Drama To End All Drama Part II

Super Drama
Nothing more is known of the situation? It seemed to me they knew everything, down to ever detail even the argument I had with the lady who gave birth to me and Tain Kong being my son. To which him being my son had nothing to do with the actual drama going on, but I can already see it being a whole to dilemma. I was about to cuss out the lady on TV, when a phone ringing grabs my attention. All our heads turn towards Kangin who answered the call.
"Hello...Hyuk slow down....yes....okay we'll be right over." Kangin sighs then a grin appeared on his face. "Donghae's awake, we're a loud to go over."
"What do you mean by 'Donghae woke up'!" I stand up, but fall back down from dizziness.
"Kyumi, calm down." Kyu rubs my shoulders, while Ryeowook comes out the kitchen with a glass of water.
"Drink this." He hands it over to me. Taking it I gulp it down in one shot.
"Now answer me!" I yell. This time even making Konggie jump from the loud outburst, to which he should be use to.
"While you were sleeping...." Kangin started.
"The doctors said that Donghae had gone into a comma, from the loss of blood..." Shindong adds.
"Since then he's been out not responding anything, but he's now awake." Ryeowook finishes.
"From the time I woke up to now. No one had the courage to be like 'Hey Ru, guess what Donghae is in a coma.'" Tears started coming down my face. "Konggie let's go." I wipe them away before picking up Tain Kong.
"Where are you going?" Kyuhyun asks standing up with the rest of the members. 
"To the hospital. Where else would I be going?" I tell him in a pissed off tone.
"We're going with you." Kangin said. "I'll drive." He grabs the keys from the key holder.
"You can walk or let me drive, unless you brought your own car. Your choice." I look at all of them. 
"You can drive." Kangin sighed.
"You got the wrong keys anyway." I pick up the right keys and head for the garage. Putting Konggie in his seat car, head for the driver side. As soon as the garage door opened I zoomed out and headed for the hospital.
"Yah! You can't wait for us to sit?" Kyu yelled.
I ignored him and focused on keeping my emotion in line. A mental break down is not something I need happening to me at this point. Too much is going on for me to completely lose it. We arrive at the hospital greeted by reporter and the paparazzi surrounding my car. I park my car directly in front of the hospital entrance. Everyone starts getting out, when it hit me. The last time I was in the hospital was when Appa died. I always get bad news when ever I come to a hospital. 
"Rumi, are you coming?" Shingdong asks me.
"Y-yeah, you got Tain Kong?" I slide on my black shades to protect my eyes from all the sudden flashes.
"Ryeowook got's him." I nod my head and open the door pushing a couple of the paparazzi over. Trying to fight your way through a crowd of camera people is like running through water, almost impossible. Shindong came to my rescue guiding me through and finally getting us into the hospital. 
Inside a couple fans sat in the hallways crying, seeing them cry made me want to cry. That the reason their suffering is because of what I did to their 'Oppa'. A girl who was a little on the big side points at me, then charges at me without warning. She shakes my shoulders , hard, and then flings me on the floor. The members try helping me up but I smack their hands away. I deserve to be thrown on the floor, all this is my fault and yet I come out with nothing except for bruise on my thigh. 
"Yah! Get away from her!" Sungmin yells. 
"Look what you did to Donghae Oppa!" She cries out, only making me cry harder.
"I know!" I yell back. "He's not the one who should be in here, it's me!" My body lays on the floor, my hands used as pillows while I hide my face from the them.
"Unni!" She falls to the floor next to me. "I'm so sorry." She lifts me in her arms and starts crying. Never in my life would I have guessed this would happen to me. Me, Monster Rumi, crying in the arms of a fan. Who had just knock me on the floor. 30 minutes later, a whole group of fans were huddled around us crying. I had stopped but felt the need to comfort them. 
"Kyumi," Kyuhyung coughs awkwardly. "Donghae wants to see you." The fans who pushed me onto the ground helped me up. I stumbled at first, but found my balance. Taking Kyuhyun's hand he guides me towards Donghae's room. Upon reaching his front door, my feet stopped not being able to take another step.
"I can't." My knees meet the ground, tears falling 10x worse then any of the other times. Kyuhyun pulls me into his arms rubbing my back calming my nerves. 
"He doesn't blame you. Why do you keep saying it's your fault?" He pulls away making me look into his eyes.
"Kyuhyun... you have no idea how badly I want to run away from all of this. Honestly if it weren't for you guise not taking your eyes off me, Konggie and I would be
half across the world."
"I know. That's why we're watching you." He jokes.
"How can you be joking around at a time like this?" I tell him angrily.
