Only You


     Avery Maddison has been saving up to go to Korea for almost four years, and for one reason... To meet SHINee, and the love of her life, Choi Minho. Yes, she may be a little obsessed, a little crazy, but thats okay. She's a good person right? yeah, sure she can be a bit of a stalker, but we can look past that... 

     Anyways, she goes there, and is willing to go to just about any lengths to meet them. And she suceeds... much to the surprise of her best friend Seo Young, who is much more interested in another boy band, that is totally new to them.. Infinite. Avery of course, could care less about them, they're not SHINee. But as SHINee keeps pushing her away, and the intrigued Woohyun of Infinite keeps attempting to pull her in, what is she to do? 



Avery Maddison

Shy, but a little crazy when she's comfortable. She's a TAD obsessed with SHINee, and is sort of a stalker towards them, but she changes throughout the story. She's a very reserved person and doesn't like telling people much about herself. She also has a very hard time showing her emothions at times.


Park Seo Young/Raini

She's Avery's best friend. Shes half Korean, half American, and she moved to America when she was 2, but her parents never taught her Korean, so she and Avery had to teach themselves. She's not nearly as crazy as Avery, but she just likes going with all of her insane plans, because she finds it amusing. 

Nam Woohyun

He is the main vocalist in INFINITE. He often is very fake, and just does what he thinks his fans want him to do. inside though he is a  very sensitive, caring person. Although he still is a huge flirt, thats not fake. 

Kim Myungsoo/L

L is another member of INFINITE. He's very quiet most of the time, but once you get to know him he's anything but that. Very curious, and kind. 


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If you update this, then I will advertise it on my fan fics. I have a total of 30 subbies so that should help you out!
What if I end up being your only subscriber? Minho would be so disappointed in you! have to update more and more and mooore!
Hurry up and update update update! You seriously need to get going on this
Hey buddy! I need more Karma points so I'm gonna comment a ton of times on your story okay? OKAY!