First Day

Flower Boy Bakery

I force my eyes open and blink groggily, trying to wake myself up. "It is way too early." I think, a little annoyed. I roll over in bed and squint at the alarm clock on my window sill. My eyes widen in shock "Oh no... please tell me that's the wrong time."  I rip the covers off of me and scramble out of bed, falling flat on my face in the process. I push my self off the floor and run out into the living room. I search the room frantically untill my eyes land on a large black clock on the wall to my left. 6:47.

"Ohhh no, no, no."

I race back into my room and begin to search my closet for a decent outfit. What an opportune time to have nothing to wear. Frustrated, I settle on jeans and a simple white t-shirt. Once dressed, I run into the bathroom, and quickly scan over my face in the mirror. "Stupid bags," I think, eyeing the dark spots under my eyes, "Its not like I don't sleep!" I poke at them, nearly stabbing myself in the eye. Why don't they ever just go away?! After a minute I decide I have no time for makeup, but it's probably a good idea to brush my hair... considering the state it's in at the moment. When I'm finished I throw the hairbrush into a small basket by the mirror, and rush into the kitchen. I grab an small red apple from the fruit basket on the counter, and sprint out the door.

I hurry down the hill, taking small bites of the apple as I go.

"Crap, crap, crap." I mutter, I'm almost an hour late by now. I stop by a small garbage can in front of someones house, throw my half eaten apple inside, and sprint the rest of the way tot the bakery. I burst in and bend over, panting in the doorway. 

I slowly raise my head and glance guiltily at Baekhyun, who's appeared in the doorway across the room, obvously having heard my entrance. I straighten and clear my throat awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. 

"Uhh... I'm here.." I mutter, avoiding eye contact.

Baekhyun is silent for a couple seconds, and then suddenly throws his hands up in frustration. "Do you think I have time for this?!" He exclaims. I flinch at his outburst.

"Well, I--"

"I have things to do!" He yells, cutting me off "I told you to get here at six! You're not taking this seriously! You can't even show up on time!" 

I suddenly find the pattern of the floor very interesting, "I'm sorry..." I say quietly, shuffling my feet.

I slowly glance up and look at him from under my eyelashes. He looks at me for a couple minutes and nods.

"You should be! If this happens again the deals off, got it?"

I nod vigorously, "Yes! It won't happen again!"

He looks at me closely for minute or two, and then nods slowly, "Well, I suppose we should get started. You need to help me move in!" He calls, as he begins walking towards a door at the back of the shop. 

I hurry after him, silently stepping over the mess on the floor, there are spare boards leaning against the walls, and spare kitchens utensils scattered across the floor. Not to mention the thick layer of dust on the floor, and well... Just about everything. "Well, cleaning this should be REAL fun..."  I think disgustedly. I follow him through the back of the shop, and up a set of stairs. He stops at what looks to be a large living room at the top, turns back to me, and points to the multiple boxes and suitcases lined up against the plain cream colored walls. 

"We need to unpack these, after we're done, I'll start teaching you."

I nod slowly, scanning the room, "Okay."

"So," he says, clasping his hands together, "The boxes are already in the rooms they need to be unpacked in. I already have the big stuff unpacked, like beds, dressers, kitchen appliances, so we don't need to worry about that." He motions to a room on my right "You can start in there."

"Got it!" I call over my shoulder as I walk into the room.

I look around with my hands on my hips, there's a large queen sized bed, covered in sky blue sheets against the opposite wall, with a small, deep brown table right next to it, and a white dresser to my left.

"Huh, this must be his bedroom then."  I think, surveying the room. I walk to the nearest suitcase, a large black one by the dresser, and begin ping it. I lift up the top and peek inside, to see that it's filled with clothes. I shrug, shouldn't be too hard, I just have to stick them in the dresser. I begin taking out the carefully folded clothes, and placing them gently into the drawers in a neat, organized fashion. 

The pants would be on the bottom, shirts on the second drawer, and socks and such on the top. I reached down into the suitcase, groping around for another shirt, but what I grabbed was not a shirt... I held the item of clothing up, my eyes widening in shock.

I open my mouth and release a ear piercing shriek. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!"

"Oh god... It's his underwear."

Baekhyun appeared in the doorway, an alarmed look on his face "What are you--" he stops, spotting his underwear gripped in my hands. He lets out a high pitched scream, looking back and forth from me, to the underwear in my hands.

His scream shocks me into silence, and I close my mouth immediately, cutting of the screeches echoing around the room. I stare at him wide eyed for a couple seconds, and then burst into laughter.

I roll around on the floor, laughing hysterically, completely forgetting about what's still clasped in my hand. 

Baekhyun stops screaming, and looks at me in confusion. "What's wrong with you?

I sit up, trying to catch my breath "you... You scream like a girl!" I splutter, trying to contain my giggling.

his eyes widen, his face turning a deep red. He rushes over to me, snatches the underwear from my hands, and walks out the door, slamming it shut behind him. 

"Pfftt.." I try to stop laughing, and pull myself up on to the bed. Right as I sit down, the door bursts open again, and Baekhyun stomps in, grabs the suitcase full of his clothes, and stomps right back out, the sound of the door echoing around the room. "Wow.. He's really mad." I think, holding my hand up to my mouth to stifle another giggle. I probably shouldn't find this funny.. But to be honest, I find this extremely funny.

I look back over in the direction of the dresser and remember what happened just seconds ago. I shudder at the thought.

My eyes then land on the door, and I gaze at it longingly. I really want to go back out there... But this probably isn't the best idea right now.. Considering the mood Baekhyuns in. I sigh and edge myself over to the other side of the bed and lean against the wall. I'll just have to wait it out untill he decides to calm down.

I lay there there for a couple minutes, just staring at the ceiling, and studying the light swirls arcing gracefully through the paint. I struggle to keep my eyes open, but after a couple minutes, they flutter closed, and I fall into a deep sleep. 


Hello everyone! I'm sorry, this chapter is EXTREMELY late, I try to post every 5 days, but I've been up till midnight almost every night the past week or so with homework.

Anyways, thank you to my 9 subscribers!

Hope you enjoy the story ^^





Okay... Okay, im done now. just had to get that all out there hahaha



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I'm so sorry I've been so late on my chapters, there has been a lot of stressful things going on. The next chapter will be out this week, hopefully tomorrow. :)


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immarktuans #1
Chapter 8: Sehun and her are so cute! But SEHUN IS OLDER?!?! I NEVER KNEW!!! In the story he acts as if he's older!
Update soon! ^^
Chapter 8: NO DON'T TEASE US.
immarktuans #3
Chapter 7: Woah. I love this fanfic so much already! And Sehun walked her home ^^
So Sehun and Baekhyun and some what Kai. Why isn't Sehun added as a tag?
Anways, update soon
Chapter 7: Awwww Sehun is so cute i wanna squish him >.<
Chapter 6: Flirty kai lol
Chapter 6: Hurray! You better update faster from now on!
Update soon! Hurry and update!
Chapter 5: Awwwwww, Baekhyun softened! Is this the start of something new...? ^//^ Thanks for updating so fast!
Chapter 5: Aww baekhyun's being nice :)
Chapter 4: OMG, Baekhyun is gonna throw another tantrum over her when he finds her asleep... hope him not to be too harsh on her >.<