
H i 6ㅐ5 c h 0 0 l Rㅇㄷ k z [on hiatus unless requested to continue]

Everyone packed up their stuff and waited for the bell to ring to go to their next class. When it finally rang, all of the students shuffled out and to their sixth period. As you entered your freshman science class which was home economics, you and spot Mi Nyu and Yong Ki waving you over. You walk towards them and sit at the sink/counter they were at. You started talking when the bell rang, signaling the begining of the class session.

"Hello everyone, I will be your home ec. instructor for this year. I am Chief Kang." she introduces. "As you all know, students do not take science, chemistry, or biology their freshman year, so you will be taking this home ec. class. Now, some of you may think it's all free food and cooking but I will be teaching you more than just that. There's a reason it is in place of your science class rather than history or math. Cooking is science. In here, you wil be learning the basics of chemistry so that next year will be easy for you. There are many safety rules you must follow but ofcourse you will have a lot of fun in this class."

As she walked over to her desk, she continued, "Right now, I'm going to pass out the syllabus as well as a list of the safety symbols and what they mean. You're going to need to know these because in two days, you will be tested on them and if you don't get a hundred percent, you'll have to keep taking it until you do. The reason why is your safety is our number one concern. Until everyone gets a hundred, know one will be permitted to cook anything."

Going back to stand at the teacher's desk in the front after passing out the papers, she said, "Don't worry too much about it though. This class should be fun so we try to make the quiz as easy as possible. It's probably going to be the easiest thing all year long."

"And now," she says, walking behind her desk and taking out a try of colorful pastries. "You all get to try macaroons! They're an Italian cake like pastry. Once everyone passes their safety quiz, this will be the first thing we will be making. Can I have two students help me pass them out?"

She got two girls in the front of the class to help her. As they worked together to give one to everyone, Chief Kang talked about the macaroon.

"They originated in Italy and spread to France and America. The word itself means a small, sweet cake. There are many types of macaroons. The one you are trying today is the coconut macaroon but in America, the most popular type is a small, colorful cake like sandwhich and you can put many different things in the middle, such as ice-cream or frosting."

"This is really good!" you exclaim, taking a bite out of your coconut ball.

"Ofcourse, it's Italian." Yong Ki says.

"Ms. Kang, will be making things other than pastries this year?" Mi Nyu asks.

"We most certainly will. But it won't just be all about pastries, I will teach you how to male full course meals from all cultures around the world too." was her reply.


I'm back! :D I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING MISSING IN ACTION >.< after cst's, finals and commencement kind of snuck up on me...and I. Etween I've had auditions and concerts to prepare for. Aish~I'm a busy busy girl xD anyways, I know this chapter is kind of like a filler but I promise the next one will be amusing :) THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME x3

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honeydrizzle #1
I loveeeee this!!
shujun #2
Chapter 5: Seobie plays ninja?!? Haha~
Update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #3
Chapter 4: Haha~update soon..hwaiting !!!
jewia_yang #4
Chapter 3: Aww haha poor yoseob :3
Shouldn't have bit her/me xD
shujun #5
Chapter 3: Haha~cute n it..^^..
Update soon..hwaiting !!!
shujun #6
Chapter 2: Cant wait to know what happen in drama class..^^..
Hwaiting !!!
jewia_yang #7
Chapter 2: I hope drama class is going to be epic :)