one to ten ft. myungeun

{∞} oneshot/drabble collection



{ 008. one to ten }

myungeun, aka myungsoo & naeun - drabble - fluff and stuff

I want to write more myungeun.




Unable to sleep, Myungsoo tossed and turned in his bed. He puffed his cheeks and stared at the clock, noting that it has been two hours since he lay down and closed his eyes. However, two minutes later he opened them and ever since then has been having trouble closing them for the night. The dreadful hour of midnight was not being kind to him, especially when work awaits him bright and early.


Frustrated, he pulled out his phone from underneath his pillow and scrolled through his contacts looking for a specific name.


Son Naeun. He hovered his finger over it, asking himself so much questions about her. Is she awake? Will I bother her with a phone call? Or even a mail? Maybe I should send a text saying goodnight? He couldn’t decide, only thinking of her.


He sighed and let his hand fall to his chest with his phone and he breathed in and out slowly, trying to find peace. Sleep, you idiot, sleep. He had a concert tomorrow and if he didn’t sleep now, he won’t be at a hundred per cent.


Still, despite the need to recharge for a big event, he didn’t see himself going to sleep until later. Which wasn’t a good idea when you’re Kim Myungsoo.


He closed his eyes again, trying to stop thinking about things and focus on the darkness that should pull him into sleep. Nothing came. Even more uneasy, his eyes flung open and he pouted at the ceiling.


Maybe Sunggyu hyung is awake, he'll help me. Woohyun hyung is definitely still awake but he’s probably talking to his girlfriend so I can’t disturb him. Lucky guy. Hoya? No, he’ll be sleeping. Don’t even get me started on Dongwoo hyung who sleeps for like…forever. Sungjong will be catching up on his beauty sleep. Sungyeol will probably be asleep too, growing taller and taller like the tree he is. Lucky giant.


He was at a loss, no one to talk to at this time of night. It’s not that he felt lonely…he just felt bored.


He threw the covers off of him and crossed his arms over his chest in frustration. Myungsoo, if you sleep, you can reward yourself with a super expensive lunch.


And despite that being the best idea he could think of right now, his brain didn’t think so.


It wasn’t until minutes after midnight that the miracle he had been waiting for arrived.


His phone rang and he immediately picked it up without checking who it was, already knowing who he wanted it to be.


“Hello?” Her voice sounded hushed, as if afraid to wake him. But he was more awake than ever as the voice he wanted to hear the most echoed in his ears.


“Naeun,” he breathed out with absolute relief, happy and just plain excited to hear her. “You don’t know how much I wanted to talk to you.”


On the other side, she laughed and Myungsoo pictured her smiling. He smiled. “I wasn’t sure if you were awake so I hesitated in calling for a while…why are you still up?”


“I can’t sleep.”


“Myungsoo, you have work tomorrow.” She said firmly.


“I know…” he sighed. “But I can’t sleep.”


“Neither can I. You should sing a lullaby.” She joked, laughing more. He chuckled and smiled to himself.


“Come to the concert tomorrow and I’ll secretly dedicate a song just for you.”


She squealed and he laughed even more. “Really?!”


“Only if you come…”


She scoffed, “Wait, I have tickets to tomorrow's show so I’m definitely onna be there. Chorong unnie's tagging along too for Woohyun oppa~ Wanna do something afterwards?”


His heart fluttered at that simple question. “Of course! Let’s sneak out to the amusement park- wait, no bringing hyung and your unnie to this!“


Naeun could only laugh at him. "Of course not, they have other plans anyway. And really, the amusement park? At night?”


“Yeah, the lights are really pretty at night!”


“Then let’s go there.” He heard the smile in her voice.


“I wanted to talk to you so badly.” The words came out of his mouth subconsciously, half thinking and half planned to say it. He didn’t feel like taking it back though, happy that he admitted it. He really did, after all.


She nodded on her side. “Me too, Myungsoo.”


“I wanted to hear your voice too.” He closed his eyes as if memorising everything about this single phone call. They talk to each other a lot but he’s someone who treasures every time. She was special to him, and him to her so it felt right.


“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”


“Same here.” He sighed, already happy at just the thought.


Even though silence followed for a few more seconds, there was a lot being said. They had missed each other, that’s all. That was enough for them.


“Let’s go to sleep,” she said, smiling. “at the same time?”


“Okay.” He closed his eyes and held his phone tighter. “Close your eyes and count to ten, we’ll hang up then and go to sleep straight after.”


“Sounds good.”


She closed her eyes. “One…two…three...”




“Hey, you know what?”




“When I close my eyes, I see you. Seven.”


“That’s cheesy, Naeun, but I see you in mine too. Eight. Weird, huh?”


They both grinned.


“Goodnight, Myungsoo. Nine.”


“Goodnight, Naeun. Please dream of me and only me.”


She giggled, butterflies fluttering all inside her stomach. And as if they knew what was about to come next, they took a deep breath in and felt their bodies go all fuzzy.


“Ten. I love you.” They said at the same time and clicked to end the call not more than a second after.


That night, they slept more peacefully than they ever had before.


the end.

question: I have a chaptered fic I want to start writing soon, 

and I'm using the ever so ship able Myungsoo as the main guy. 

which girl should I pair him up with?? need to figure it out so I can make a poster ;_;


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farabigail #1
Chapter 10: haha.. its cuutee <3
i want to read your Myungzy story again ^^
4everhite #2
Chapter 10: Hi, I would like to save your story with Woohyun and min onto my Minnie Loves series, I will definately credit you and this page.
This is the page, , I would just post on here so that many people can see it more.It's okay if you don't want to, I'll understand.
Chapter 9: Lovelove the myungeun fluff wheee so cute! Maybe myungeun as your new couple? ((:
4everhite #4
Chapter 10: Ahh, so cute Woohyun is just a sweetie and definitely I Like min and Woohyun couple. Please update soon.
I wanna request for Sunggyu and min next, there are many shippers of Sunggyu and min, so it would be really cute beside I'm hardcore shippers of all infinite and miss a.
Chapter 10: LOL coming up with that ghost story and pulling her all the way to the toilet just for a kiss xD I guess that fits into namu's greasy character haha. The ending was pretty funny - interrupted by dongwoo hehe :3
Chapter 9: awwww myungeun is the best... totally sweet i love them, myung and naeun looked the best together, they suit each other~
Chapter 10: Aww, it so adorable, I'm in love, seriously! I love this oneshot it's so CUTE. Woohyun and min <3 thank you for doing my request. Your so awesome.
Coniii #8
Chapter 10: woomin cute <3
Can you do a oneshot with Woohyun and missA min, please. Or even Sunggyu and min, pretty please :•]
Chapter 9: Heheh so fluffy :3 But I could imagine myungeun's conversation :)
It's good how you can write drabbles and they don't seem incomplete :) I've been wanting to write drabbles for quite a while, but they always end up so long otl ><

/um, who's Hikaru though? :o