The Return

Super Drama


Make-up, check. Hair, check. Stage outfit, check. Nervous, check. That last one needs to be unchecked. I've done this before, why am I being like this? I've never performed in front of people whom I have lied to. 
"Ready?" Biho walks in. 
"I think so." 
"Good. Tain Kong," Biho looks around."Where is he?"
"On the couch...." He wasn't there. "That little Monster." I mumble. Freaking out I'm about to start looking for him when I see Hairstylist Unni come in with him. "Where were you?"
Konggie looks at me all innocently. "He was wondering around when I saw him, he ran crying into SJ dressing room."
"King Kong ~!" Konggie pounds his tiny hands against his chest.
"Awww... My cutie, how can I stay mad at you?" I bend down picking him up.
"Yes, it's Omma."
"He's never seen you this much make-up on before."
"I barely wore make-up, with him around."
"Omma!" He smiled brightly giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"My Konggie ~"
"You two are so cute!" Unni squealed. "You also look amazing considering you had a baby." She gestured at my body.
"Thanks." I examined myself in the mirror again. Long Light brown hair, with the extensions it' long, and a flat stomach.
"Yes, cute, nice body. We gotta get you to the stage. Take care of Tain Kong until I get back." 
"I'll be happy to." Unni take Tain from my arms. 
"Let's go."
As I walked through the halls, the way the people around me reacted upon seeing me made my nervousness die down. I was here, where people didn't think I would return, about to show them who I was before the drama. I no longer felt nervous, I felt free and like a bad , but seeing them made those feelings go away. Super Junior stopped in their tracks shocked by my sudden appearance, the cockiness inside me came out welcoming the Idol group with  a strong aura passing by them.
Reaching the staff members they immediately started putting my ear piece in and fixing the free stand microphone. As they were taping on the side of the microphone so it would come off flying I spot Super Junior walk towards where the celebs were seated at. "Rumi in 1."
"A special performance tonight?" I hear the MC say.
"A performance even we don't know about." A staff member guide me towards the lift. 
"Do you happen to know who it is?"
"No!" The crowd replies. Take deep breathes.
"Even I'm curious to who our performer is?" The another MC says.
"Everyone please welcome our special performance!" 
Show time. 
Finishing up the first part of my performance I knew what I was about to say.
"Annyeonghaseyo, Monster Rumi-imida." I bow, Screams go off. "Wow.... it's been awhile."
"De!" I couldn't help but laugh.
"I want to explain something very important you all of you."
"What!" Well dang.
"Donghae and I," I turn around pointing at the picture of Him and the girl they all thought was me. "We..." I felt the eyes of hundreds of people waiting for me to say something. As I gathered my thoughts, I found myself being a hypocrite. I was about to tell them something that could possibly bring harm to Donghae's career, yet I keep Tain Kong a secret to keep that from happening. "We would like to thank you for your love and support for the past two years, We'll keep our relationship going strong." I give them my fakes smile as their screams go off.
After my performance, a rush of happiness ran through me. The crowd was mixed with emotions and actions some fans sang along with me, I saw others crying, some screamed for me to leave the stage, and Idols shocked at my appearance. While getting the microphone and ear piece off of me, I saw 2NE1 next to me preparing for their performance and Super Junior walking towards us.
Either of the groups noticed me, as the staff crowd around me doing what they had to do. Noticing Donghae he looked hot as hell with his bleach blonde hair and looking very masculine with his new found muscles, I need to stop drooling. Looking away I take my mind to Tain, how sane is Biho at this point. My poor Meanager. 
As the staff members leave me, I look back up and see something I wished I never did. Donghae gave Dara a quick kiss on the lip, thinking no one was looking. The girl was Dara, 2NE1's Dara. He went for someone older? I don't know if I should feel offended or Immature. Shaking my head I put up an Emotionless face looking straight I see Kyuhyun staring at me. Smirking I walk towards them. 
"I'll let you decided when you want tell your beloved ELFs who the girl really is." I ignore Dara and stand in front of Donghae. At first he looked shock that I actually approached him but quickly covered it with a serious face. 
"Why didn't you tell them yourself? You had the perfect chance showing the picture and all."
"I have my reasons." With that I glance back at 2NE1 and start walking away from their group. 
"Rumi." I turn around seeing G-dragon. "It's good to see you on stage again." GD says coming up towards me, I can tell his eyes were already checking every part of my body. I wasn't the only one CL saw and she looked a little pissed off about it. A pissed of CL?
"Well I hope Oppa enjoyed, it was my last." 
"How come? Isn't the first song you sang your comeback single?"
"Nope." I flip my hair back, hoping to give my chest a little attention from GD's eyes.  "It was a song I recorded a while back but never used."
"That . I wanted to work with you." He takes his glasses off making it pretty obvious my plan worked.
