on rainy days ft. myungzy

{∞} oneshot/drabble collection

{ 001. on rainy days }

myungzy - drabble - suzy's pov


On days like these, we'd defy common sense and go on a date without an umbrella. We'd rush out of the door, jacket-less and bare, then run to wherever your instinct would tell you to go. I'd follow you of course, like always, without a second thought.

You led us to a dusty and damp cave one drizzling day, by the sea where the waves crashed close to us. We just stood there, gazing beyond the ocean and when I decided to look up at my side, I saw you smile. The sea, I remember you once told me, reminded you of the way the world works.


When waves are violent, the world is violent. When waves are calm, the world is (almost) at peace. Right now, they were neither of the two, just simply 'normal'.
Looking forward, I slowly reached for your hand to hold it loosely in mine, secretly wanting you to grip back. Then the waves began to jump up at us, spitting cold and salty water in our faces. Now, with the rain and the sea, we were both drenched. But there was no evidence at all within us that said we had a single care in the world.

I was assured the water wouldn't engulf us when you suddenly tightened our clasped hands. "Next time, I'll definitely bring an umbrella."

I laughed to myself, "No you won't."

Seconds later, you shook your head and joined me in little laughter. "Nope. I might as well continue getting drenched under this miserable sky with you."

"That's a good thing...right?"

You looked down at me with an intense glare in your eyes. I held my breath, standing still as ever, as you leaned your face closer to mine. "If I had an umbrella, I'd have one hand occupied in holding it," he smirked. "and I wouldn't be able to do this."

You squeezed my hand before letting it go, placed both of your hands on each side of my face and without hesitation, kissed me.

Seconds, or rather minutes after, I blinked my surprise away. "Yeah, let's never bring an umbrella.”


the end.


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farabigail #1
Chapter 10: haha.. its cuutee <3
i want to read your Myungzy story again ^^
4everhite #2
Chapter 10: Hi, I would like to save your story with Woohyun and min onto my Minnie Loves series, I will definately credit you and this page.
This is the page, http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/426476/minnie-loves-minyoung-missamin-leeminyoung-min-minnie , I would just post on here so that many people can see it more.It's okay if you don't want to, I'll understand.
Chapter 9: Lovelove the myungeun fluff wheee so cute! Maybe myungeun as your new couple? ((:
4everhite #4
Chapter 10: Ahh, so cute Woohyun is just a sweetie and definitely I Like min and Woohyun couple. Please update soon.
I wanna request for Sunggyu and min next, there are many shippers of Sunggyu and min, so it would be really cute beside I'm hardcore shippers of all infinite and miss a.
Chapter 10: LOL coming up with that ghost story and pulling her all the way to the toilet just for a kiss xD I guess that fits into namu's greasy character haha. The ending was pretty funny - interrupted by dongwoo hehe :3
Chapter 9: awwww myungeun is the best... totally sweet i love them, myung and naeun looked the best together, they suit each other~
Chapter 10: Aww, it so adorable, I'm in love, seriously! I love this oneshot it's so CUTE. Woohyun and min <3 thank you for doing my request. Your so awesome.
Coniii #8
Chapter 10: woomin cute <3
Can you do a oneshot with Woohyun and missA min, please. Or even Sunggyu and min, pretty please :•]
Chapter 9: Heheh so fluffy :3 But I could imagine myungeun's conversation :)
It's good how you can write drabbles and they don't seem incomplete :) I've been wanting to write drabbles for quite a while, but they always end up so long otl ><

/um, who's Hikaru though? :o