Let's Get Physical

H i 6ㅐ5 c h 0 0 l Rㅇㄷ k z [on hiatus unless requested to continue]

After recieving their P.E clothes and changing into them, the students all met in the gym and took a seat in the bleachers as instructed while the P.E teacher talked about the rules and what would be happening throughout the year. After introducing himself as Coach Jun, he told everyone to get into groups of six so that we could play volleyball for the rest of the period. Upon hearing groans from several of the girls, he decided to make it optional: you can play if you want to.

"There are six of us and six of you guys, let's play boys against girls!" Yong Ki said enthusiastically. 

"Okay, but don't be disappointed when you lose." Doojoon announces. 

"Lose?" you ask innocently. "What does that mean?"

"It's not in her dictionary." Yun Chi plays along.

"We are so not loosing to boys." Mi Nyu says.

"It's okay ________" Yoseob says patting your head. "We'll teach you a new word today."

You slap his arm making him give out a very unmanly eep. 

"Let's get this started!" Junhung calls out, already on the court with the ball in his hands.

"Rock, paper, scissors for first serve." Gikwang says to which Yo Jin calls out an enthusiastic "oh! Oh! Me! Let me rock, paper, scissors!" 

She and Hyunseung battled it out, best out of three.

She won ofcourse. And so you all got into formation and Yo Jin served the ball. Over the net it went to Dongwoon. He hit it back towards Hara who bumped it to Yun Chi who set it, and you spiked it over the net, causing it to bounce on the ground. 

"One, zero!" Yong Ki cheered.

"What is this?!" Dongwoon yelled out. " How can such a small person spike like that?!"

"Oh, I'll show what else this small person can do." you threaten as you started marching over to the guys side.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" Dongwoon yells as Mi Nyu hold you back, saying "we should just continued our game."

Yo Jin serves once again and Yoseob bumps it back.  Hara jumps for it and hits it over. Junhyung bumps it back but doesn't make it over the net.

"Two, zero!" Yong Ki cheers again. 

Yo Ji serves, Hyunseung sets it, and Doojoon spikes it back. Both you and Yong Ki dive for it and bump into eachother. Hard. You both pile on the ground and the ball bounces. As the girls gather around you to make sure you two were okay, the guys cheered for the point they made. Getting up and brushing yourselves off, you and Yong Ki get back into position, fired up about winning the game. Yo Jin serves again but used too much strength so it bounced out. The boys cheered and highfived.

"Ugh, two, two." Yong Ki said.

"Come on guys, let's do this." Hara said.

"Yea, we have to win!" Yun Chi pumps.

With renewed fire in your eyes, you play the tiebreaker game. It went on forever, back and forth the ball went. Going to each side as your teamates hit it to eachother and then over the net. Until finally, the ball was set and you saw your chance to end the game.

"MWAHAHA EAT THIS!" you yell as you spiked the ball with everything you had. Dongwoon, Gikwang, and Hyunseung all dived for the ball but they were to late. The ball bouce off the ground with so much force there was ALMOST a dent and hit Yoseob making him fall over. And for the second time that day, he was on the ground because of you. You and your friends all burst into happy cheering when you notice that all of the other students were cheering also. They had stopped what they were doing to watch the heated match but none of you noticed because you were so focused.

As Junhyung draped one of Yoseob's arms around his shouler to help support him, Yoseob said, referring to you, "That lady is crazy. She's way to violent for her own good."

"Yea, we've had to deal with her since first grade." Hara said good naturedly, making everyone laugh and you pout.

After that, everyone sat down in a circle to rest and talk and get to know eachother better. You notice that Yo Jin kept looking at Doojoon and unoticibly blush whenever he referred to her. You whisper this to Yoseob who was next to you and he smiled knowingly.

"They've been good friends since sixth grade. I wouldn't be suprised...and Doojoon is the only person I trust Yo Jin with." he whispered back.

"I feel evil don't you?" you ask.

"Definitely." he said.

"What's happening? What are you doing? Why do the both of you have villian smiles on you faces?" Hara demanded.

"Oh, I'll tell you later. You'll love it though." you answer, smiling as your group begin walking back to the locker room to change.





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honeydrizzle #1
I loveeeee this!!
shujun #2
Chapter 5: Seobie plays ninja?!? Haha~
Update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #3
Chapter 4: Haha~update soon..hwaiting !!!
jewia_yang #4
Chapter 3: Aww haha poor yoseob :3
Shouldn't have bit her/me xD
shujun #5
Chapter 3: Haha~cute n funny..like it..^^..
Update soon..hwaiting !!!
shujun #6
Chapter 2: Cant wait to know what happen in drama class..^^..
Hwaiting !!!
jewia_yang #7
Chapter 2: I hope drama class is going to be epic :)