping we'd hang out at the field again." 
"Nah I wanna get out of here."
"Come on are you scared?" 
"No! I just..."
"You what?"
"Aish! Fine!" I whined. I give in too easily.
"Gaja." He started walking ahead. 
I'm pretty sure Junhyung's ditched quite a lot, because he knew where to go to exit campus. There's security everywhere so I thought it'd be hard but we sneaked into the back gate and climbed over the fence. I had a little problem while jumping off though. My shirt got caught and it tore a slash on the back, so big that you can see my bra strap. It was so embarrassing. Junhyung saw what happened and I thought he would laugh at me. But instead, he gave me his hoodie and told me to wear it. Wow, he's being awfully nice to me today. I wore his hoodie and we started walking to the cafe.
~Junhyung's POV~
While we were jumping over the fence, I noticed Kena's shirt got stuck. I was about to warn her but it was too late. She already jumped down and her face turned red when she heard the tearing sound of her shirt. She looked kind of cute when she was embarrassed. I didn't want to embarrass her anymore than she already was, so I told her to wear my hoodie. She looked confused when I gave it to her, but then she put it on. Hey, it doesn't look that bad on her. 
I wanted to ditch the campus because I didn't want people to see us together. Not in that kind of way, but because people will talk about her again if they found out she was with me. Man what happened in class really pissed me off. I know, no doubt that Keno told everyone about yesterday. That woman is seriously driving me crazy. To spread rumors about her sister and almost make her cry? How low can she get? 
I don't know what's with it with Kena. There's something about her that I like, but yet there's something about her that I hate. I can't put my finger on it, but she's definitely different from what I expected. So weird and strange, but in a good way. 
We got to the cafe and sat in a table.
She looked really uncomfortable being with me. I guess she's just not used to ditching. I can tell she's a goody goody. She kept looking around, afraid of getting caught, and the whole time she looked uneasy.
"Dude don't worry. You won't get caught. Unless you keep looking so suspicious." I said.
"Ohhh. Sorry." She said softly. She turned her gaze to the menu. And then her stomach started grumbling loudly. She turned red when she noticed. 
I chuckled. "Your stomach's talking to you. It says you're hungry." I teased.
"Shut up. I'm not that hungry." She said.
Her stomach grumbled again.
"You sure?" I smirked. 
She pouted. Aigoo this girl can't get any cuter. Ok I like when she pouts. I said it made her look ugly but I was lying.
"What do you want? I'll pay." I said.
"Oh no I don't want anything." She shook her head.
"Kena I know you're hungry. Stop denying and just order something. You're already fat." I played around.
"Yah! I'm not fat! And I'm not trying to watch my weight, I just didnt wanna bother you. But since you insist, I'll order the most expensive item on the menu." She said with an evil smile on her face.
Yup, I knew I could get her to eat by making fun of her. Ahh she's so easy to get.
She ordered some pasta with lemonade and I ordered a sandwich with coke. After we were done eating, I insisted on watching a movie, but she wanted to head back. Still too scared I see. Well let's make fun of her some more.
"Wow you're such a goody too shoes. I bet you never done anything bad in your life." I mocked.
"What!? I have! I'm such a hardcore rebel yo!" She teased playfully.
Wow this girl, so weird and uncool. Yet, it makes her more fun to be with.
"Ok if you're such a hardcore rebel, let's go rob a bank." I tilted my head smiling.
"Bwoh? You serious?" She looked shocked.
"I'm dead serious." I told her.
"No I know you're bluffing." She rolled her eyes.
"Nahh duh." I said sarcastically.
"Fine I'll go to the movies with you." She sighed.
Man she gives in so easily.
We watched this scary American film. I told her she could pick but she kept arguing back telling me to pick and like always, she gave in again. I regret letting her pick though because the movie was pretty stupid. All it was was this family that set up video cameras in every room trying to catch ghosts, and then objects would move and supposedly it was a ghost. It wasnt scary at all. Kena was scared though. She kept holding on to me whenever a suspenseful part came up. Oh well, I guess that was the only thing that made it worthwhile. Kena being scared, not the holding on to me part.......
After the movie, we decided to head back. I kept teasing her for being scared. She kept yelling at me telling me it wasn't scary and that she was just cold. Oh please. What a horrible liar you are Kena.
We got back and she was about to give me back my hoodie but I insisted she kept it until she got back to her dorm. Then we went our seperate ways and I found the boys waiting for me at our spot. They asked where I've been this whole time and I told them I was with Kena.
"Oooooh you like her huh hyung." Dongwoon teased.
"No! I wanted to ditch and she just followed me." I scoffed.
"Well, did you have fun?" He asked.
"Ehhh, it was alright. We just ate and watched a movie that's all." I said.
"Lies I know you two got it on." He smirked.
"Bwoh? Ani you fricking ert." I slapped him.
He laughed and said "Relax bro. I was kidding Junnie-ah." And he playfully punched my shoulder.
Yoseob looked at me and then looked away. He seemed kind of mad. Is he jealous? Does he like her too? I mean not that I like her, I don't, but he seems like he likes her. Ahh do I like her? No. She's just a friend. Yeah that's all she is to me. 
~Kena's POV~
When I got back, I decided to head back to my dorm. It was around 3 when we got back, and Jaeni was at soccer practice. She kept texting me and calling me the whole time asking where I was, but I had my phone off the whole time. I'll tell her about it when she gets back. I kept his hoodie on the whole day. I tried giving  it back but he told me to wear it until i get to my dorm. I'm still wearing it though. His scent on his hoodie just smells so good. Is that weird?
It was actually kind of fun hanging out with him the whole day. Even though he kept teasing and making fun of me. I kept acting like a dork the whole time. And at the movies, I really wasn't scared at all. I just wanted an excuse to hold on to him. I don't know why, but I wanted to be in his arms. Am i slowly falling for him? No that's impossible. He's just a friend. And that's all he will be.
Sorry I've been kind of busy with school stuff. I really am I goody too shoes though :p gotta keep dem grades up! Anyways hope you enjoy! 
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Chapter 17: Update soon eonnie i think junhyin will be jealous
uniicorn #2
Chapter 16: TT TT Why JunHyung did like that?! I love to read Junhyung and kena moments. But I want her to end up Yoseob. I want more Yoseob and Kena moment!! =((
Anyway~~ I'm happy to read this. nice fanfics!! =))
claudiamacy #4
Chapter 16: i dont like junhyungggg :((( update soon
Chapter 16: Eonnie update again... hahahaha i can't leave this story I was waiting like I was frozen from the cold snow outside..... But there's no snow by the way.. hahahaha im so freakish weird right... hahaha eonnie update soon please *o*
Chapter 15: EONNIE UPDATE AGAIN PLEASE MORE CHAPTERS IM REALLY OBSSESED!!!!hahaha mian eonnie for using the capslock... I feel free ehh
Chapter 15: Seobie !! Stop making me curious !
alexys1111 #8
Chapter 15: Lol Yoseobiee is always butting in '-' (:
ddmellow #9
Chapter 14: yoseobs my bias but in this fanfic i want her to end up with junhyung. they are soo cute!! >.<
Chapter 14: Wow ! I think Yoseob did see what they were doing and stopped themby interrupting them . If I am not mistaken . Authornim , how did you make all of their jealous parts interesting ? =_="" Envious ! Keke .