Shopping With Sehun

Flower Boy Bakery

I look through the curtains for the second time, checking to see if Sehun is out yet. The street is still empty. I didn't want to sit awkwardly outside my house while I waited  for Sehun to come out, so I decided I should wait inside. I look down at my watch again. 6:05. I shake my head, exasperated. Two more minutes, I think, then I'll have to go, I don't want Baekhyun to yell at me again. 

I push myself off the couch, and begin to pace in the living room. What was taking him so long? I check my watch again. 6:06. One more minute. I walk down the hall to the bathroom and check my reflection, and spot a flake of mascara on my cheek. I quickly brush it off and glance down at my watch again. 6:07. Time to go.

I rush down the hallway, and push the door open. As I walk to the end of the driveway, I glance towards Sehuns house one last time to see it as desolate at it was when I woke up. I shake my head and begin to walk glumly down the hill towards the shop. I guess he changed his mind. 

I was about half way down the hill when I heard footsteps pounding behind me. I spin around in panic, excpecting to see a robber, but to my surprise, I see Sehun practically falling over himself, trying to catch up to me.

"Noona!" He yells, waving his arms over his head, "Soojin noona!"

As he  reaches me, he grabs my arm desperatly and bends over panting.

"What the.. Sehun what are you doing?"

He stands straight and lets go of my arm, "I'm sorry I didnt come out!" He gasps. "I slept in."

I shrug, "It's okay, just dont do it again, alright?"

He nods vigorously, "Of course!"

We continue towards the bakery in silence, with Sehun glancing at me every couple of seconds.

"Sooo..." He starts, "How are you today?" He asks cheerfully.

"Well, I've been better. I couldn't get to sleep last night."

"Me too!" He exclaims, "Thats why I slept in!"

I turn to look at him, "Really?"

"Yup." He says, nodding.

"So, what do you think we're gonna be doing today?" I ask

"Wellll... It could be just about anything, I mean, it's all cleaned up now, so maybe... furniture? All we have so far is cooking utensils, We still need tables and chairs, and maybe we could get a couch! And a TV, and a fish tank, and.. oh! A puppy! I really want a puupy..."

I laugh, "You're getting a little out of control here"

He pouts, "But I wanna puppy..."

I pat his back, "Maybe another time." I reassure him as we reach the door to the bakery.

We walk into the shop to see that everyone is already there, gathered around Baekhyun

Baekhyun watches me come in, he raises his eyebrowns and taps his watch. I look down trying to conceal my irritation. I shouldn't have waited so long for Sehun... 

Baekhyun clears his throat and begins talking, "Anyways, as I said, today we are looking for furniture and accesories for the shop. I decided we'll be splitting up into pairs, Suho couldn't make it today, so we have an even number."

Sehun leans towards me, "Told you so," He whispers gleefully.

Baekhyun shoots us a look, and continues, "So, Kai will be paired with D.O., I'll be with Soo--"

"Can I be with Soojin noona?" Sehun interupts loudly, hanging on to my arm, "Hyung, pleeaasseeee? Please please please?"

Baekhyun stops, looking torn, he looks at me for a long second. I stare back in confusion, he has a strange look in his eyes, one that I can't figure out. After a second, he abruptly breaks eye contact. I put my head down in embarassment, not knowing how long we stared at eachother.

"Umm.. yeah, sure Sehun. I guess I'm with Chanyeol." He sighs slightly and continues, "I'll be giving each pair certain things to buy, I'll give you all some cash, but make sure what you get isn't too expensive." He turns to Kai and D.O., "You guys need to look for tables and chairs, the bakery will probably fit around 10 to 12 tables, to be safe, get 12, not 10. You need to get at least 3 chairs per table."

He then turns to look at Sehun and I, "You guys need to go get a personalized sign to go outside the bakery, and if you guys could find a couple things to go in the shop, like things to go on the tables, decorations and such that would be great. Try to stick to blue and yellow alright? I decided those are the main colors." He looks around to make sure everyone understood. "Chanyeol and I will take care of the rest. Some people are coming by to paint the outside while we're gone.

We all nod and head towards the door.

When we get halfway up the hill, I turn to Sehun, "How are we going to be getting around to get around then?"

"Do you have a car?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No, we can't afford another car."

"Ah, I see," He nods, "I don't have my own either, but my mom lets me drive her car!"

"Good." I say, as we near his house.

Sehun jogs ahead of me and opens the passenger door of a shiny blue honda.

