undisclosed ft. sungli

{∞} oneshot/drabble collection

{ 004. undisclosed }

sungli with hints of myungzy- oneshot, part one


They ran under the rain to behind the studio building. Sulli had pulled on Sungyeols’s hand after finding from her friend that he’d somewhat harassed her. It seemed like a good time during their filming break to whisk him away from his friends secretly, slipping away from hers herself.

“And then he told Krystal he'd ‘call her tonight’!” She shouts at him, giving him a slight slap on the arm. “What the hell’s wrong with your friend?!"

He rubs the spot she slapped him in. “Why are you yelling at me?!”

She looks at him with disbelief. “Because you two are practically joined at the hip, and I have better access to you- she was slightly traumatised after his crazy train antics! She came into practice with this…look on her face and when she told us what happened, she said his name in this…weird…way and…” she trailed off, noticing he was grinning like a fool. “What?!”

“Myungsoo is just a god at making girls fall for him.” he winks.

That earned him another slap on the arm, “No, no, do not even say that! She’s been acting all weird today, have you seen her?”

“No but since I came with him I could get him for her now~” he gave another cunning wink and turned around to go back inside but she grabs him by the arm and pulls him back.

“Sungyeol, you have to stop Myungsoo from womanizing the entire group- there are only five of us, y'know…” she sighs, shaking her head. “Plus if you’re gonna say you’ll call her, actually call her.” She said the last sentence more to herself and at Myungsoo than to Sungyeol.

He pouts, “Relax, you cupcake, it was probably just a joke…Wait, he's been womanizing without my permission?”

She looks at him through narrow eyes. “That’s a completely different story. Kind of. Well…there is just Krystal. Anyways, I think you should stop him before it gets out of hand, or worse- we all get found out and a giant scandal erupts- one man for five girls...I can't even...”

He crosses his arms over his chest and looks down at the short girl. “You know, Myungsoo is not that erted. Although it gets horrific when he gets to that stage...but because you're so annoyed by this entire issue I'll sort something out with him.”

She scoffs, “When you say 'sort something out' I can tell you'll just encourage him even more. I thought he had something going on with Suzy? If he's got a girlfriend then why is he shameless seducing everyone?!”

He thought a while before replying. “I'm afraid that's undisclosed information. I actually don't know myself what's going on between them…wait, has he perhaps managed to shamelessly seduce you, Jinri?” Sungyeol doesn't normally use her real name, only when he is curious or when he tends to get emotional. He makes no indication of which is it he's using with her name, but the horror in his eyes says it all.

hung open in astonishment and she can’t help but stutter. “No- that's impossible! I already have someone I like. ”

“Impossible, really?” he thought about it. "And who exactly is this unfortunate guy with the ability to be your kryptonite against my womanizing best friend?"

She gulps, watching him move just millimetres closer to her slowly and there’s something in her chest that makes her head hurt. The sound of her heartbeats echo too loudly in her head. “No one in particular or of importance. Wait- he's important but- he's- you know, I- argh!”

He eyes her smugly, “Care to tell me, your awesome best friend?”

Closer, he shuffles even closer. She feels lost when he stops to tower over her. She catches the scent of mint in his breath, so close she could even taste it.

When they meet eyes, there’s no joke in his. “Is it Minho?”

“I'm not telling you at all.” Nervous, her voice came out louder than intended.

He shrugs again, “It's Minho then." he shoves his hands in his pockets, burdened by the simple thought of it.

"No, I didn't say it was him, Sungyeol.” she takes a deep breath in, debating with herself whether to say anything or not. He waits patiently with a frown creeping along his lips. She prays that someone would come out here and find them loitering around when they’re meant to be inside, working. Did anyone even notice they were gone? “Maybe we should just go back inside.”

“If it's not Minho, then who??” He moves in forward and her back is now up against the wall. "Who, Jinri?"

She inhales deeply again. “I…’m sorry but this is gonna have to wait.” She shakes her head before she starts down the sides of the building, finding her way back inside. “That guy…” she scowls.

He stands there alone, with a frown unfamiliar to him. "Every time." he shakes his head, hissing at himself. "Well, I'm an idiot." He begins walking back to the building, slowly while kicking little stones out of his way. A few minutes later, Myungsoo appears from the doors and waves at him to come inside.

Sungyeol shakes his head at his friend and waits for him to come over. Myungsoo put an arm around him and sighed. "You talk, I listen. Actually, that never happens so just talk. What happened now?"