"." I hear CL mutter.
"Maybe a photo shoot."
"With HaYuJu?"
"The one and only."
"Why won't you music anymore?"
"Oppa," I smile. "I haven't found the right person to give me inspiration."
"What about Don-" I put my finger up against his lips.
"They didn't tell you?" I look over at 2NE1.
"No, why what happen?"
"Jiyong I -" 
"Donghae and I have an open relationship." I tell him cutting off Dara. He smirked at me.
"What's your number?"
"I'll call you." 
"Bye Oppa." I give Ji a hug. Watching him leave, I felt glares killing my back. "Might as well keep your secret from everyone." I told them.
"You shouldn't have done that." Dara steps up.
"As if you have the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't have done. YOU shouldn't have used me as your little cover up plan." I walk up to Dara, mere inches from her face.
"Donghae do something." Eunhyuk pushes him.
"Rumi, We'll tell them the truth, sorry I used you as a cover up." He got me, I felt numb by his words. He slides himself in between Dara and I, pushing Dara towards the other.
"Don't apologize, it makes you sound week." I whisper loud enough for only him to hear me. Looking straight into Donghae's eyes, I sadness in those lakey eyes.
"I'm sorry was to week to hold on to you." He whispered before leaving. Shocked by his words, I started feeling angry at myself for letting his words do that to me.
Although my blood was boiling with anger I couldn't let them get to me; DaraHae my . Just then I found another reason why I didn't want to tell them the truth, it would mean I'd have to face the fact that RuHae no longer exists.Walking through the doors of my dressing room I see my peaceful monster sleeping on the couch, I crouch down giving him a kiss. For a minute I forgot the anger inside me but it quickly makes its way back to my memory. With the anger building up I go change. 
Washing the make-up off, I change into black shorts and a gray Chanel tank top. Leaving my extensions in I fling my hair up into a pony tail leaving my bangs out. One final look in the mirror I look present able to walk a crowd of paparazzi and reporters, I slide on black shades. Putting on my black heels I open the door, about to leave when I hear a soft voice call after me. 
"Omma." Turing around I see my Konggie sitting up right rubbing his eyes. Going towards him I sit next to Tain bring him onto my lap.
"Omma will see you later. I have to go do something, okay?" He nods his head no. I embrace his small body.
"Me want Omma." He mumbles into my neck, holding on tighter. 
"My little monster, I'll buy you ice cream if you let me go. You want ice cream?"
"Yes." He pulls away. Setting him down I give him a quick kiss and ruffle his bed hair. 
"Yes, I'll be back." Giving him another kiss on the forehead I run out the door only to see Kyuhyun standing right outside in the hallway. Shocked I jumped back a little. 
"Is it his kid?" He asks. Ignoring is question I walk past him. 
"Does Donghae know?" Kyuhyun come running behind me. I continue walking away. "Yah! Rumi!" I cover my ears trying to get away from him. A hand reaches out  grabbing my wrist turning me around. "Listen to me!"
"Let go." I pull my wrist out his grip. Turing around I rush outside, the hot air hit against my skin. 
"Is the kid Donghae's?"
"No!" I don't see any reporters to save me from Kyuhyun.
"Didn't you learn your lesson from last time." The nerves he has. 
"This is different." I admit.
"How?" I stop walking.
"My career is already ruined. Why should I pull him down with me."
"Your Career is ruined? Didn't you see all your fans who were happy to see you?"
"Kyu," I face him. "What if they find out about Tain Kong?" He stays quiet. "Not only will it affect Donghae and I, SJ will come down with us." 
"We trust our fans, they will understand. They accepted RuHae, why can't they accept Tain Kong?" 
"Would you accept someone who stood in between you and the person you love."
"They accepted you."
"I'm just a girl friends, and I was an Idol to top that. They probably just that we were using each other." Kyuhyun slaps himself on the forehead.
"Sometimes I wonder how you made it in this world with those thoughts of your."
"Whatever." I  walk away trying to find my van, so I can get out of here.
"Do you still love him?"
"I'll never stop loving him." I feel Kyu's arms wrap around me.
"Then why are you accepting the fans to stand in between your happiness?"
"Because I have my new happiness." I turn around, his arms never moved.
"Tain Kong is going to need a father." I ignore his statement. 
"Kyu you cannot tell him or any of the other members. Promise me you won't." 
"I promise, but can I see him." He smiles. 
"You're bipolar." I Push him.
"What! He's my neph-" A door opens. Looking at the black van, that came out of no where, eyes stare, full of anger glaring at us. 
"Kyuhyun!" Eunhyuk yells. "What the hell?" I look at Kyuhyun then at the others, mostly Donghae. He looked angry?
"I was talking." Was all Kyu said before he push himself past the blockade. Jumping from the door slamming I watch as the van turns into a small ant. 
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.