
H i 6ㅐ5 c h 0 0 l Rㅇㄷ k z [on hiatus unless requested to continue]

You walk into your fifth period history class with Hara and Yun Chi. You were very happy to find out later on that Yoseob and Junhyung were also in this class. You talk quietly in the back as the teacher discusses what would be happening through out the year.

"Tell me now," Hara whispers to you.

"Tell you what?"

"What you guys were oh-so-secretly talking about in P.E."

"Oh! Yoseob and I are joining the matchamking business," you announce proudly.

"...Unnie, are you drunk?" Yun Chi asks.

"No we're dead serious." Yoseob says with a grave expression at first but couldn't hold it and burst out laughing.

"Mission number 001: Yo Jin and Doojoon," you tell them.

"Do tell us more," Junhyung says.

"Well you know, we were sitting and talking and then all of a sudden! my little eyes spy Yo Jin and she keeps looking over at Doojoon and then Yangderella told me they've known eachother since the sixth grade."

"Yah!" Yoseob exclaims, forgetting he was in class.

"Yang Yoseob, if you're going to talk to your friends do it quietly and at least pretend you're paying attention."

"Oops, haha, sorry Ms. Seol."

"I'll only forgive you because I approve of your hair." she jokes, causing everyone to laugh.

"Why thank you," he says, sassily fluffing his bangs.

"Okay now sit back down." Ms. Seol laughs.

As she trails off again, Yoseob takes a seat.

"I like her," Hara declares and you all agree. "So what were we talking about?"

"These weirdos wanting to attempt to get Yo Jin and Doo together." Junhyung tells her.

"I am totally NOT weird, I'm comepletely normal. Cuz if you're not weird that makes you weird so techniquely that's weird so weird is actually normal."

"Yea, that's totally normal," Yun Chi says while Yoseob says, "In our language please."

"Aish whatever you guys." you turn to grab the syllabus that was being passed back.

"But seriously, you just met us and Yo Jin, how do you know what to do so it won't look suspicious?" Junhyung asks.

"Ah~you're such a pessimist," you laugh. "That's why I have Seobbie."

"Yup, Gimyohan here has me there's nothing to worry about."

"Yah 'Gimyohan?!' you exclaim. "I'm not 'weird'!"

"Okay class," Ms. Seol announces. "As you already know this syllabus will tell you everything you need for my class this year. I'm giving you three days to get your supplies. If you have any questions come ask me. For now, you can talk amongst yourselves as long as you keep your volume down so that you don't disturb other classes."

Hara, Yun Chi and Junhyung went to ask the teacher a question about what notebook they should get.

"So," Yoseob says. "Should we set them up?"

"Yea! We could, uh, invite them out to eat or something and then not show up!" you say, excited.  "You ae a mastermind."

"Why thank you," he says, standing up and bowing before plopping back down.

"Let's get them to meet up at that new frozen yogurt store," he continues. "What was it called...Pinkywiggle?"

"Pinkberry." you laugh.

"Yea that place."

"Okay, we invite them there and not show up, do think it'll work though?"

"Definitely, Doojoon would totally buy her yogurt."

"What if...while looking in his wallet for the money...he finds two tickets to Neverland amusement park expiring that day?" you say with a mischievous look.

"Oh my gosh, you are evil." he pretends to look shocked.

"Why thank you," you stand and bow that time.

"My older cousin works part time at Neverland gave me four tickets a while ago but I haven't used them yet because there were only four and five of us girls, seeing how we didn't meet Yo Jin yet. I think their going to expire in about, I don't know, two weeks I think? So this is the perfect opportunity to use them! Two for them, and two for us."

"Yea! We're going to Neverland!" Yoseob cheers, jumps up and starts dancing around before stopping. "Wait, we're going to Neverland?"

"Well yea, if we don't go, those other two ticket will be wasted. And besides, are you really willing to set them up and not spy on them?"

"Oh heck to the no."

"Didn't think so." you giggle.

"We'll just have to make sure we're not seen." he pauses for a second. "WE'LL BE NINJAS! :D" he announces triumphantly.

Just then, the two girls and Junhyung walked back and hearing him scream that and seeing Yoseob in his wierd 'we'll be ninjas pose' had them cracking up.

"You realize Halloween isn't until October right?" Hara teases.

"What are you talking about? Where'd Halloween come from? We're gonna be ninjas." Yoseob says innocently.

"Don't ask." you tell them.


Annyeong readers! ^^ (if there are any more out there >.<) i know i haven't updated in a while but its CST time again :/ i hope you enjoyed the chapter though! :D

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honeydrizzle #1
I loveeeee this!!
shujun #2
Chapter 5: Seobie plays ninja?!? Haha~
Update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #3
Chapter 4: Haha~update soon..hwaiting !!!
jewia_yang #4
Chapter 3: Aww haha poor yoseob :3
Shouldn't have bit her/me xD
shujun #5
Chapter 3: Haha~cute n it..^^..
Update soon..hwaiting !!!
shujun #6
Chapter 2: Cant wait to know what happen in drama class..^^..
Hwaiting !!!
jewia_yang #7
Chapter 2: I hope drama class is going to be epic :)