Waking up

Flower Boy Bakery

I jerk awake to noises coming from outside the door. "Wait... where am I?" As I look around in confusion, I suddenly remember. "Uh oh..."  I look down at myself. I don't remember that blanket being there.. I shake my head quickly and slowly pull the blanket from my body. I roll quietly off the bed and onto the floor, trying not to make a noise that would alert Baekhyun. The door flys open, and I look up to see Baekhyun towering in the doorway, holding a small lamp in his hands.

I cringe, and shrink away, expecting him yell at me for falling asleep on the job. After a couple minutes of silence, I cautiously raise my head, and look at him questioningly. "Why isn't he gettting mad?"  He looks down at me for a couple seconds, and then tilts his head.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asks, confused.

"Umm... I fell?" 

"Oh.. Well, now that you're awake, we need to get cleaning again. I finished unpacking, so we should go down to she shop." He sets the lamp down on the dresser and turns to start walking away, gesturing for me to follow him.

I push myself from the floor and stumble to the door way. I follow Baekhyun carefully down the stairs, being careful not to fall again. At the bottom, he turns to me, "So, there's a lot that needs to be done down here." He points to the boxes stacked against the wall, "These are mostly kitched utensils, and recipes and such, we need to unpack them and organize them in the kitchen. Okay?"

I  nod slowly, surveying the room.

"So!" he says, clapping his hands together, "let's get started."

He marches over to the boxes, and easily starts unstacking them. I follow cautiously, those boxes look really heavy..  I bend down and wrap my arms around one of the smaller ones in the corner. I attempt to straighten up, taking the box with me, but it won't budge. I strain and grunt, trying to haul the box from the floor. After a couple minutes of struggling I feel something press against my back and the box suddenly feels lighter. I release the box and whirl around to find myself face to face with Baekhyun. My body freezes, and I stand there for a couple seconds in shock, my nose nearly touching his. Once I realize the situation, I shriek, drop to the floor out of his arms, and quickly scoot away.

"What are you doing?!" I yell, heat rushing to my cheeks. 

He looks down at me and raises his eyebrows, "You looked like you needed help." he says, nodding towards the box in his arms.

"That doesn't mean you have to jump me like that!" I exclaim, pushing myself from the floor. 

He shrugs, surpressing a smile, and goes back to moving boxes.

I shake my head, my face still burning. Maybe I should try something besides moving boxes... I walk over to one thats already been set on the counter, ready to be unpacked. I pull it open and reach inside, pulling out a large glass bowl. I bend down to put the box in a cupboard underneath the counter. When I straighten up, my head smacks against the cupboard handle. 

"Ow" I mumble, stumbling back. I look up, rubbing my head, to see a guy leaning casually against the counter staring at me with an amused look on his face. My eyes widen "Who are you??" I ask, stepping back.

He throws his head back and laughs, "You don't know? I take it Baekhyun didn't tell you about me then." 

I shake my head slowly.

He saunters over and sticks out his hand, "I'm Kai." 

I shake his hand cautiously, "Soojin." I mutter.

He smiles, releasing my hand, "I know, Baekhyun told me about you."

"Ah," I say, nodding, "So, you're his friend?"

"Yeah, I'm also going to be working here for him. I guess I'm the first one here." He says, looking around, "There should be another four of us coming."

"Oh... Baekhyun didn't tell me about that."

I hear the door open, and look over to see someone else enter the shop. Kai turns towards the door, and laughs, "Hey Sehun!!"

"Sehun? Isn't that the guy that was with Baekhyun?"

I crane my neck to look around Kai at the guy who had just come in. His hair was styled differently, but it was definitely the same guy. He walked up to Kai, not seeming to notice me yet. "Wheres Baekhyun?" He asked looking around. 

Kai shrugs, "He disappeared, probably upstairs getting something."

Sehun nods and continues to look around, when his eyes fall on me. His face lights up. "Hey!" He exclaims, pointing at me, "I remember you! It's Soojin, right?"

I nod, smiling "That's me, I'm surprised you still remember."

Kai laughs, "You always remember the names of pretty girls." He says matter of factly.

"P-p-pretty?" I stutter

Kai turns and leans in close to me "Of course" he says, smiling slyly. 