"Here we are!" he announces, gesturing for me to get in. I walk over and slide into the car and wait as he runs around to the drivers side.

He hops in and looks over at me, "So, where should we go first?" he asks, tilting his head cutely. 

"Hmmm.... where's a place we could get a custom sign.."

Sehun scrunches up his face, deep in though, "Oh!" he exclaims, "I know!" 

I look over questioningly, "Where?"

"Well... I don't remember the name, but I do know where it is!"

I laugh, "Well, lets get going then!"

"Oh, right!" He says, and speeds down the hill. 

After 15 minutes of driving, we finally reach the store. I step out of the car, and look up at the small brick building, with a sign that said, "Jaehee's custom goods". 

"Here we are!" he says, beckoning for me to follow him.

I follow him inside, and look around at the jumbled objects on the shelves. None of it looks very organized. I lean over to sehun, "You sure this is a good place?" 

He elbows me gently, "Of course!"

I shrug and walk up to the counter with him.

"Hello, my name is Jaehee, how may I help you?" asks a pretty woman behind the counter.

I speak up, "Yeah, we were looking for somewhere we could get a custom sign for our new bakery?" 

"Well, this is the place!" She says brightly, "Do you know exactly what you're looking for?"

"I guess we didn't think about that..." I say, glancing at Sehun.

"No worries, I'll be right here when you decide."

"Kansahamnida." I bow to her respectfully, and pull sehun aside, "I'm gonna call Baekhyun, alright? I have some ideas, but we need to make sure he's okay with it, we haven't even come up with a name for the bakery yet."

He nods in agreement, "Go ahead."

I smile at him and pull out my phone. After dialing Baekhyun number I sit in a chair against the wall and wait for him to pick up.


"Ah, Baekhyun-sshi, its Soojin."

"Oh, hey! How's the shopping going?"

"Well, thats the thing, we're at the custom goods place right now to get the sign, but I realized we didn't even name the bakery, I have some ideas, but I wanted to run them over with you, since, you know, you are the owner."

"Oh, of course, what are your ideas?"

"Well," I start glancing around the store, "I was thinking of the name 'Flower Boy Bakery'"

"Why that name?" he asks slowly

"Well, you know, flower boys being cute boys, and I'd say you are all very cute. It would also attract a lot of the female population, because every girl likes flower boys! I though it was a cute, cheerful name, ya know?" I explain hopefully.

"Well... don't you think its a little too cute?" He asks reluctantly.

"Girls love that stuff! it'll give us better business!"

"Well... I'll trust you on this one, I guess you'd know better than me." He chuckles.

"Yay! Thanks Baekhyun-ah!"

"You called me Baekhyun-ah." He says. I could just imagine the smirk on his face.

"I didn't mean too.." I pout 

He laughs, "Of course not."

"Well... anyways," I begin awkwardly, "I should probably go and order that sign now... bye."

"Wait!" He says quickly, before I can hang up.

"Yeah?" I ask cautiously 

"Soojin, I.. umm, I think... I just wanted to say Soojin, that I.."

"Go on." I urge

"N-nevermind, I'll see you at the shop." He stutters, and hangs up abruptly.

I stare at my phone in confusion, I wonder what it was he was trying to say...



I finally updated! YAY! sorry guys... this has not been a good summer for me :/ I hope you enjoy the chapter! thanks for reading :)

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I'm so sorry I've been so late on my chapters, there has been a lot of stressful things going on. The next chapter will be out this week, hopefully tomorrow. :)


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immarktuans #1
Chapter 8: Sehun and her are so cute! But SEHUN IS OLDER?!?! I NEVER KNEW!!! In the story he acts as if he's older!
Update soon! ^^
Chapter 8: NO DON'T TEASE US.
immarktuans #3
Chapter 7: Woah. I love this fanfic so much already! And Sehun walked her home ^^
So Sehun and Baekhyun and some what Kai. Why isn't Sehun added as a tag?
Anways, update soon
Chapter 7: Awwww Sehun is so cute i wanna squish him >.<
Chapter 6: Flirty kai lol
Chapter 6: Hurray! You better update faster from now on!
Update soon! Hurry and update!
Chapter 5: Awwwwww, Baekhyun softened! Is this the start of something new...? ^//^ Thanks for updating so fast!
Chapter 5: Aww baekhyun's being nice :)
Chapter 4: OMG, Baekhyun is gonna throw another tantrum over her when he finds her asleep... hope him not to be too harsh on her >.<