
Flower Boy Bakery

The next morning, I make my way down to the shop, just like the day before. Only this time, I'm actually on time! I'm pretty proud of that, it takes a lot of effort to get up this early. As I near the shop, I see someone in front of the shop, getting something from their car. I walk closer, and realize it's Baekhyun. 

"What are you doing?" I ask, coming up behind him. He jumps and turns to look at me.

"Geez, you scared me," He grumbles, "don't sneak up on me like that!"

I laugh, and nod apologetically.

"We're painting today." He explains, holding up two cans of paint, "Wanna help me carry these in? Theres two more in the back."

"Sure." I agree, picking up the two paint cans from the back of his car. I close the door, and follow him into the shop. When we get inside, there are 5 guys leaning against the counter in the kitchen, they must be his friends that couldn't make it yesterday. One of them is shorter, with large eyes, and wavy dark hair falling into his eyes, and another had a large smile on his face, and orangish hair. The last one I didn't recognize had a round face, and dark brown hair sweeping across his forehead. And then of course there was Kai and Sehun. 

Sehuns face lights up as he smiles and waves at me, Kai just winks and makes a growling sound in the back of his throat. I shudder and look away. "God that guy freaks me out." 

I set the paint cans back by the door and look warily at the unknown faces.

"Ah," Baekhyun says, "Right, I ought to introduce you. This is Kyungsoo." He points to the shorter one with the big eyes, "but he goes by D.O.. And that over there is Suho," his hand moves in the direction of the guy with the round face. "And this," he says pointing to the tall one who towered intimidatingly over the others, "is Chanyeol." 

I bow respectfully to each as they were introduced. "Nice to meet you." I mumble shyly.

Baekhyun looks back and forth between us for a moment, maybe waiting to see if we would do anything. After a minute of awkward silence, Baekhyun speaks up, "So! Today we're painting!" he exclaims, ing a paint can in the air. Sehun jumps up looking excited, "I love painting!"

Kai leans across the counter and crosses his arms, "What color?" 

"I thought blue would be good, like a sky blue." Baekhyun responds, eyeing the sample on top of the can. He looks back up, "That okay?"

The rest of the guys nod in approval, "Blue is good."

"Well then," Baekhyun begins, smiling, "lets not waste anymore time." He moves to the corner of the room where a large tarp lays folded neatly. He gently unfolds it, and with the help of Sehun and Kai, he spreads it neatly over the floor of the empty room.

He turns toward me, and hands me a roll of blue tape, "Could you tape off the kitchen?" He asks, gesturing towards the door to his right.

"Sure," I nod, and head through the door. Its tedious work, taping. Especially in the kitchen. I slowly, and carefully tape up each of the cabinets, and light fictures, along with trim. After a couple of hours, I sit back and admire my work, the entire kitchen neatly taped. It took longer than it should have, I admit, but I'm definitly not very good at the whole taping thing. I had to redo several spots that were messed up.

I walk out of the kitchen to see everyone huddled around a cooler on the floor, pulling out sandwitches and sodas. I walk over, and seat myself next to Baekhyun. "Time for lunch already?" I ask.

Baekhyun smiles, "We were getting hungry." he shrugged, "Kai got this from his car."

"Ah, okay." I reach for a sandwitch of my own and settle down to eat.

Once we're all finished, Baekhyun stands up and brushes his hands off, "All right, we should get back to work" He says, "Kai could you clean up the food?"

Kai shrugs, "Sure."

He nods and pops open a paint can to begin mixing. "Hey Soojin-ah, why don't you open that can over there?" he asks, smirking. There he goes with the -ah again. "Uh, sure." I say, moving to grab the other paint can. I pop open the can to see a light, almost silvery blue color. I smile, "It's pretty." I murmur.

I take one of the mixing sticks and begin slowly swirling the color together. When I'm done, I look around for a paint brush, and spot a pile next to where Kai is leaning against the counter. Great. I walk slowly and silently up behind him, trying not to catch his attention. I slowly reach around him and attempt to snatch a paintbrush from the pile. As I slowly pull it away, it slips from my hand, and clatters onto the floor. I gasp and try to grap for it, and trip over my own foot. I go hurdling towards the floor, untill someone grabs me around the waist. I slowly open my tightly shut eyes, to see Kai's face inches from mine. We stare at eachother, my eyes wide with shock. He raises his eyebrows slightly and chuckles, "You're cute." He says, winking at me.