Where do I even start? In his head, it was going fine at first. He was teasing her, amused at her frustration for his friend but then he just had to keep pushing her. This happens every time.

"I think she's mad at me."

"And why would she be mad at you?"

"I accused her of liking Minho and tried to get the real guy out of her, but it didn't work. She's mad at me." he frowns even deeper and they sat down on the steps of the building's entrance.

"Did she say she liked Minho?" Sungyeol shakes his head. "Then maybe that's why."

"I feel like I've done something bad though- wait, are you going out with Suzy?" Taken aback by his friend's question, all Myungsoo could do was laugh.

He shakes his head. "We're not there yet. Almost, I just need a simple push."

"Then why were you flirting with Krystal?!"

"How'd you know about that? Wait- is that why Sulli pulled you out from filming?"

Sungyeol nods and whistles. "She had a lot to say about you, let me tell you that. I heard you also told Krystal you wouldn't mind a scandal with her and that you'd call her but you never did-"

"That's because Suzy called just when I was about to apologize to Krystal over the phone, and I took it as a sign." Myungsoo smiles proudly.

Sungyeol stares at his friend. "A sign?"

"I like Suzy. I know Suzy likes me. I was wondering what it would feel like if I did try going after another girl, rather sleazily if you ask me, but when Suzy called last night, at that exact timing too- I realised there's no point when I have such a great girl already. I'd advise you to do the same with your own feelings, but I doubt you'd have the heart to." He smiles softly at Sungyeol, hoping he would take it all in. Perhaps his brain just needed longer for him to process his words.

"What do you think my feelings are?" he asks, his hand over his heart as if it held all the answers. "Do I like Jinri?"

"Yeollie, you only say her name when it means something, so I'm guessing..."

Denying undisclosed truth, he shakes his head once more. "I don't really get my own feelings."

Myungsoo shrugs, "We're guys- we're not meant to know about our own feelings until we actually hurt the girl."

"Have you ever hurt Suzy?"

"Once, when I told her about Naeun. That's in the past though, so I've kept my promise by not hurting her anymore. If you like Sulli, maybe you should do something about it before someone like Minho, just for example, comes along and sweeps her off her feet. You two are good friends, but I have a feeling this is different."

For a few minutes, the both of them stay silent and use the silence to try and comprehend their spoken words. Sungyeol was actually surprised by his friend's supposed relationship with Suzy, but secretly admits to himself and never aloud that he admires Myungsoo the most when he is truthful about his heart.

Sungyeol stands up and helps Myungsoo up too. He coughs awkwardly and crosses his arms over his chest. "Thanks for the, uh, great guy talk, buddy."

Myungsoo laughs and claps him on the shoulder. "No problem. You're a total man, y'know."

Sungyeol sighs and walks back inside, feeling his chest ache. "Now...where did she go?"



not the end just yet.

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farabigail #1
Chapter 10: haha.. its cuutee <3
i want to read your Myungzy story again ^^
4everhite #2
Chapter 10: Hi, I would like to save your story with Woohyun and min onto my Minnie Loves series, I will definately credit you and this page.
This is the page, http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/426476/minnie-loves-minyoung-missamin-leeminyoung-min-minnie , I would just post on here so that many people can see it more.It's okay if you don't want to, I'll understand.
Chapter 9: Lovelove the myungeun fluff wheee so cute! Maybe myungeun as your new couple? ((:
4everhite #4
Chapter 10: Ahh, so cute Woohyun is just a sweetie and definitely I Like min and Woohyun couple. Please update soon.
I wanna request for Sunggyu and min next, there are many shippers of Sunggyu and min, so it would be really cute beside I'm hardcore shippers of all infinite and miss a.
Chapter 10: LOL coming up with that ghost story and pulling her all the way to the toilet just for a kiss xD I guess that fits into namu's greasy character haha. The ending was pretty funny - interrupted by dongwoo hehe :3
Chapter 9: awwww myungeun is the best... totally sweet i love them, myung and naeun looked the best together, they suit each other~
Chapter 10: Aww, it so adorable, I'm in love, seriously! I love this oneshot it's so CUTE. Woohyun and min <3 thank you for doing my request. Your so awesome.
Coniii #8
Chapter 10: woomin cute <3
Can you do a oneshot with Woohyun and missA min, please. Or even Sunggyu and min, pretty please :•]
Chapter 9: Heheh so fluffy :3 But I could imagine myungeun's conversation :)
It's good how you can write drabbles and they don't seem incomplete :) I've been wanting to write drabbles for quite a while, but they always end up so long otl ><

/um, who's Hikaru though? :o