
Polar Opposites

“H-Hey! Wait up!”

You sighed and rolled your eyes. ‘Ugh, why won’t he leave me alone!’ You growled and clenched your hands into fists.

Suddenly you were spun around and came face to chest with Changmin. Blowing your bangs out of your eyes you glared up at him.

“Yah! What’s your problem!?”

Changmin blinked, momentarily surprised by your outburst. He shook his head and tightened his grip on your arm. He then stared down at you for several quiet seconds before he started to lean towards you. Your eyes widened.

‘Is he going to…Oh hell no!’

You brought your foot back and gave Changmin a swift kick to his shin. Changmin howled in pain before he dropped to one knee.
“Yah! What was that for?!?”

“You were going to kiss me!”

“I was trying to show my thanks! Damnit woman!”

“By kissing me?! You’re such a jerk! I’m going home and don’t follow me!” Giving Changmin a final glare before turning around and walking off.

Changmin rubbed his aching shin and watched you walk away. After the pain faded, Changmin stood up and slowly ran his thumb over his bottom lip.



You closed the door behind you and leaned against it. Sighing, you looked up at the ceiling before pushing yourself off the door. “Man…that was so weird. Of all people why did it have to be that jerk! I really should have let those guys beat his pretty boy …”

“You know talking to yourself isn’t healthy.”

You jumped and turned around before a soft laugh escaped your lips. “Oppa, geez you scared the crap out of me.”

Seungho grinned before he playfully ruffled your hair.


“Okay, Okay I get it, geez, what were you mumbling about anyway?”

You sighed and sat down at the island located in the middle of your kitchen. Resting your chin on an upturned palm you proceeded to tell Seungho what happened earlier. His eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of fighting before he shook his head.

“~~~~~ You have to be more careful, I know you can fight but one day you’ll go against someone that you can’t defeat.”

“Aww oppa, I’ll be fine! No one has beaten me yet!”

Seungho smiled softly at your confidence before he turned to walk out of the kitchen.

“Alright but just so you know if anyone hurts you they aren’t going to get away unscathed. No one hurts my little dongsaeng.”

You smiled brightly and nodded. “Mmn! Thanks oppa!”

“Goodnight ~~~~~”

After grabbing a quick snack you went up to your room and changed into your night clothes. Flopping onto your mattress you stared up at the ceiling as today’s events flashed through your mind.

‘Changmin is pretty attractive…that is until he opens his mouth. Why would god gift such a handsome face with such a crappy attitude. Gosh…that guy really irks me. I don’t know why but this feeling in my chest is definitely annoyance at his presence in my life.’
Shaking your head, you snuggled into your blankets and soon drifted off to sleep.


“You did WHAT?!?”

“Shhh Becca! Geez, why are you so loud??”

“Sorry, but wait, tell me again, YOU saved HIM from a gang?”

You slowly nodded before placing a french fry in your mouth. “Yah, there were like six guys trying to rob him or something. I don’t know what that rich idiot was doing in that area at that time of night.”

Rebecca stared at you in astonishment. “Oh my god ~~~~~! You know what this means? You’re like his knight in shining armor! I bet you he fell in love with you as he watched you fight!” She squealed in happiness.

You raised an eyebrow and rolled your eyes. “C’mon Becca, seriously? Me a knight in shining armor? Besides I highly doubt that he would fall in love with a commoner like me, in addition I bet he thought I was a guy at first like that gang did. Man I really should’ve just walked away…”

Rebecca lightly shoved you and opened in shock. “Don’t say that! You saved Changmin. Shim Changmin. Maybe your luck is finally starting to kick in!”

“Yah, she-man.”

You let out a soft groan and glanced behind you.

Sure enough Changmin was standing behind you with one hand in his pants pocket. He had his hair styled up and you had to admit that it really suited him and made him look really good…

Shaking your head you glared up at him. It was then you noticed that Yoochun and Yunho were also there.

“Ugh…what do you want?”

“Is that any way to talk to someone who’s superior to you in all ways?”

“Riiiight, So sorry your highness, please forgive this lowly peasant.” You stated in a deadpan voice.

Changmin raised a delicate eyebrow before he decided to brush your last comment aside. “Ahem, well I just wanted to inform you that you’ll be eating with me and my group from now on.”

Your mouth dropped open and you stared up at him.

He chuckled and crossed his arms. “What in shock? I know, not everyone gets an opportunity like this, you should consider yourself lucky.”

Closing your mouth you frowned before you stood up and glared at him. “Yah! Who do you think you are? Where in that insane pretty boy head of yours made you think that I would want to eat with you?!”

Changmin stood momentarily stunned by your outburst for a second time. You took that opportunity to brush past him. “I’m sorry your highness but my commoners tongue wouldn’t be used to eating such fine things in such pleasant company. C’mon Becca, let’s go.”

Rebecca nodded and quickly followed after you, not before she stole a glance at Yunho and he grinned at her. She blushed darkly and hurried off.

Changmin stood there silently fuming when Yoochun patted him on the back. “Looks like you just got shot down, and in front of the whole cafeteria too! Damn dude…what are you gonna do now?”

Growling Changmin turned around and walked off in the direction you had left. Yoochun blinked and looked at Yunho. “Uh-oh I think his highness is pissed…”

“Heh, well I thought that girl was cute but her friend is just my type…”

“What is this? Fall for commoners day? Maybe I should go find myself one.”

“Shut up Yoochun.”

~~~~End Chapter 3~~~

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 8: Update
momo_exo #2
Chapter 8: Update soon please~~~ I realy like this story :)
Kpopgirl808 #3
Chapter 8: Oh this chapter was sad. Poor changminie! I wonder when junhyung will realize where he's seen her before!
changmin93 #4
Chapter 8: omo~ poor her. she's having difficult days. i hope she's not hate changmin. he's truly like her. good that junhyung tried to calm her. update soon author-nim. can't wait for next chapter.
changmin93 #5
Chapter 5: kyaa~ finally changmin confessed to her. she's shy. omo~ so cute & sweet when changmin pulled her. but i hate the bunch of spoiled brat girl try to harm her. i know that she will beat them.
changmin93 #6
Chapter 4: changmin like to kiss. please find another hobby changmin. *blush
omo~ seems that junhyung going to find out who she is and interesting about her. keep update. your story is interesting. ^^
omgikwangmin #7
Chapter 8: Andjfkaidhjslajebsjsk. NEW LOVE INTEREST
but I know she'll end up with changminnie...
changmin93 #8
Chapter 2: your story is so cool.
akuhaya #9
Chapter 8: hooray.....
An update again
She cried,,
unbelievable,,that tough girl
Is junhyun will be his rival???
Can't wait the next chapter
authornim update soon
And thank you for updating :)
Chapter 7: Oi Changmin, get to know her first THAN date, THAN tell those bullies to leave her/me be. -w- Update soon. :3