
Polar Opposites


Changmin had finally found Yoochun flirting with some girls during lunch. He scoffed and grabbed the shorter male by the arm and pulled him off to the side.

"Jesus Changmin, I was about to get their numbers." Yoochun raised an eyebrow at him and the taller male rolled his eyes. "Listen, I need your advice."

Yoochun's brown orbs widened in a mix of shock and suspicion. "Wait, what? The great and almight Shim Changmin is asking me for advice?" Without thinking he reached up and placed the back of his hand against Changmin's forehead. Now thoroughly annoyed, Changmin frowned and swatted away Yoochun's hand. 

"I'm serious."

Yoochun stared at the younger male for several moments before he nodded. "Alright, what's the problem? Don't tell me it's that tomboyish commoner girl..." He started but Changmin quickly cut him off with a glare. "Alright shutting up."

Giving a satisfied nod, Changmin then unconciously rubbed the back of his head in nervousness. "Not that I can't do this by myself but I was wondering if you knew the best way to win a girl over and get her to like you."

'It must be that commoner girl...'

Sighing Yoochun reached up and rubbed his temple. "Have you tried gifts and flowers?"

"What do you mean? Isn't me even willing to date her enough?"

Yoochun blinked slowly before he sighed. 'Dear God...'

"Okay, what you need to do is find out the things she likes. But it doesn't hurt to present her with flowers and perhaps a gift or chocolate. You have to be nice to her and show her you care about her. Keep it up for a few days and she'll be putty in your hands."

Changmin tilted his head to the side in thought. "That...that actually makes sense." With a determined look in his eyes Changmin quickly turned around and left the cafeteria.

"You're welcome!" Yoochun shouted after his retreating form.


You let out a soft sigh and closed your locker. Pausing for a moment you tried to gather yourself. Last period had been horrible. You could constantly hear people whispering about you behind your back and you swore a couple of girls had been glaring daggers at you the whole time.

Turning around you took a step forward but immediately collided with someone. The familiar scent of heavy perfume filled your nose and you fought back a gag.

"Yah! Watch where you're walking!" 

You winced slightly at the voice before looking up at the girl who had confronted you before. "You're in my way you brat."

Frowning you closed your eyes for a second and took a deep breath. You were already on edge and really did not need someone to go prodding at your weak bubble. But to your bad luck, trouble came looking for you.

"Listen, I'm not in the mood..." You stated softly.

"Tch, like I care? I told you to stay away from Changmin. But do you listen?" She emphasized her point by poking you in the forehead with every word. 


You would have hit her or pushed her aside but you already felt fragile from all the bullying earlier. You could feel tears burning and threatening to fall but fought them back. 'Like hell I'll give her the time of day''

"What? Nothing to say? You think you're better than me don't you, you little ." 

At the curse your eyes widened and you looked up at her. "Listen I-"

She immediately cut you off. "No you listen. I don't know what hole you crawled from but I suggest you go back to it and don't show your ugly face around here anymore. You're an eyesore, and I bed the only reason Changmin has shown interest in you is because you're so dull and plain looking he thinks he can easily get some fun out of you. You're worthless, you don't even have any money and you think you belong with him? Hah, don't make me laugh. You're nothing but a bug to him, someone he can get his kicks with and when he's done he's going to toss you to the side like you don't even exist anymore. So why don't you save us all the trouble and go find somewhere to die."

As she spoke your eyes widened at her cruel words. No one had ever spoken to you that way before. Your cheeks were stained red in embarassment and a tear you had been fighting to hold back slid down your cheek.

Feeling victorious the female standing before you scoffed and crossed her arms. "What are you going to do now? Cry? Pathetic..."

Biting your bottom lip your hands formed into two tiny fists and you silently turned and walked away from her. Her friends that had been standing nearby jeered at you and complimented the girl on her words. 

"Soohyun you're amazing!"

"You sure told her!"

"I bet she's going to go home and cry!"

As you turned the corner you bumped into a firm chest and let out a mix between a gasp and a whimper.

"Yah watch where...oh it's you. I've been looking for you. Here."

Suddenly a boquet of roses was held out in front of your face and you stared at them in shock before looking up at the person in front of you.

It was Changmin.

He looked slightly nervous and was biting his bottom lip as he stared down at you. However his nervousness was quickly replaced with surprise when he saw your flushed cheeks and glossy eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" He questioned nonchalantly as if he did not really care.

His tone of voice caused you to finally crack.

"I hate you..." You whispered so softly Changmin had to strain to hear.


"I hate you! It's your fault my life  is now a living hell!" You snarled glaring daggers at him as tears streamed down your cheeks.

Changmin looked surprised and taken aback. His mouth was slightly parted and he looked as if he didn't know what to say. He had never seen a girl cry before him but the sight of you standing there, breaking down caused his heart to hurt. He unconciously reached out to touch you but you took a step back and let out a whimper.

"Just...just leave me alone..." You murmured before running past him and out of the school.

Changmin stood staring at the spot where you had previously been. The hand that was holding the bouquet slowly fell to his side.


After the tears had dried somewhat you found yourself sitting in the park that was near to your school. Thinking back on what just happened a few more tears wet your eyes. Why did Changmin have to find an interest in you? Why had your life just gone to hell?

You were so frustrated and hurt by what that girl Soohyun had said to you. Whimpering you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your face in them.

"Are...are you alright?" A soft voice questioned nearby.

Blinking you looked up into a familiar face. It was the guy you had beat up while saving Changmin. The same guy you had met at your favorite ddukbokki stand. He had a leather jacket slung over one shoulder and was staring at you in concern in his brown orbs.

Suddenly everything that had happened that day came back to you and you whimpered before the tears broke free and you began to cry.

Junhyung's eyes widened in shock when he saw you start crying. He did not like the look of pain on you. He thought you were too pretty for tears. Without thinking he sat down next to you and held you close. 

Just feeling someone's warmth while you were in so much pain caused you to cry harder and you buried your face in the male's neck as the tears fell unrestricted.

Junhyung silently held you and rubbed your back as you cried out the days frustrations.



Author's note: And you thought it'd be that easy for you and Changmin to get together? Nope! Comment with thoughts about this chapter! I hope it wasn't too angsty for you all. Mianhae~




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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 8: Update
momo_exo #2
Chapter 8: Update soon please~~~ I realy like this story :)
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 8: Oh this chapter was sad. Poor changminie! I wonder when junhyung will realize where he's seen her before!
changmin93 #4
Chapter 8: omo~ poor her. she's having difficult days. i hope she's not hate changmin. he's truly like her. good that junhyung tried to calm her. update soon author-nim. can't wait for next chapter.
changmin93 #5
Chapter 5: kyaa~ finally changmin confessed to her. she's shy. omo~ so cute & sweet when changmin pulled her. but i hate the bunch of spoiled brat girl try to harm her. i know that she will beat them.
changmin93 #6
Chapter 4: changmin like to kiss. please find another hobby changmin. *blush
omo~ seems that junhyung going to find out who she is and interesting about her. keep update. your story is interesting. ^^
omgikwangmin #7
Chapter 8: Andjfkaidhjslajebsjsk. NEW LOVE INTEREST
but I know she'll end up with changminnie...
changmin93 #8
Chapter 2: your story is so cool.
akuhaya #9
Chapter 8: hooray.....
An update again
She cried,,
unbelievable,,that tough girl
Is junhyun will be his rival???
Can't wait the next chapter
authornim update soon
And thank you for updating :)
Chapter 7: Oi Changmin, get to know her first THAN date, THAN tell those bullies to leave her/me be. -w- Update soon. :3