Shocked, I flail my arms and push Kai off of me. I fall to the floor and begin to scoot quickly away, taking my paint brush with me, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. He watches me, amused, and turns back to what he was doing.

I shake my head, and look around, trying to locate my paint can. I spot it on the far wall near where Baekhyun is attempting to paint the trim. I push myself from the floor and walk slowly to my can, watching Baekhyun as I go. He dips his brush in the paint and brushes it quickly along the trim, spraying white paint all over the wall, and himself. "Agh!" I hear him mutter. I lift my hand to my mouth, trying to smother a giggle.

I walk over to him, "You're going to fast," I say as I bend down to his level.

He looks up, confused, "Huh?"

I reach for his hand clutching the paint brush and lift it up. "You're going to fast." I explain again. I his brush slowly across the trim, careful to keep all the paint on the wall, and not us. "See? You need long, slow , not small fast ones. You'll get paint everywhere."

He nods, staring at my hand grasping his. I follow his gaze, "O-oh, sorry." I mutter, quickly dropping his hand. 

He shakes his head, "It's okay.. komawo... for helping me."

I nod, "Sure." I turn and head back over to my paint can a few feet away. 

I bend down and dip my paint brush into the can. I stare at the paint thoughtfully, and make a small swirl on the wall. I paint back and forth for a while, slowly scooting down the wall for more space.

Baekhyun comes up behind me, "Have you painted much before?" He asks, settling down next to me with his own paint brush. I smile a little, "I love to paint. I may not be good at baking or cooking, but... I have this." 

Baekhyun glances over at me, "Really? I've never been good at painting."

I laugh, "Yeah, I noticed."

"Yeah.." He says, looking away in embarrassment.

We paint in silence for a few minutes, while the other boys run around, and joke with each other. Suddenly a glob of paint splatters across the back of Baekhyun's head, and seeps through his hair. He stands up and turns abruptly, "YAH!" 

The room goes silent, as everyone stares wide-eyed at Baekhyun. Then all at once everyone burst out laughing. I laugh along, and look to see Baekhyun's reaction. He glares at the others for a minute, but slowly, a smile creeps onto his face. I watch him as he stealthily reaches for his paint brush while the others are distracted. He grabs it and hides it behind his back. After a few seconds of watching them, an evil grin spreads across his face.

"Ahhh!!!" He yells and charges into the group, waving his paint brush over his head. The others screech and run to escape him. I chuckle to myself and turn back to my wall. At least someone should be working. 

I sit, quietly humming to myself, as I the wall with my paintbrush. The rate we're going, this probably wont be finished today. I had only been painting about five minutes when I realized I didn't hear laughing a screaming from behind me anymore. I turn around in confusion and come face to face with Baekhyun. He grins and holds up his paint brush. "You're next." He pokes my nose with the paint brush, leaving practically half my face blue. I stumble back and glare at him, "Yah!" I yell, trying not to laugh. 

He laughs and runs away from me, back to the others. 

They all stand there, laughing, and pushing eachother around. All of them covered in paint to some degree. I stifle a giggle and bend back down to my painting. I'll get them back later when they aren't expecting it. 

We have a small dinner break, running to a small fast food place down the street, and going back to eat on the floor, like at lunch time. After that, most everyone turns their focus back on painting, Kai and the one with big eyes, I think his name was D.O., went to the far wall and began painting the ceiling while Chanyeol, Sehun and Suho spread themselves throughout the room to paint the walls. Baekhyun resumed his place, sitting beside me and continued to paint the trim, stealing cautious glances at me from time to time, probably nervouse I'd have my revenge for him getting paint all over my face. Ohhh and I would. I continued to calmly paint the wall, pretending not to notice him. After a couple minutes he seemed to relax, thinking I'd forgotten. Sneaking a glance at him, I saw he was no longer paying attention to me, focused on not getting paint everywhere like I showed him. I smiled to myself and slowly dipped my paint brush into the bucket. I stole another glace, and then moved quickly towards him, pushing him to the ground. I lean over him and wipe my brush across his forehead. 

"Ahh!" He yells, squeezing his eyes shut. He reaches up and wipes the paint away, to keep it from dripping into his eyes.