I stumble back, my face burning. Sehun grabs Kai, and pulls him back roughly. "Knock it off." He says, glaring at him. Kai laughs, and shrugs innocently. He looks back over in my direction and winks at me. My eyes widen, and I quickly look at the floor.

Just then Baekhyun appears at the bottom of the stairs. "What's going on?"

Sehun rolls his eyes and lets go of Kai's sleeve "Oh you know, Kai's just being himself again."

Baekhyun laughs and comes to stand by me, "Sorry about that, he's like that with just about everybody."

"Oh." I nod shakily

Baekhyun pulls out his phone and looks at the time, "I wonder where everyone else is... It's almost 2."

Kai looks back towards the door, "Who knows, they'll get here when they get here."

"So wait," everyone looks over at me, "You're all working together? All six of you?"

Baekhuyn nods, "I can't run a bakery by myself, I need people to handle customers, and deliveries and people to help with the baking. It's a lot of work you know."

"I guess thats true.." I agree, looking around. 

"So!" Baekhyun calls, "Now that we have more poeple, lets get to work. Soojin, why don't you grab that broom over there and start sweeping." He says, pointing towards a broom leaning against the corner across the room.

We all clean for the next 3 hours, Kai sending the occasional smirk in my direction, and Sehun continuosly offering me help. "I'm fine Sehun!" I exclaim for the sixth time, "I dont need help!" 

"Fine. fine." Sehun grumbles and returns to the other side of the room where he was mopping. 

I shake my head, and look around the room. I see Baekhyun on the other side of the kitchen organizing the recipes. His eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration, and his hands move with precision and confidence. I watch him, fascinated. It's never been easy for me to concentrate like that.. I try, but it just doesn't work. I guess you could say I have some form of ADHD, I just can't focus! Maybe that's why I have trouble baking... maybe I just need to concenrate more.

"Soojin... SOOJIN!" I jump, to see Baekhyun waving his hands in front of my face. 

"Wh-what?" I ask, confused. Baekhyun points down at the silverware I was organizing. I look down and see that it's all in the wrong places. 


Baekhyun runs his hands through his hair, "Ugh, we're gonna have to do it all over again." He shakes his head, "Whatever, everyone come here for a second!" He calls.

Sehun and Kai make their way slowly to where were standing outside the kitchen. 

"Okay," Baekhyun announces, "Thank you guys for helping, I guess we're done for the day. I guess the others couldn't make it, we'll see them tomorrow."

Sehun and Kai nod, and move to get their backpacks and leave. They walk towards the door, and Kai turns, points at me, and winks seductively. Heat rushes to my face, and I look quickly around the room awkwardly. Sehun looks back and forth between us for a moment, and rolls his eyes, "Stop being stupid." He grumbles, and drags Kai out the door. 

I stand, staring at the door for a minute when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around to see Baekhyun watching me. "You should probably head home, it's getting late."

"Oh, r-r-right.. bye." I turn and quickly push my way outside. Once the door shuts firmly behind me, and let out a deep breath and lean against the wall. 

"C'mon Soojin, keep it together. We're going to start baking soon. Fighting!"


Hello everyone!!! Im very very sorry for not updating for so long.... 

anyways, thank you all for reading! 


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I'm so sorry I've been so late on my chapters, there has been a lot of stressful things going on. The next chapter will be out this week, hopefully tomorrow. :)


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immarktuans #1
Chapter 8: Sehun and her are so cute! But SEHUN IS OLDER?!?! I NEVER KNEW!!! In the story he acts as if he's older!
Update soon! ^^
Chapter 8: NO DON'T TEASE US.
immarktuans #3
Chapter 7: Woah. I love this fanfic so much already! And Sehun walked her home ^^
So Sehun and Baekhyun and some what Kai. Why isn't Sehun added as a tag?
Anways, update soon
Chapter 7: Awwww Sehun is so cute i wanna squish him >.<
Chapter 6: Flirty kai lol
Chapter 6: Hurray! You better update faster from now on!
Update soon! Hurry and update!
Chapter 5: Awwwwww, Baekhyun softened! Is this the start of something new...? ^//^ Thanks for updating so fast!
Chapter 5: Aww baekhyun's being nice :)
Chapter 4: OMG, Baekhyun is gonna throw another tantrum over her when he finds her asleep... hope him not to be too harsh on her >.<