"If you think I'm joking, wait until you go inside that room. Donghae is fine. That's all that matters, you can't be crying like this." He wipes away the fallen tears. "Now are you going to stop and go inside and give the man of your dreams a big kiss." He stretches out his arms to emphasis how big of a kiss I should give him.
I laugh playfully hitting his shoulder. "Now that's the Rumi I want to see. You can be Kyumi to but right now we all need to see you happy." He stands me up before sliding the door open. Kyu walks in first pulling me in right behind him. All you hear when you come into this room is Tain Kong giggling his head off and the members laughing with him.
"Look who I found. She was under a pile of crying fan girls." His joke send the whole room into laughter. This pissed me off even more. I bring hand out and pinch Kyuhyun's side causing him to jump from pain.
"Jackass." I mutter. 
"Omma ~!" Konggie giggles. He was sitting on the bed by Donghae's feet.
"Language, Tain Kong is in the room." Siwon tells me.
"He's heard worse." I laugh at his shocked expression.
"Ru." I stopped laughing at look at the person who called me. Donghae looked horrible yet attractive at the same time. Wires were coming of him, a beep going off every second signaling that his heart still beats. My vision became blurry at the sight of him.
"Ummm.... who's hungry?" Eunhyuk with the rest of the members scurry out of the room leaving the three of us alone. Donghae, Myself, and a confused Konggie. Seconds later Shindong comes back in and grabs him. Now, it was just the two of us.
"Ru, I-" I didn't let him finish I threw my arms around his neck taking in scent. "My side." He groans out.
"Sorry." I stand up straight wiping the tears away.
"Apologizing makes you look weak." He reaches his hand out. I ignore it at first before he starts wiggling it around in my face. 
"Well, I'm the biggest weakling in the world." Tears start running down my cheeks.
"Don't cry." He pulls me down and wipes them away. "It kills me to see you cry."
"I almost killed you." He only laughs. "It's not funny Donghae. If it weren't for me, and the of my mother, you wouldn't be like this." I throw my hands in the air.
"Come here." He motions for me to move to the other side, where is injury wasn't at.  He moves over making space for me. "Lay down." I lay down cuddling next to him. His arms wrapping around me. "Stop blaming yourself. You can blame your mother all you want, but if you are blamed I might as well die."
 (Except she's on the other side and thier looking at each other.)
"Don't say that." I restrain myself from punching him in the face.
"Then don't blame yourself. Arraso?" 
"I'll stop blaming myself." I sighed.
"Good, now kiss me." A sly grin appears on his face. I sit up resting all my weight onto my right elbow caressing his face with my left hand. Leaning in I smile before pressing my lips against his. Donghae deepens the kiss my bottom lip asking for entrance, granting it our tongues collide setting fire works off in my world. His hands work their way down to my lifting me up so I'm straddling him. They come back up bring the fabric of my hoodie up with them. 
"Really? In the hospital?" Donghae and I pull apart as JunJu's voice walks through the door.
"We left like five minutes ago." Sungmin exaggerates. I try getting off of him but Donghae pulls me into a hug. I move my body so I'm back by his side instead of
near the wound.
"You can continue. I'll just be watching this time." ert Hyuk voices is need.
"King Kong is in the room. Stop the naughtiness." Siwon walks in with Konggie in his arms.
"Appa! Omma!" Siwon places Konggie back where he sat before.
"Yah, Hana's trying to make more babies." Yuhan laughs out as he seats on JunJu.
"Get off of me!" JunJu tries pushing him off.
"The one who wants more babies is Donghae Hyung." Ryeowook corrects my brother.
"We are going to get kick out because of all of you." Cinderella walks in with Teuk annd Yesung Oppa right behind him.
"Cinderella!" I leave Donghae's side and jump on Heechul.
"I've missed you too Monster." He hugs me back before placing me back on the floor.
"Oppa ~, what are you doing here?" I rub Yesung's shaved head.
"I wanted to see you Rumi." He smiles bringing me in for a hug.
"Yeah, like the person you've known forever and who you love isn't laying in a hospital bed." Yesung laughs before leaving me to go by Donghae.
"Rumi, how have you been?" Leeteuk ask me giving me a smile.
"You really want me to answer that." I glare.
"No!" The whole room says. I just laugh, finding their reactions hilarious.
"Ru, come back to me." Donghae whines. I roll my eyes and go over to him.
"You're worse than Konggie." I slap his arm.
"Let's have more babies." Donghae puts an arm around my waist.
"No more babies are coming out of this for a while." 'Language' and 'Is that necessary' go off in the room.
"Then just marry me."
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.