I laugh and bend closer to him, "Now we're even!" I exclaim triumphantly. He laughs and pushes me off of him.

"Fine, fine, we're even." He grumbles, holding back a smile. 

I settle back to my spot, grinning, as Baekhyun pushes himself up, paint dripping from his face. 

He glares at me playfully, and shakes his head, "Sneaky." He mutters.

I smile and look around the room to see that almost the entire shop had been painted. I look over at Baekhyun, surprised. "I didn't think we'd end up finishing today."

He looks around, "It goes fast with so many of us."

I nod, and glance out the window to see it was already dark. I jump to my feet, "What time is it?" I ask, looking around for a clock.

Baekhyun pulls out a phone from his pocket and stares at the screen, "Almost 7:00," I answers, "Why?"

"Crap," I mutter, running my hand through my hair, "I was supposed to be home an hour ago..."

Baekhyun nods in understanding, "You can go home, we'll finish up here. Do you need me to walk you home?"

I shake my head, "It's oka--"

"I'll walk her home!" Sehun interupts, jumping from his seat against the opposite wall.

"No no, thats okay, really Sehun, it's just up the street."

Sehun shakes his head stubbornly, "I'm walking you home. What if you get attacked!" He exclaims, eyes wide.

I roll my eyes, "All right, all right, you can walk me home this time."

His mouth spreads into a wide grin as he jumps up to hold the door open for me. I step outside, and turn to wave breifly. "Bye guys, see ya tomorrow." 

Sehun shuts the door behind me, and jumps enthusiastically to my side, "Where's your house?" he asks, looking up and down the street.

I point up the street, "At the top of this little hill, it's not far."

He nods, and starts walking up the street, looking back to make sure I'd follow.

I fall into step beside him, "Sooo, you bake?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "No... But I want to!"

"Really?" I glance over at him, "Me too."

He reaches up and rubs the back of his neck in embarassment, "I'm really bad at it though."

I nod, remebering all the cakes and pastries I had ruined, "Yeah... me too."

He looks over at me and smiles, "It's okay! we can help eachother!"

I smile at the idea, "Sounds good!" I stop in front of the fence leading to my door, "Looks like we're here already."

"This is your house?" he asks, looking around.

I nod, "Yeah."

He looks at his feel nervously, "Could I.. Could I maybe walk with you to work tomorrow?" he stutters.

I look up at him in surprise, "Huh? Why?"

"I live right there!" He says cheerfully, pointing at a house across the street, a few houses down.

"Oh!" I say, even more surprised, "Then sure! I could use the company."

"Okay!" He says, his face lighting up, "I'll see you tomorrow! Six, right?"

I nod, "Six."

"Okay, bye Soojin-noona!"

I laugh, and turn to go home, and for some reason, I find myself looking forward to tomorrow.



Hello! I'm very veryyy sorry for the extremely late update... again... I've been having a hard time with some things lately, and I haven't been in the right.. mood i suppose, to write. but thats no excuse. I'm working on updating faster, and I'm already starting the next chapter!

Thank you for reading, and thanks so much to my 17 subscribers!!!

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I'm so sorry I've been so late on my chapters, there has been a lot of stressful things going on. The next chapter will be out this week, hopefully tomorrow. :)


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immarktuans #1
Chapter 8: Sehun and her are so cute! But SEHUN IS OLDER?!?! I NEVER KNEW!!! In the story he acts as if he's older!
Update soon! ^^
Chapter 8: NO DON'T TEASE US.
immarktuans #3
Chapter 7: Woah. I love this fanfic so much already! And Sehun walked her home ^^
So Sehun and Baekhyun and some what Kai. Why isn't Sehun added as a tag?
Anways, update soon
Chapter 7: Awwww Sehun is so cute i wanna squish him >.<
Chapter 6: Flirty kai lol
Chapter 6: Hurray! You better update faster from now on!
Update soon! Hurry and update!
Chapter 5: Awwwwww, Baekhyun softened! Is this the start of something new...? ^//^ Thanks for updating so fast!
Chapter 5: Aww baekhyun's being nice :)
Chapter 4: OMG, Baekhyun is gonna throw another tantrum over her when he finds her asleep... hope him not to be too harsh on her >.<